
Thursday 1 September 2016

Raindrops on Roses . . .

These are a few of my favourite things . . .


Noodles.  Any type of noodles.  Flat ones.  Skinny ones.  Curly ones.  Straight ones. With sauce.  Without sauce.  With just butter and salt.  With cheese, without cheese.  I just love noodles.  Kind of ironic however that I am married to a man that cannot stand noodles of any kind.  sigh . . .

Colour!  I love colour.   I have always loved colour.  In paints, in crayons, in pencils, in inks . . .  around me, on me, just everywhere.  I think if I had to choose between having my hearing or having my sight.  I would choose sight every time.  Colours are associated with feelings, tastes, sounds, etc.  At least they are for me.  Yellow is sunshine and warmth and sour  . . . pink is bubbly and sweet and very soft . . . maybe I am a tad bit cuckoo?  Do ya think?


September is one of my favourite of favourites when it comes to months.  As a child I always associated it with the beginning of school and I loved school . . .  new books and notebooks, pencils, crayons, shoes, maybe a new dress, new class, new teacher . . . as an adult I associate it as being the beginning of one of my favourite seasons, autumn . . .  with the changing colours, smells, textures, etc.  Already the leaves are changing and it has happened seemingly overnight . . .

Autumn it is my favourite time of year  . . .  air that smells of apples and burning leaves . . . that crisp feeling.  The sound of children back at school and playing in the playground . . .  crows . . .  the sound of geese flying over head, and south for the winter  . . . hot drinks that taste good again . . .  soup . . .


I am nuts about  . . .  nuts!  I love  nuts.   I could not pick a favourite because I love them all.   I like them plain.  I love them roasted and salted.   I love them in my granola.  I love them on top of crumbles.  I love the act of cracking them.  I love them honey roasted . . .  candied, in brittles . . . coated in chocolate.  I love them any way I can get them.  Although probably the best way to eat them is naturally, like a squirrel, even if it isn't the tastiest way.


Toasted crumpets, fresh from the grill and spread with cold butter  . . .  all of that tastiness soaking into every crevice and pore of that crisp yeasty surface . . .  crisp on the outside, spongy on the inside . . . with a nice hot cup of herbal tea.  The perfect way to while away a moment in time  . . .

A well made bed and the way it feels when you drag your aching bones and crawl into it at the end of a day.  I confess that I think I must have been a princess in a previous lifetime because I cannot stand even a nubbie on the sheets.  If one is there I will feel it right away and I must get rid.  A small grain of sand or a crumb feels like a huge boulder.  I cannot stand wrinkled sheets, not in the least, and I like my covers tucked in tightly at the end of the bed around my feet . . .  soft sink into pillows and mattress . . . just like a cloud.


The smell of oranges and cinnamon, cloves and anise  . . . nutmeg, ginger . . .

WAIT!  That is the smell of Christmas!  It is a cosy smell.  A homey smell.  A family celebration smell.  I love, Love, LOVE it!!

Image result for Mitzie, And Then We All Had Tea

Mitzie-doodle hugs . . .  they're the best.  She really snuggles right in and you can feel the love.  Pure.  Simple. Unconditional.  True.


The art of P. Buckley Moss.  I have always loved it.  I also love the art of  Nancy Noel.

This is one of my favourite pieces.  I also love the one of the little Amish girl holding a white cat and the one of the Amish girl with the cows.

Image result for Mitzie, And Then We All Had Tea

Creating anything  . . .  dolls,art, baking, crocheting, knitting, cooking . . .  just creating.  It is my happy place.

And those are my favourite things for this week. What are some of yours?

Please keep us in your happy place today . . .  our car has its MOT today and I have everything crossed it will get through it because if it doesn't I don't know what we will do. We don't have the money for repairs.

A thought to carry with you through the day . . .

Happiness does not depend 
on what happens outside of you 
but on what happens inside of you. 
It is measured by the spirit with 
which you meet the problems of life.
~Harold B Lee

Spiritual Enlightenment 

  photo DSCN8820_zpsmh24jhhc.jpg

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Teriyaki Chicken Drumsticks.  Tasty, tasty!

I hope that you have a wonderful Thursday! Be happy and be blessed! Don't forget . . .

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 And I do too!!


  1. Good Morning Marie.

    I have prayed for your car. I hope it passes everything and that your purse strings are given a little rest. I am saving for my car registration and it is almost a fortnight's money. That is huge bill for me.

    Today has been a strange day. I took mum out for fish. She loves fish and really hasn't been very well this winter. To today we sat in the sun and feasted of freshly cooked fish and salad. We generally go to this shop or should I say this family run shop. They have always treated my allergies seriously. But today within minutes of finishing my bottom lip started to swell, the roof of my mouth felt like it was lacerated and I had lumps and itches all over. Thankfully there was a pharmacy or chemist as we call it next door and I was able to control the reaction with over the counter medicines. Foolishly I have eaten dinner as my bsl was low and my mouth is on fire. Time for more tablets as the itchies have started too.

    But after that I went to buy my usual supply of pills and to pick up something I had ordered from a local shop. I fell in love with a flannel quilt there. I am thinking of a way to save for it. Sadly I don't have any flannel in my copious stash. Then my regular quilt shop lady sent me a text so I went to that shop too. Lots of pretties in my day and only some little things were bought. I was very much in control. I am reminding myself I need spending money and airfare home from my Queen Mary trip.

    Now onto your post. That white quilt is exquisite. Wouldn't it be a slice of heaven to snuggle under it? Enjoy those precious snuggles and cuddles. They are so important for us physically and mentally. My mother doesn't like pasta. I just ate the left over pasta from Wednesday night. I love the stuff too. The smells of Christmas are similar in our household. We even have some hurricane lanterns that I fill with cinnamon sticks, cloves, star anise etc. and the put candles inside. It looks lovely at night. It really is time to steep fruit and begin cakes and puds. It is way too hot to eat them but we do Yorkshire style with cheese and cake.

    God bless your day darling girl.

  2. Thanks Suzan, I have everything crossed here. The car seems to be in perfect working order but then I am not a mechanic! So sorry your allergies kicked in. What a way to spoil a lovely meal out! And just when things were going well too. (((hugs))) I will probably be making my Christmas Cake and Pudding soon! Love and hugs. xoxo

  3. Your toasted crumpets look like what we call English muffins and I do love them with butter and honey on top. Will say a prayer all goes well with your car. Repairs are very expensive.

  4. I love many of your favorite things Marie..fingers and toes crossed for the car!

  5. Our English Muffins are very different than crumpets Pam. Crumpets are kind of like yeasty pancakes, but toasted, and English Muffins need to be split and then toasted. Muffins are a thick dense batter you can cut out into rounds, and the crumpets need to be spooned or poured into molds, but both are baked on a griddle pan. Thanks for the prayers! Also for your well wishes Monique! The safety for the car was not as bad as it could have been for a seventeen year old car. We need to replace the shocks at the back, so while it is a bit much at over £300 it is not as bad as I was worried it might be! xoxo


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