
Wednesday 17 August 2016

Wednesday ponderings . . .

No bird can fly
without opening its wings,
and no one can love
without exposing their heart.

We've been enjoying a program on the BBC, called "Highlands, Scotland's Wild Heart."  In the Summer edition we learned about Guillemots, often called Penguins of the North.  Pairs of these birds mate for life (quite like the penguin), lay a singular egg each year on the ledges of high cliffs  along the seacoast, and then protect these eggs by tucking them beneath them, quite like the penguins do.   They stand about on these cliff edges in huge clusters, making very penguin like noises and raising the chicks once hatched.  The parents then take it in turn to fly out to see to catch small fish to feed them.   It was quite fascinating to watch.

What was really amazing though was that these baby birds, unlike most baby birds leave the nest before they can fly and have to take a massive leap of faith as they plummet over the edge of the daunting precipice.  They call them "jumplings."


The male bird lies in the water offshore and calls to the chick to encourage it down from its ledge. They make a very loud 'whirring' noise and the chick, recognising the call, plucks up the courage to jump into the unknown, some 400 feet or more into the ocean. The chick has to leap out far enough that they don't hit the rock face on the way down, or land on the rocky edges of the water, but into the water itself. What a trememdous amount of courage and faith this must take . . .and trust.

In order to fly . . .   a baby bird must be willing to open their wings and leap . . . and in order to love, we must be willing to open our inner most self to another . . .

This, too . . .  requires courage, faith and . . .  trust.  To enter a relationship without first opening your heart is like jumping off a cliff without opening your wings.

It is true that a baby bird might hesitate for a moment the first time out of the nest, but once it tastes of the air, it is in their very instincts to open and rise and close and land . . . a natural law that works beautifully.  This is their life and should be ours also.


In not trusting . . .  in not revealing our inner selves . . .  in not taking that leap of faith in another, we risk never having the power to lift and to land, for it is only in exposing what we hide close to ourselves in our hearts that we allow these tender things to become our wings and help us soar beyond that which we felt ourselves capable of.  I contend that . . .  it is always worth the risk.

A life or a love only half lived is . . .  only half a life/love.

Just my thoughts this morning.


What a gorgeous day it was here yesterday.  Todd spent half the day raking up the trimmings from the hedges.  What a lot there was.  It would have taken about 20 trips to the tip to get rid of them, so he started burning them.   We have about half of it gone now.  Much much faster.   I love the smell of burning leaves and wood.   Such a comforting smell.  I spent the day doing a deep clean on the bathroom.  I went through all the cupboards and drawers, getting rid of anything that was out of date or not being used.   Todd had ever so many shower gels for men, etc. that had a thick layer of dust on them.  He doesn't really use the stuff, preferring instead to just use soap.  I got rid of those and a few other bits and bobs.  The exhaust fan in the bath hasn't worked for months, and so the bath has a tendancy to grow black molde, which is most annoying.

The floor is a special pebble textured material and the mold also grows in between all of the pebbles.   I usually spray it once a week anyways with a special black mold remover, but yesterday I got down and scrubbed.   There is a disabled chair in the bath which folds down from the wall.  You cannot imagine how many nooks and crannies there are in one of those!  The stuff you see when you are down on the floor looking up is amazing!   Sometimes we need a  completely new perspective in order to really do a good job!   I felt really good about it when I was done, and then I managed to go through my book cases and get rid of another 20 or so books.  I'm getting there!


The most beautiful card and gift of lovely recipe note pages arrived all the way from Tatiana in Greece.


Just look at that beautiful calligraphy/handwriting inside.  I wish  . . . my handwriting has gotten too sloppy.  I need more practice.

A thought to carry with you through today  . . .

"In a dating and courtship relationship, 
I would not have you spend five minutes 
with someone who belittles you, 
who is constantly critical of you, 
who is cruel at your expense 
and may even call it humor. 
Life is tough enough..." 
~Jeffrey R Holland

Spiritual Enlightenment

 photo DSCN8561_zpsiqqima5w.jpg

In The English Kitchen today, perfectly delicious Oven Baked Spicy Chicken Tacos!  Scrummo!!

Have a perfectly lovely Wednesday.  Don't forget!

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And I do too!


  1. Good morning Marie.

    It seems you were very busy yesterday. We aren't allowed fires here as the risk of bushfire is so high.I would love a fireplace too. Enjoy all those leaves and smells for me pretty please. We have mould problems too. The darn stuff has grown on wallpaper of all things. Tatiana's work is exquisite.

    I was able to go out with my cousin and her son today and it was as refreshing as a holiday. Little boys are so precious.

    God bless your day.

  2. I have made oven tacos before but have never had them with chicken. When I had children at home it was much easier to fix them this way when you had to make so many. Maybe I should try out your recipe. Have a wonderful Wednesday!

  3. We had rain so I was in a bit of an organizing mode/mood..pantry..fridge..etc..the last2 rains..that and watercoloring:)I bet you felt great after doing the bathroom..I love getting rid of unused things..except crafts of course know what I mean:)

    Have a great day..Tatiana's gift is precious:)

  4. Mould is a pesky nuisance Suzan! And so unhealthy. I expect alot of yours is caused by your very humid climate! I am glad that you had a refreshing day out with your cousin and her son. As you say, as good as a holiday! xoxo

    I hope you do Pam and that you like them! Hope your Wednesday is going well! xoxo

    Oh, rain, nice Monique. I know you were wanting some! I know exactly what you mean. Great minds and all that! xoxo

  5. I am so pleased that you got so much done gives us such a feeling of satisfaction...When Pam was over on Monday we went into the back bedroom to make up the bed etc for Maggie coming and we went into the blanket box and I got a lot of bits and pieces tided out, mind you they were just moved ! Into yet another box under the bed ! But the things put in there are all being gathered to sell at the church pre Xmas sales October, November and December..we try to gather bits throughout the year that might sell also like Todds aftershave stuff Mary and I get loads of bath stuff we never use, they get put in the blanket box! Anyway it's now tidier so Maggie can put things there also emptied one drawer that help mostly jewlery that hasn't seen the light of day in years they are now in, The two of us are sure in the tidy Mum used to love the smell of bonfires, my BIL Mitch used to call us to say he was setting a bonfire and Mum insisted I got the car out and took her over, just so she could ..sniff...the burning wood etc etc....hope you have enjoyed today as well. Looks like the weather may start to,change tomorrow so we have to make the most of what we have had....

  6. There is such a sense of satisfaction that comes with a clear out Sybil! I never thought of the church box! I usually just send it all to the charity shop! I love the story about your mum and Mitch and the bonfire. God bless you all! xoxo


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