
Sunday 11 September 2016

This and that . . .


I am sure that I have told you before, but here I go again  . . .  I have the most vivid dreams when I sleep.  I dream in colour and great detail.  They're pretty amazing dreams.

Last night I had a particularly vivid one.  I wish I knew what it meant.  (I think our dreams can tell us things if we let them.)    In my dream there was this man, and he was a nice man.  He was wearing Harry Potter glasses.  He handed me a thick envelope which was stuffed to overflowing with things.  I started to look at what was in the envelope and it was pages and pages of writing, in a beautiful script, mostly in pencil upon lined pages.  The pages were a pale yellow in colour and there were instructions on the pages, such as catch this train at this place at this time and go visit this.  And I said to him, but I don't have the money to do this and he said, don't worry it is all covered.  Every single trip etc. on every page, every event, etc.  is covered.  You won't have to pay for any of it.  Just go and do it.  Its a gift.  Just remember to tell people about it.

In the dream I felt like all my Christmas's had come at once.  Totally amazed and just like you would feel if you had won the lottery.  It was just a wonderful feeling, and then as I investigated the envelope more in depth I learned about the man who had given me the envelope and his history and the history of this gift, but I cannot remember now exactly what that was . . . but I can still see the writing and I can see a photo that was in the envelope of a figurine of a woman looking up towards a large face that was leaning down from the heavens and they were touching lips.

And then I was in my house and my youngest daughter had left a pot on to boil, she was boiling an egg and she hadn't gone to school and I turned off the stove and my oldest and middle sons came running in and they had a gift for me, a frog . . .  it was all knobbly and olive green in colour and I remember feeling a big horrifed that they had brought it into the house and left it on my rug  . . .  then it hopped over and crawled into a crack underneath the front window,  but I could see it in there looking out.  Then I woke up.

See  . . .  vivid.  I almost didn't want to wake up, but I did.

I wonder if this has anything to do with watching Game of Thrones before I went to bed?

Do you have very vivid dreams and do you remember them?   I can remember dreams I had when I was a girl, not a lot, but a few with great clarity.  I am not sure what that says about me, if anything at all.  I used to dream about bears a lot, and stair cases and flying.

I flew home on a loaf of bread once.   It was a loaf of store bought bread in a bag and I was holding onto the tail end of it as it pulled me through the air flying home from the store.

Another time I dreamt that I had a certain doll and it seemed to be so real to me that when I woke up I went and looked in my toybox expecting it to be there, but  . . .  of course . . .  it wasn't.  Cue extreme disappointment here.

Here is a question one of you might be able to answer.    On facebook, is it possible that you can block someone from seeing your posts and still keeping them as a friend?  So that if they look at your page they will not know you aren't seeing their posts, but they will just think that you haven't posted anything new?  ie.  hiding your posts from someone without them knowing it?

I am just wondering.  I don't want to hide my posts from anyone, but there is a family member who used to post a lot, several times a day, and all of a sudden there is nothing from them, although my feed says they have two new posts, or one new post, etc. when I go to look, there is nothing new there.  It has me baffled.  And then if it is possible to do that I am now thinking why would they do that to me?

Wierd.  Maybe I am just being paranoid.

I best leave you with a thought for the day  . . .

Someone once asked me,
"Why do you insist on always 
taking the hard road?"
I replied,
"Why do you assume I
see two roads?"

Spiritual Enlightenment

 photo DSCN8978_zpstqk1rhid.jpg

Baking in The English Kitchen today  . . . .  Nan's Blueberry Cake with a Brown Sugar Sauce.  This cake is delicious served warm with the warm sauce spooned over top.  You could also add a scoop of icecream for an even tastier treat.

I hope that you have a beautiful Sunday filled to overflowing with love and blessings.  Don't forget . . .

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 And I do too!



  1. Hi Marie. You definitely have weird dreams, I never remember any of mine!! Yeah you can block someone from seeing your FB posts without blocking them. Seems a strange thing to do though. Lots of love xxx

  2. Good morning Marie. I don't know about your facebook question. Sorry.

    Yes, I can have very vivid dreams and generally they are nightmares. I still remember one that was so bizarre I woke up doubting my sanity. I still won't share that one. I dream in colour too. I understand dreaming in colour is more prevalent than it used to be. I wish you peasant dreams tonight.

    Enjoy your Sunday. God bless you and keep you.

  3. Its really wierd Kate. And its my new DIL. I didn't think she had a problem with me, but apparently she must. I noticed it the other day, and it's been ongoing so . . . oh well, not everyone can like us. xoxo

    Thanks Suzan. It was quite a nice dream actually, except for the frog! God bless. xoxo

  4. No clue re FB..:( ask a FBooker..I do get to peek but not post etc..I just have no desire to be on it..I find too much is shared..we are watching 2 series on NF..that are both troubling..Brendan Coyle is in one..let me just say he is the polar opposite of Mr Bates.and Jacques is NOT watching's Dexter gone bad..I think at 62 I am safe to watch it although it goes against me wholeheartedly.I may give up..

    the other is American Crime..we watched season 1..and now season 2....the premise..involves posting fotos on social media..teens:(

    I am glad I did not grow up w/ FB etc..I think I would have cried my eyes out.:(

    You are so good to remember all your dreams!!

  5. Oh, I will have to look that one up Monique. I remember Brendan Coyle being in a Catherine Cookson film based on one of her books a long time ago when he was very young. He was a stunner then. I am not sure I would want to watch him being bad, lol. I am glad we didn't grow up with FB as well. I doubt I would be here now. Love and hugs. xoxo

  6. No idea how Facebook really works Marie...which is awful really when I think about it. One should know about that sort of thing. Even if your Not seeing these posts it might not be that your DIL has actually blocked you, she might not realise either...we can't tell....Anyway it was good hearing about your dream. It is something I very rarely ever do...dream...not that I can remember anyway. My sister Sarah was good at dreaming and could even wake up and go back to restart the same dream !....hope you have had a good day..It's been nice down here after church my niece Beth her husband Max and the new little puppy ?...Floppy.....came over. Masy does not want to know anything about the wee intruder ! She curls her lip as soon as the wee one comes near her..we hope that one day they might be friends or even just ignore each other. Floppy is just 15 weeks now so has a while to grow before she calms down ! It's amazing how quickly we forget how our own wee ones behaved....night night God Bless xxx

  7. Oh Marie! You do have vivid dreams. You could continue this dream and create a story. Actually as far as the facebook question. I think my granddaughter's posts dont appear on my newsfeed very often so I wonder why. I can still go into hers and sometimes there will be a post on mine. I actually restricted my Nephew from mine. His stuff doesnt appear on mine, but I can continue to go on his and give comments. His stuff is awful but I can find things I can like once in a while. I'm sure he knows. He does comment on mine once in a while. I know that doesnt answer the question. Blessing and hugs for you dear friends!

  8. Oddly enough Sybil, Mitzie doesn't really like other dogs much either and especially puppies. I think it is because they are too rambunctuous! Also they are very seldom around. I think if they spent more time around she would come to enjoy and play with them. Or is that wishful thinking? I don't know! God bless! xoxo

    I do LeAnn! Oh, I have a few people on my feed that I don't like to see their posts also, and I only ever very seldom check on them because they can be quite vulgar, or posts about animal cruelty, etc. I don't like seeing that stuff. Once seen its in there and I hate having that stuff in there. God bless and hugs right back! xoxo


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