
Sunday 3 July 2016

Sunday This and That . . .


We picked up a box of Wonky Veg at our local Asda yesterday.   Asda is the British Equivalent of WalMart here in the UK.   I had heard about these boxes of Wonky Veg but had never actually been able to get one before.   This is what was in it.   Not bad considering it only cost £3.50.  There was a huge lettuce, about six red onions, half a dozen carrots, two good sized yellow peppers, some spring onions, a cucumber, a cabbage and quite a few potatoes.  The spring onions and potatoes were quite dirty, so I had to wash them, which wasn't a problem.  The potatoes were on the small side, but there were only two that I had to pitch because they were green.   I did a lot of trimming on the spring onions, but overall I was well impressed with the veg box on the whole.

In fact  . . .  I would say that I got  more out of this box than I did the last time I ordered an organic veggie box from one of those companies that do organic veg boxes, and you pay a hell of a lot more for one of those!  This was great value for only £3.50.  We had the cabbage as a side with our supper yesterday and I used half the cucumber and some of the spring onions to make a salad.  (Our supper was a chicken pie and oven chips)  I have bought bags of wonky carrots before and wonky onions.  Always great value.

I, for one, am really pleased that our Grocery shops are becoming more pro-active in providing cheaper veg to it's customers, even if it is mishapen, etc  This is stuff which usually gets thrown away because it doesn't meet the normal standards of what customers like to see on the supermarket shelves.    £3.50 for 5kg of produce.  Not sure how much exactly I saved though  . . .  thinking about it.

Let me check the regular prices:

Trimmed Spring onions - £1
Savoy cabbage - 58p
Cucumber - 42p
lettuce - £1.20
carrots - 45p
peppers - 50p each, for a total of £1
onions - 87p
potatoes - £1.99

I haven't added it up exactly, but to buy these things individually it would have been more than £7, so I got my stuff roughly half cost.   That is not a bad thing!


We watched this film last night.   We had both seen it before, but quite a while ago, so we didn't mind watching it again.  If you have never seen it, you should see it.   Its very well done.

In the book, Todd Burpo, pastor of Crossroads Wesleyan Church in Imperial, Nebraska, writes that during the months after his son, Colton, had emergency surgery in 2003 at the age of three, Colton began describing events and people that seemed impossible for him to have known about. Examples include knowledge of an unborn sister miscarried by his mother and details of a great-grandfather who had died 30 years before Colton was born. Colton also explained how he personally met Jesus riding a rainbow-colored horse and sat in Jesus' lap while angels sang songs to him. He also saw Mary kneeling before the throne of God and at other times standing beside Jesus.

The  movie pretty much follows the book very closely.  I, personally, believe in an afterlife and in Jesus Christ.  Many do not.  There are even some Christians who don't like to think of there being a heaven and hell because they think it promotes a reward/punishment type of ideology.   Whatever.

I believe in God and I believe in Jesus, and I believe in Heaven.  And if one exists then so must the opposite.  We see opposition in all things.

In any case this is an entertaining film, well done and there is no swearing, sex, violence, etc.  A feel good film.   I liked it, a lot . . .  even the second time around.


"Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed." - John 20:29

I've never not believed.


I've enjoyed creating a few collages this week.  This one I did on kindness.   I accompanied it with this verse . . . 

I have wept in the night 
For the shortness of sight 
That to somebody’s need made me blind; 
But I never have yet 
Felt a tinge of regret 
For being a little too kind.

That is a verse that President Monson shared in one of his talks on love and the Gospel a few years back.  Kindness costs  nothing, and being kind adds a depth of joy to one's  life that you would never experience otherwise.  I believe in being kind.

I also did this one . . .


Books have always been my friends.

I like doing little things  like this.  Putting together pictures and thoughts, inspirations.  I also started thinking of creating another cookbooklet this week.  I haven't made one in a while.  I am thinking of doing a baking one.   Just on baking.  We'll see.   There aren't enough hours in the day as there is!


Actually I discovered this week that so far this year, in my efforts to downsize, I've given away a whole bookcase of books.   Not the bookcase itself, but enough books to fill it.  And I have more work to do on that score for sure.  Baby steps though, and I am getting there, which is a plus.

Ohh, the landlord's sister and her son stopped by yesterday afternoon to look at our bathroom sink.  We have been having to keep a bowl under it because whenever you pull the plug, the water leaks out from the pipe at the bottom all over the place.  At least that is what it has been doing for months and months.  Do you think it would do it yesterday while they were here to have a look at it?   No way.  DUH!

And so we still have a bowl under it because . . .  its still leaking.  What do they call that???  Oh yeh, Murphy's Law.  And the extractor fan in the bathroom is still not working because they don't do electronics.  Well, I guess we will have to get in someone who does and take the cost off the rent, because not having a fan in there means that black mold grows like crazy, and that is not a good thing. 

And with that I will leave you with a thought for the day.

Every positive change in your life
begins with a clear, unequivocal
decision that you are either
going to do something, 
or stop doing something . . .

That unknown sure is smart!

Spiritual Enlightenment

 photo DSCN7928_zpsqnhgt9so.jpg

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  10-Second Cheesecakes.  I kid you not.   Simple, quick and delicious.

May your Sabbath Day be blessed beyond measure.   Don't forget!

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And I do too!


  1. Marie how frustrating! Typical indeed.

    How I would love some cheesecake right now. My sweet tooth is out of control at present. I think I might have to do a sugar free detox thing. I should not be complaining because mum and I found some eye fillet steak on reduction this afternoon and have just finished dinner. It was excellent. I do love a good steak too.

    Sunday is over. We went to see dad and arrived as he and another resident were beginning to be annoyed with each other. Dad had a glorious time celebrating mum's birthday and there was an inkling of understanding.

    Our election is still undeclared. I hope it doesn't end badly. We saw some Brexit problems on the news tonight.

  2. Mmm . . Filet Steak Suzan. I love filet steak. That is the one thing I would miss a lot if I became vegetarian. A nice tender steak. How wonderful that your dad remembered a bit of your mum's birthday. Every little glimmer counts. Happy Birthday to your mum! The last time we had an election like that over here, they formed a coalition government which worked quite well I think. Things are a bit of a mess over here at the moment, but they will sort themselves out eventually. They have no choice. I think that politically speaking most countries in the world are in a bit of a mess leadershipwise at the moment. Politicians have become so corrupt, self serving and lacking in morals in a lot of cases. It's insanity. Thank goodness we know the end of the story. xoxo

  3. PS Suzan, those cheesecake cookies wouldn't be too bad or too sweet, depending on the type of biscuit you choose for the base and your toppings. It's plain low fat cream cheese. xo

  4. I love that ROOM:) I pinned it:)

  5. Its a lovely room Monique! I got rid of another couple of shelves of books from my bookcase today! Its so hard though. I really struggle. Happy Sunday! xoxo

  6. I thought I would find Monday's blog this morning Marie..but instead up,comes Saturday and Sunday ! I know I didn't get in yesterday ?...odd.......anyway so pleased that your still getting rid of books. I like you find it so hard to put books out, but after I had to move a bookcase from the hall when I was having the new flooring in the hallway bone it looked so much better and wider I decided it was not going back ...there was no,room,for it in the bedroom. SO..big decision make a cull first in the bedroom bookcase ! Once that was done cull the hall one, what was left all went into the bedroom !!....job done....Lyn took the books away before I had second thoughts and likewise Peter removed the hall bookcase...Oh but it's hard !!.....hope you had a nice weekend. I certainly did. Lyn and I had two long walks/trundles ! With Masy almost 4 miles on Saturday and 3 miles yesterday, only because my batteries were going down to ...LOWEST POINT....poor Lyn just about had to push me the last few yards !! We threatened to change Masy into a husky !! Have a lovely Monday...wonder if I will find Monday later ?


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