
Wednesday 21 September 2016

And so it goes . . .

I have a reaally sad tale to tell this morning.  Yesterday when I went upstairs to take my shower, Todd decided to play with the air filter in the fish tank, which sits on the top of the computer desk.  (I just know you are cringing now, I can feel it.)  I had left my lap top open and on the pull out shelf below the top of the desk.    He neglected to shut it and push it back under.  I know  . . .  he didn't do it on purpose, just wasn't thinking I suppose.  In any case . . . . he fried my laptop.  I have lost everything.  All of my photographs, my art . . . everything.  I am not quite sure how I am going to recover any of it.  I am hoping that if I leave it open to the air after a few days it might dry out enough so that I can somehow get them, but we will see.

Its not all bad news however.  I ended up getting a new laptop with the money we were saving for a new refrigerator.  I didn't really need one anyways. (The refrigerator.)  The old one works perfectly fine.  It just has a stupid water dispenser on the door that I don't like and that doesn't work and that takes up an enormous amount of space that I would rather have for other things, but that's okay.  The computer is what is needed now more than anything else.  It is windows 10 and I am on a huge learning curve again, and I am hoping, really hoping that I am able to recover some stuff from the old computer.  In the meantime this is me saying, sorry for the short post today.  Hope to be back tomorrow with something new and exciting and happy.  In the meantime all is not lost.  Todd has high cholesterol, so some diet changes needed there, but that was better news than it could have been at his age, so we feel blessed there.  And he will never do that to the fish tank without making sure all is safely tucked away again. 

God bless your day whatever you get up to.  Don't forget . . . 

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And I do too!


  1. Good morning Marie. I am so very sorry about the accident and the death of your computer. They really do become an important part of our days. We have had photos etc taken off old hard drives so perhaps there is a little luck there.

    Most of my day has been filled with dad's 80th birthday. He had a huge cake which fed everyone in his unit. There were pieces left over for the afternoon and night staff. After that I popped into a patch work shop and bought some hanky linen. That is what it is called here. It isn't as fine as handkerchief linen but it is great for embroidery I am told.

    God bless your day and lots of love.

  2. So, so sorry Marie. Hoping and praying you can retrieve all your saved goodies. Lots of love xxx

  3. I can remember a time when I didn't think anyone would ever need a computer Suzan, but now I cannot imagine not having one! Shows how far we have come! Glad you had a nice birthday with your dad. I have never heard of hanky linen. Would love to have some to embroider on. I will have to look for it! Love and hugs. xoxo

    Thanks Kate, me too! Lots of love back! xoxo

  4. I'm glad you were able to replace your laptop. I'd be making sure the tank and the computer were set far apart from each other. Like in another room! A new system is always a little bit different, but I'm sure you'll learn those quickly. Basically every thing is the same.

  5. I am happy also that you were able to replace the laptop..both Jacques and I use them for so many things..part of our lives..
    I hope you regain your things too!

    I waterd a plant over a tv years and years and years got it..fried..and times were tough:(
    Now..stay out of trouble today you two ok?:)

    Fingers crossed.

  6. I was able to get on the old computer and save a few things today, but a lot of the keys are still not working, so it was very tenuous. I will try to get more off of it tomorrow. Thankful for what I did manage to retrieve!

    You are right Pam, the two things are living in different places now! I could could not bear for this to happen again! xo

    LOL MOnique! That is basically what my face looked like! It is so disheartening when you see money having to be spent on something like that when it was a careless thoughtless accident. Nevermind. No point in crying over spilt milk! I am waiting for the third thing now. They say things happen in threes. First the car. Then the computer and what next?? Lets pray it is nothing! xoxo

  7. Oh dear , Marie - my first thought was the demise of your fish! Perhaps you'll retrieve more from the old laptop. I remember reading of immersion in rice to save mobile phones; you'd need quite a lot for a laptop. My fridge is old but serviceable; I've had it since 1959, when my elder daughter was a baby. Dry your tears - I hope Todd isn't feeling to bad about the whole business xx

  8. Don't worry Bunny, Todd is a.o.k. Although I was sad about it, he was even sadder. No blame was laid. It happens. I could have done the same thing. (Although I probably wouldn't have, lol) You are right, I would need a really BIG bag of rice. You hang onto that old fridge as long as you can! They don't make em like they used to anymore. If you have something that old and it still works, it is probably better than anything you can buy today! xoxo

  9. I didn't want to say that..we have the same expression in if you need to follow the saying..break a nail;) She's got a face worth a million words.♥

  10. Ahh, I will have to do that Monique! Flu shot and Dentist tomorrow! I have my fingers crossed! Xo

  11. Oh my goodness Marie, it's a wonder you both didn't have a heart attack !! I spilt a full mug of coffee into my lap top in panic ....if I remember rightly.....I lifted it and shook it to try to get the coffee out then closed the lid....apparently according to my late Nephew in law....but he said to claim it on my house insurance, not something I thought about....I did and they paid up without any if you have house ins. Please give them a ring, if they don't pay up, you won't have lost anything....mind you your L comment to Moniques about today's visit to the dentist really would have me freaking out LOL you know my love of the dentist !!! Hope all goes ok with that visit. I am pleased that Todd is good health wise for his age....just that colestriol ? Spelling !!......and I'm sure they would say most of us should watch out for that, so long as he feels ok that's the main thing....take care today. XXX

  12. Just re read the message above Marie, forgot to say that my late nephew in law said that was totally the wrong thing to do...he said I should have left it open and untouched then it might have dried out, so I hope your one does just that dries out.....but at least you've got a new one, good luck with that...I also bought an external thingy so I occasionally download into that so I don't have that same fear of loosing a lot...xxxx

  13. I can really relate to losing photos and precious information when a computer is down and ruined. I am so sorry to hear that dear friend. I am happy you could at least get a new one. Oh I am sure Todd was devasted too; bless his heart. Blessings and hugs for you both!

  14. I havd left it open to dry all week Sybil, and all these days later I am still unable to type anything on it. I can use the mouse however and have slowly been uploading and transferring things while I still can. I doubt it will ever come back totally, which is sad, but lesson learned. It was quite an old laptop anyways, so I was probably due a new one. I was told to store things on the cloud, but what that is and how to use it I have no idea! People tell you these things, but a bit of instruction would be nice! Love and hugs to you, Mary and Masy! xoxo

    Thanks LeAnn! I think Todd was more upset about it than I was, as he hates having to spend money! Blessings and hugs right back! xoxo


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