
Thursday 13 October 2016

Raindrops on roses . . .


These are a few of my favourite things . . .


Time spent with friends.  I don't have an abundance of close friends, but the ones I do have are really special to me, and the ones that Todd and I share together are even more special. Its nice to get together and talk about the things which are happening in each other's lives.  To laugh together.  To cry together.  Just to be together.  What are that words to that song?  "People who need people are the luckiest people in the world."   I agree!


Chex Mix, Bits and Bites, whatever you want to call it.   I just love this savoury combination of crunch and nuts and moreishness.  I try to make some every year around Christmas time.  Its a bit of a challenge over here as we don't get Chex cereal, but I make do with shreddies and bit sized shredded wheats.  Oh, and cheerios.  Its all good!

Vintage Greeting Cards and Post Cards.  Christmas, Halloween, Easter, Valentines . . . Birthday, just because.  It doesn't matter.  There is something so very special about the simplicity of them and the charm.  I just love them.  Do you remember when you used to be able to buy a box of assorted cards for every occasion?   It has been a very long time since I have seen one of those.   I always loved them because you had a card for every occasion at your fingertips and ready to go.  I don't think a lot of people send cards anymore, which is a shame.  Its lovely to get a card in the post.  It always brightens my day.


Source Butter Heart Sugar
Gingerbread creations.  Especially the ones done in just white.  I used to do this when my kids were growing up, build them a gingerbread house every year.   Do you remember when the Christmas Issues of magazines always had a Gingerbread House on the cover, and a pattern inside to make one?  My favourite used to be the BH&G ones.  I spent hours on my creations.  They were so much fun.  Now my grandbabies are doing the same with their dads and mums.

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That does my heart good.

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Building Jack O Lanterns.  I think I will buy a pumpkin this year and we will do a Jack O Lantern.   Todd thinks they are pagan . . .  and they are, but I always think that something is what you make of it and if you don't make it pagan and just a Jack O Lantern, then that is what it is.


Did you know that over here they used to carve turnips??  They must have had very strong fingers and hands.  That would be so hard!

Isn't this a beautiful Teddy Bear?  Its by a teddy bear artist named Joanne Livingston.  Its incredibly lifelike!  I love teddy bears.  I have two and I adore them. A sweet pink one my friend Lura gave to me and a lovely tatty old brown one my friend Rachel sent to me.   They have pride of place in my bedroom.   I used to make Teddy Bears.  I have not made one in a while.  I should make some more.


Pin cushions.   I remember one year for Christmas my mother's cousin Lydia McNayr sent us chair pincushions made from tin cans and my sister and I just loved them.  She used to send us the neatest things. (Once it was glow in the dark Jesus pictures.)  I have always loved pin cushions.  They are right up there with buttons and polka dots!

This may sound conceited and I am sorry if it does, but when I look back at some of my artwork, I really love my artwork.  I love creating these little girls and characters.   I wish that I could turn them into dolls and figurines.    They make me smile and when I am up in my artroom, creating, I am in a small piece of heaven on earth, lost in my own little world.


But I even like the ones that aren't little girls and characters like this Goldfinch.   I love painting birds.

Birds make me happy too.


Baby anything  . . .  even polar bears . . .


Braided hair.  I wear my hair in a braid every day.  I do pin it up at the back with a hair clip however.  There was a woman in the Tabernacle Choir last conference that had a crown of braids and I was in awe of it.  I just love braids. 

I have never been able to master these new fishtail braids, but a lot of the Missionary Sisters wear them.  They must do them for each other.   There is something very tender about a braid  . . .

Love them.


He loves me and I love him.  I would totally do this if I could . . .

A gaggle of geese.   I saw a flock of geese flying overhead yesterday . . .  south for the winter.  Their cries echoing through the crisp autumn air.  It touched my heart in a special way.   To think that this happens each year because of instinct . . . .  it speaks to my heart of God.

Clocks that tick and gong.   Todd and I both love these  . . .  we have four, one being a cuckoo clock.  We also have a little girl clock . . .  she sits on a swing beneath the clock with is a German chalet and her swing is the pendulum . . . and then my kitchen clock is a teapot with a teacup pendulum.   I love them all.  There is something very sweet and homey about the ticking of a clock.

tick tock tick tock . . . .


Yarn  . . .  I love winding it into balls.  There is a sense of peace that comes from methodically winding it around and around and around until you have a lovely hard round ball  . . . a ball you can stick your needles into.   Oh, I do love to see a bowl full of balls of yarn with a kneedle or two sticking out of it.  Don't you?

Bows and lace . . .  lace and bows  . . .


Yes . . .  you shall go to the ball.  I believe in fairy tales . . .

The Madonna . . .  I love statues of the Madonna . . .


Rosaries.  I don't have one but I wish that I did.   I bought one for my father at Lourdes.  I wish I had bought one for myself as well.  There is something special about fingering beads while you pray . . .  I am not sure what it is.  But I like it  . . .

Hydrangea blooms  . . .  any time of year.

And those are a few of my favourite things for this week. What are some of yours?

A thought to carry with you . . .
Never ruin an apology
with an excuse.
~Kimberly Johnson

Spiritual Enlightenment 

There is a mish mash of this and that in The English Kitchen today  . . . including these delicious Fresh Berries with White Chocolate Sauce.

Have a beautiful Thursday . . . may you never forget . . .

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And I do too!!



  1. Good morning Marie. I lov eour stories today. MY favourite today is the red breasted robin. We don't have them but they look so sweet and inviting. We often see them on cards at Christmas.

    I have a story to share. When we were children all my cousins were given rosaries for Christmas. My brother and I were not (probably because we are not Catholic) and we were so upset. Soon after we were both given one. I hope it is still around but it was in one of the things that my ex wanted to keep. I have since learned to use the beads but I have grave doubts about praying the Hail Mary.

    May joy fill your day and I ask God to bless you.

  2. Oh, I don't pray the catholic prayers Suzan, just my own, but I love the feel of the beads in my hands. I will have to save up for a rosary I think! I love the little British Robins. We don't have them in Canada either. Canadian robins are much larger and not so pretty, but we love them anyways. Love, hugs, joy and blessings to you too! xoxo

  3. Many of your faves are mine Marie:)
    You pick such pretty pics is right that you look at your art and like it..I am nowhere near as talented as you and some things.I have done I like..mostly things w/ the boys in them..when I get lucky.
    Your birds..your dolls..all adorable.

  4. Thanks Monique! Your art is so beautiful. You have a beautiful eye for everything you do. I am not a very patient person. I can tell you are a very patient perso! Love and hugs. xoxo

  5. What's chez mix Marie ?..don't think I have ever heard of that.....I love your ...favs. As usual many of your favs are mine as well.!!....have had a busy day today as usual on a Thursday I help up at the coffee and chat we were quite busy this morning which is good. I just stay in the kitchen and look out observing all that goes on. It's amazing what one can see and hear by just standing quietly well of course as serving up the coffees and's my Thursday mantra...Hello, Cappachino ? Latte !, Mocha ?, ordinary Coffee,? Decaf ?, tea?...then someone is sure to say don't you have any orange juice !!!....we do though I never mention it unless I'm asked, I think they have a good enough choice especially as they get lovely cakes etc etc and we only ask for a donation and it amazes me how many can walk out without even glancing at the plate !! going to have an early night Peter and I leaving around 8 in the morning, I havnt even put anything in my bag yet LOL...hope to see you soon. Take care and have a lovely weekend. Xxx

  6. Its a type of cereal snacking mix Sybil. very moreish! Your Coffee and Chat sounds lovely. I hope you have a great time away with Peter and look forward to seeing you soon! xoxo


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