
Wednesday 13 July 2016

Wednesday this and that . . .


It actually wasn't raining yesterday afternoon, so I thought I would take a few photographs out front of the house while Todd was taking a few things down to the tip.  This was taken from the pavement/sidewalk out front.  Everything is so beautiful at the moment, with the lavendar in full bloom and all of the hydrangea and roses blooming as well.

We have several kinds of hydrangea.  The ones with the huge double blooms, in both pinck and white and then these purple ones which have a really different type of bloom . . .

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They have these really tight little purple flowers in the centre, which are surrounded by larger white flowers.  Really very pretty.

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Altogether they are gorgeous and put on a really lovely show.

I was trying to capture a photograph of the bees which were buzzing amongst them, their hind legs are bright yellow and swollen with pollen.  They move very quickly from one bloom to another so its really hard to do . . .  there are several different kinds visiting . . . this one was a bumble type of bee, all fat and fuzzy, but with a white bottom . . .


Then there is this smaller type . . .  I believe they are honey bees . . . they love, LOVE the lavender.

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They also love this, but I forget what it is called  . . . its a type of allium . . .

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And of course so many roses in bloom . . .  in all sorts of colours  . . .  I love these peachy pink ones the most of all . . .

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And the wild flower garden at the back is going potty.   Crazy with bloom . . .

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And the Butterfly bush  . . .  the bees love it too  . . .  another one with a white bottom . . .

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And yes . . .  it works.  I got this from Pinterest and tried it  You take the root ends of spring onions/scallions and put them in water and they grow new tops.

Our  newest acquisition.  Its a fish tank.  We don't have any fish in it yet.   We have to do it in stages.  First the tank and the gravel for in it and a few small bits . . .  and then later the fish.  That will give the water time to settle, etc. and our bank account  time to recover, lol.  Actually its just a small one and it was on sale so it didn't cost very much.  We plan on getting a fantail gold fish, a black molly and then about 4 tiny fish.  So not a lot.   We'll also want some algae eaters . . . I could watch goldfish for hours.  Its so relaxing  . . . 


Its tipping it down this morning  . . . you can't really tell how  much from this picture  . . .  but you can see all the rain which is pelting against the back window in the dining room.   I hope it clears because I have an appointment in town for my eyes.   I know they will be putting those drops in that make it so I can't see very well, and it is a very long walk from there to the bus station to get home, so I am praying that its not still tipping it down.  But on the other hand I also don't want bright glaring sunshine either . . .

And we have the Sister Missionaries coming for their tea.  They called last night just as we were getting into bed to ask if they could come over for tea today.  There are three of them at the moment . . . Sister Doncheva is going home next week, so they have sent us a new Sister from the Philippines, fresh from the Missionary Training Centre, so until Sister D leaves there are three.  I am not sure what I will cook yet, but it will all have to be done this morning so I can just pop it into the oven before they come this afternoon, as I won't be able to see very well then!  Exciting stuff!

Oh . . .  and apparently I am only allowed to ask my oldest daughter two questions per conversation we have on chat.   So, once  I say . . .  What's up Buttercup? (my usual greeting.) I only have one left.


Who knew???

She gets annoyed with me if I ask any more than that.   I better rethink this  . . .  and make my two questions count!  No more "What's up Buttercup!"   (She's so funny.  Makes me smile.  Love her to bits.)

A thought to carry with you through today  . . .

There is no greater agony
than bearing an untold story
inside of you.
~Maya Angelou

Spiritual Enlightenment

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In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Parmesan Chicken with an Avocado and Tomato Salad.  Scrumptious!

Have a great Wednesday.   I hope the sun shines on you!  Wherever you go and whatever you get up to, don't forget!

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And I do too!


  1. Good morning Marie.

    I wish I could limit my mother's questions. Just a quick hello for today. It is gloomy here too. Enjoy the sisters visit tonight.

    God bless.

  2. God bless you Suzan. You're a Saint. Love you to bits. xoxo

  3. 2 questions? LOL..
    Made me smile..

    Your gardens are really something..looks so welcoming marie..and how will Mitzi feel about you adopting new pets?:)

    At least they are not furry:)

  4. You have some beautiful flowers growing there. I love summer for all it's beauty. We could use a good soaking rain here. It's been hot and dry. Hope you have a wonderful Wednesday!

  5. Oh my! So beautiful! And the chicken--- yumm!

  6. What a lovely entrance to your house Marie love the colour of the hydrangeas and of course the beautiful roses. That's one thing I can't grow down here I keep trying but they all get a kind of black spot on them and I would have to use stuff every week on them to keep them kind of decent looking so I have almost given up. I do have one mini one in a pot by the door but it's almost leave less....had another great walk this morning with Lyn and Masy....all along the river this time the country walk is beautiful there are so many wild flowers and butterflies etc. Just wish we knew the names of them....we had two heavy downpours but the Lord was looking after us and had on each occasion a lovely heavy tree for us to shelter under....only prob was that it was a bit rough going and at one point I had to get out the chair and Lyn had to push it or I might have landed in a ditch ! We had a laugh though as she managed to avoid the ditch but turned a corner and there was a slope..the chair ran off with her hanging on to it !, when you hand push it it hasn't got brakes ......she then had to comeback and help me round to the chair !! Think we deserved our cuppa at the end of the walk !!....Mitch my brother in law has been over this afternoon so that was nice....have a lovely tea time with the missionary's I know you will feed them well...hope all went ok with your eye test....bye from a nice sunny Box. Xxx

  7. Hi Marie,

    Really hoping that your eye exam went well and you're doing well now and can see properly again. Your garden is gorgeous.... that blue and white hydrangea is magnificent! And I adore bees, they're always so very busy!
    I laughed when I read you only get two questions... as if a mum could only ask two questions! I feel sure you enjoyed your visitors for tea. I'm wonder what you made yummy. We had fish cakes with pickles and salad here. Easy pickings after my first day back to work. We had a wicked old thunder storm last night. As John says, it was most Wagnerian. <3

  8. Oh the dinner plate looks yummy! I do love your recipes. The photos of your flowers are just spectacular. You have so many lovely ones.
    The pictures of the bees were great and it is good they are busy working; I think.
    I do hope the weather is perfect for you after your appointment.
    Enjoy those three missionary sisters at tea. I love being with the sisters. Recently, they took the two sets of sisters out of our Zone so we don't have any. We have some awesome Elders though and MLS couples.
    Hope you had a lovely day dear friend! Love and hugs for you~

  9. Yes Monique, you just have to smile at it. She's so funny. I am hoping Mitzie won't mind the new pets, lol. She has plenty of time to adjust however as we probably won't be able to afford the fish but one at a time and not til next month! xoxo

    Thanks Pam! I wish I could send you some of our rain! Hope your Wednesday was a good one! xoxo

    Thanks Anna! xoxo

    Sounds a tasty supper Noelle! I know a mum and only two questions. It bears thinking about! I have not experienced a wicked thunderstorm in years! We used to have terrible ones in the valley when I was a girl! xoxo

    Thanks LeAnn! The dinner with the Sisters was really nice. We have some great youngsters here at the moment, but then we always do! I love to watch the bees. They are always so busy! xoxo

  10. Sybil, we have had black spot on our roses also. We cut them right back and it did them a world of good! It's a good thing you weren't in the chair when that happened! Oh boy! What a trip that would have been! Yikes! Glad nobody was hurt! Xoxo

  11. The entrance to your home is lovely, especially with the hydrangeas, and I think I saw lantanas. Have a great meal with the Sisters.


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