
Wednesday 27 July 2016

Wednesday ponderings . . .

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Sometimes it just hurts to be in this world . . .there have been mornings over the past few weeks when I have been afraid to open my eyes  . . .  to turn on the computer and be faced with whatever evil is presenting itself with the new day that is dawning.   Every day there has been some new atrocity . . .  some new assault on my sensitive heart . . .  some new unimaginable occurrence that makes me want to cry out and hit my knees, and I do.  Hit my knees . . . and I pray.

I pray for this world and what it is becoming constantly.  I think to myself . . .  enough already . . .  I cannot take anymore.  When did we start hating each other so very much?  Where is the love?  The respect?  Why?  I just don't understand it all, and I know I am not alone in this.

 And I pray some more.

 And then I remember that no matter how much evil there is that exists in this world, there is much more good.   It doesn't shout with a roaring voice, or echo with thunder in the face of the enemy . . .  and we may have to work a bit harder to seek it out, but it is there all the same.   If we believe that it is there and we look for it . . . we will find it.


 Fear walks hand in hand with the enemy.  They are best friends, along with doubt and uncertainty.  I may not be able to understand the heart of someone who perpetrates such evil acts, but I can be a voice for all that is good, and show that in what I say and what I do . . .  in how I react.

If I believe in a loving, kind and caring Heavenly Father who knows me and everyone else by name . . .  then I need to show it by putting my faith in Him and only Him.  People will fail you. Governments will fail you . . .  but God never changes and is constant.  He doesn't blow here and there . . .  flying on the winds of public opinion and political correctness.  Same yesterday, today and tomorrow.

So long as I put my faith in Him and His promises, then I can know that no matter what might happen in this world today, the future is bright, and that ultimately good will prevail.  I can remain calm in the face of the enemy.  Prayer is good,  a very good to start . . .  and it walks hand in hand with faith.

Faith is an action word.

"Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works. Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble. But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead?" ~James 2:18-20

Change begins with me.  And with you.  And with all who are good in this world.  When we live our lives with love in our hearts instead of fear, and by that I mean true love . . .  charity . . . selfless love for others, in thought word and deed, then miracles can happen.    Choose love.  Choose love.  Choose love.

It rained through the night but it is clearing now.  I don' t mind when it rains in the night.  It means I don't have to water the garden and I am somewhat of a lazy person when it comes right down to it.

 Does anything on earth smell nicer than sweet peas in the rain?

Well, maybe not nicer but just as good  . . .


I can think of a few  . . .  can't you?

A thought to carry with you through today  . . .

 ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿
Feeling gratitude and not expressing it
is like wrapping a present and not giving it.
~William Arthur Ward
 ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿

Spiritual Enlightenment

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In The English Kitchen today  . . . an oldie but a goodie.  Something nostalgic.  Rickshaw Rice.  Deliciously simple and economical too!

No matter what the day ahead should bring to you, to us . . .  I want you to know that . . .

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And, I do too!


  1. There is much love in the world and we do need to remember that. We need rain here and I'm watering. Hope you have a wonderful Wednesday!

  2. Hello Marie. I am very late today as I went to knitting tonight. I am glad I did as there was no conversation about the horrors in the world and we all worked on.

    Having said that I found your post touching and reassuring. Yes, God is our constant and our Lord. We need to trust in him and then we shall develop the kind of peace we need to live through these times. I shudder that a priest was slain in his church. I had hoped that humans had risen above such behaviour. So while my head ponders I need to trust.

    God bless you darling girl. Lots of love.

  3. Baby scent:)
    I love new baby scent:)

    Marie..I just finished Lilac Girls..atrocities in all the wars..Hitler..there have been many many just seems that now ..they are random acts of terrible violence..I sound old fashioned and I watch my share of gritty shows..but I can't stop thinking that movies and TV and the net aren't having a definite impact.

  4. I wish we could send you some of ours Pam! xoxo

    Yes, the horrors are awful to consider Suzan and we just need to be able to shut them off sometimes, if only for a few hours. I hate to think of that poor Priest going through what he went through. Such a terrible atrocity and so disrespectful. And when you think that the perpetrator had already been on the radar, and yet nothing had been really done. So very sad. This could have been avoided. xoxo

    I think you are right about that Monique. We are surrounded by violence, on the news, on our "entertaining" television shows and films. We even make a game of it with our video games . . . and then we are surprised and shocked when this becomes our reality. No surprise there. We have raised a whole generation of young people who are desensitized to violence, and who see it as a solution to their problems and who have not a lot of hope with the lack of jobs, lack of direction, etc. Society has failed them. My heart aches. xoxo


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!