
Monday 29 August 2016

Small and wonderful things . . .

"The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny?...It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. what you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard

A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life. It's the small things in life which truly mean the most. Simple abundance . . . it's the best.


I came across this photograph of Maryn this morning.   It is hard to believe that next week she will be starting school, a huge milestone in any child's life.  The years have just flown by.  I hope I get to see a first day of school photo.  She is a delightfully engaging little girl.  I know I am somewhat biased, but I think she is just so beautiful and intelligent.  Mind you her mother is also, so this apple hasn't fallen far from the tree.  I love her to bits as I do all my grand babies.

Being able to serve others in whatever way that I can.   It doesn't really take a lot of money or time to do things for other people, even small and simple things can make a difference.  It can be as easy as picking up the telephone and calling someone you haven't seen in a while to see how they are doing, or it can be as complicated as helping someone with their decorating . . . .  donating time to a worthy cause, volunteering in the community in which you live, helping out a neighbor . . .  seeing a need however small or large and doing your best to help lift the burden of another.  Even a kind word.  A smile.  A hug.

Every little helps.


Our lesson in Relief Society yesterday was based on a talk by Bonnie L Oscarson, entitled Do I Believe.   It was taught beautifully and I got a lot out of it.   I love lessons that make you think and ponder things.     I really love my church.   There is no place I would rather be on a Sunday morning, truly.  I am not just saying that.  It is an integral part of my week, and if I happen to miss a Sunday, then I feel like something important is missing.  I love being able to renew my Baptismal covenants and ponder on the Saviour's atonement when I partake of the sacrament each week.   I love listening to the talks and hearing people's thoughts and impression on things.  Yes, even the talks which are delivered poorly.  I am always able to take something valuable from them.  I love listening to the testimonies of others.  I love the lessons.  I love being in the company of other like-minded believers.  I just love the whole experience.  There may come a day when I won't be able to get to church, either due to old age, or ill health or whatever  . . .  my hope and prayer is that I will have fed myself enough spiritually up until then that it will sustain me when this happens.

But I really hope and pray that this never happens.


How many people waste their lives looking for happiness, never realising that it was already theirs?  I know a few people like that, without naming names.  They have spent their whole life looking at the other side of the street and wanting to be there, rather than where they are.   Inevitably when they get to the other side of the street, it also doesn't fulfill them, and they continue to search and to chase.  The pot of gold isn't really at the end of the rainbow, its right where you are.  Joy in life comes not from wanting the things you don't have, but in wanting and appreciating the things that are already yours.

I am grateful that I have a grateful heart.


Phone dates with friends from afar.   I love these.    I had one on Saturday with my friend Val who lives in Colorado.  We are truly kindred spirits.   I just enjoy these calls so very much.  We have never actually met in person, at least not here on earth, but we feel as if we have always known each other.  Lucy Maude Montgomery had a name for those types of friendships.  She called them Kindred Spirit friendships.  I am grateful for all the kindred spirit friends in my life and the special connections we have.

Yes, you can have more than one.  Its okay.  Do you remember when you were a child and you thought you could only have one best friend?   Life is so much more than that.   Why limit yourself?

Friendships.  I am grateful for each and every one.

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Puppy dog snuggles.  Where would I be without them  . . .

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Each one of you and your lovely comments.   You make my happy place even happier, and I thank you for that.

A thought to carry with you through today  . . . 

Sometimes I need only
to stand where I am
to be blessed.
~Mary Oliver 

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In the English Kitchen today  . . . .  Crockpot Marinara Sauce.  Quite simply delicious!

I wish for you a week filled with abundance. Please know that . . .

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And I do too!


  1. At present I have been revisiting some Anne books on my Kindle and you have also reminded me of the race of Joseph. I am up to Rilla of Ingleside. I keep putting it down because I don't want the pain of the ending.

    Today we were blessed with a beautiful day so we took dad out of the nursing home. Some kind lady told me how sweet I was with my dad. We also met a lovely couple who had brought a baby and a toddler out here for a holiday. I am so glad they have our weather. We were told our winter in nicer than summer in Dublin.

    We are home now and poor Pip is being nagged to death and is unable to please granny. She is also in trouble for opening the wrong Easter Egg. Easter was over months ago. Nothing is right today. We have been to three supermarkets looking for a specific jam. It doesn't seem to be available. The world is ending.

    God bless your day.

  2. Oh Suzan, I feel for you. You have to be an incredibly patient person. Truly. xoxo

  3. Poor Pip is really in the firing line. She is trying to read m e a recipe and mum is giving her such a difficult time. I fear a temper tantrum is not far away.

  4. One of those occasions when "Count to Ten" just won't work eh? xo

  5. Yep. Fortunately in 45 minutes I will take her to rehearsals. Praying for peace and common sense.

  6. (((hugs))) Thank God for the power of prayer! xoxo

  7. Goodness Maryn has grown so quickly, I remember when she arrived how excited we were....I'm so pleased that you and I have such a wonderful faith we may have a different way of doing things but we both agree that knowing our loving God and trying to be all he wishes us to be is at the heart of all we do. Yesterday our preacher was saying it was 50 years since he had his first ministry when he graduated and was sent to Armadale a mining village in West Lothian in Scotland..he knows that is quite near where I originated so every time he mentioned something particularly Scottish or used a Scottish word he nodded in my direction and said something like....ask Sybil what I mean later !LOL he had us all laughing. It's no wonder he is one of my favourite preachers....I have had a nice day today the new fridge arrived so I am happy Mary will bring over the odds and ends to put in the freezer part.,,,Pam was over and of course that's always fun, to crown all its been nice sunny and warm. I have just come in now after sitting out for last hour or so.....night night God Bless xx

  8. She is a lovely little girl now Sybil! I remember not too long ago you were saying you were all going to miss your old female paster as she was leaving. I am happy to see that the new one has managed to capture your hearts! Ohhh, I love a new fridge. I am wanting one myself so am very interested in what kind of refrigerator you got. God bless you all. xoxo


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!