
Saturday 3 September 2016

Saturday this and that . . . .

With the first of September came a new moon . . .  sailing into the sky with bright stars streaming in her wake, thin and slight and skipping over foaming silver crested clouds . . .  stealing quietly through the heavens over city, field and vale.

I think the  moon is a miraculous vessel of the night.  A drifting, floating fairy thing.  This tiny bow of light that would drag oceans from shores, compel great waters, deep and wide and hold in check the surging seas, setting the rhythms of the tides.

Its pretty amazing when you really think about it.  So many think that all of this happened by accident.  How could that be so . . . that all of this which surrounds us and which guides our days and nights . . .  that it could all be just a fluke, from the smallest tiniest thing to the largest and most magnificent.  To me it all speaks  to me of a magnificent creator . . . given as a gift to his most beloved of all His creations.  Us.

"There is no God!  the speaker cries,
 Don't let your thoughts be chained;
This universerse evolved itself,
The world is self-contained.

Just then an urchin in the crowd
A skilful pebble throws
Whch accurately lands upon
The athiestic nose.
"Who threw that stone?"  the speaker roars;
At which the cockney elf,
Intuitively keen, retorts,
"No one!  It threw itself!"

So a patheric casualty,
Discomfited and worse,
Goes home to medicate upon,
This causeless Universe.
~Author Unknown 


I got  a surprise package in the post yesterday.  A late birthday gift from my oldest son.  Art supplies.  Two canvases and some brushes, gesso, paints and a palate.  He has great faith in me.  I haven't set down with my paints in a couple of weeks now. We have been so busy with other things . . .  sorting out the sheds while the sun shines, organizing the house in our cause to downsize, missionary work.  Sometimes life gets in the way of creativity.

I haven't had time this week to practice my calligraphy either.  I have new nibs my fingers are itching to try out.  But alas it has all had to wait . . .

And today I have to finish preparing the lesson I have been asked to teach in Sunday School tomorrow on prayer.   Actually it is finishing the lesson that began with the regular teacher last week.  She is a very good teacher and I have very big shoes to fill . . .  a bit nervous about that, but all I can do is my best.

My DNA test arrived this week and I collected my DNA and sent it off to be tested.  I am so excited about that.   I can't wait to see the results of it.   I have some ideas in my head about what my DNA is, but I am sure I will be surprised.  Its all very fascinating and so, so interesting.  I had to spit into this vial and fill it up to a line.  Its not a lot of spit, but its amazing how long it took to fill it.   Maybe my mouth was dry from excitment.  I don't know.  I finally did it, shook it with the stabilizer liquid, sealed it up and sent it off.  Now I just have to wait.



This week we have been enjoying fresh tomatoes from our garden.  They taste so amazing.  I had forgotten how a fresh garden tomato tasted . . . I am going to plant some again next year.  And maybe beans again also, but not peas.  You don't get many for the effort when it comes to peas.  You would have to plant a whole field full I think.

I baked a cake this week from a recipe I found on Pinterest.  It was for a Lemon Pudding Cake and it was a total flop.  Seriously.  A TOTAL FLOP.  Don't make it.  I threw the whole thing in the garbage it was such a terrible cake.   I don't know what happened.  It just didn't work for me and I am a pretty good baker.   Put me in a real funk.  I don't like it when that happens.  I'm used to things working out, lol.  It was a greasy, oily, heavy mess.  YUCK.

Todd is taking the car in this morning to get the repairs done on it.  We are very grateful that it was only the shock absorbers and not anything more than that.  I am sure all of your prayers and happy thoughts helped.  Thankfully we had been putting aside some  money and it came to juse enough so we can cover it.  If it had been much more we wouldn't have been able to.     There goes the holiday fund again, lol

Oh well, the fun part of having a dream is, well, having it  . . .  and we can have the fun of saving for a holiday all over again.  ☺

I am prattling now, so I'll just end this off now with a thought to carry with you for the day . . .

I like to think that 
from heaven’s point of view, 
there are no borders. 
God sees each of us as His children 
no matter where we live. 
He is our “homing impulse.” 
We feel drawn to Him 
because He is our Father, 
and heaven is our home. 
~President Dieter F Uchtdorf

I do love me some President Uchtdorf.

Spiritual Enlightenment

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In the English Kitchen today  . . .  Coconut Cream Pie.  And it is very good too.  Pie for breakfast isn't a bad thing is it?  I'm a pie for breakfast kind of a gal . . . probably why I look the way I do.  ☺

I wish for you a wonderful Saturday.  Happy Labour Day Weekend to my North American friends.  Wherever you go and whatever you get up to, don't forget . . .

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 And I do too!!

Be safe and be happy!


  1. Good morning my darling.

    What a fun parcel to receive. I think your sone was most thoughtful. I am sure he is waiting to see some works. I am glad you had some money aside to repair the car. As for that cake. How dare it defy your skills. Seriously, have you ever tried a Lemon Delicious dessert? I love it but have rarely made it as you need more lemons than I can ever afford.

    More unplanned spending as Pip announced the need for a circular skirt for tomorrow's rehearsals. I had a feeling deep inside the girls would be asked to practice in a skirt and asked her to pull out her old skirt from when she was 14 a few weeks ago. The waist is too small. Mum is going to try adjusting the waist but then she is worried it will be too short. I am sure it would do for practice. I see a lot of sewing ahead and I dislike machines intensely.

    God bless your day. Love you too.

  2. Yes, Suzan, I think I will have to do him a special painting with some of this stuff he sent! A method to his madness? Perhaps! lol I love Lemon Delicious. I love lemon anything. I was so annoyed the cake didn't turn out. Such a waste of ingredients and some of them hard to come by over here in the UK. Ouch about Pip's skirt. Hope you get it sorted out! Love and hugs. xoxo

  3. Fresh tomatoes are the best ! I often just have a slice or two on a sandwich. Our growing season is short and it won't be long now till we won't have them at all. Happy Saturday !

  4. I hate throwing away something I have made..yet yo know it happened to me recently:) :( The smile is with empathy ..the frown for how I felt..

    Marie..the gifts your son sent♥♥♥
    Your tomatoes are outstanding!

  5. We are really enjoying them Pam! You are right about the short growing season! Hope your weekend is a nice one! Xoxo

    Thanks for the frown and the smile Monique! Like you I hate waste! Time, ingredients, efforts! I love my tomatoes! Some are a bit odd shape Do! Xoxo

  6. What a lovely present to get from your Son, he sure recognises how gifted his Mum really is. Hope you can get back into the painting mode again soon...glad to get the update on your DNA I'm looking forward to hearing all about the result.....hope today has been a good one and that the car is home and in good order now...What a wet afternoon evening we have had, hope you have escaped it. They say much better tomorrow, we live in hope !!...have a wonderful Sunday xx


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