
Monday 18 July 2016

Small and Wonderful Things . . .

"The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny?...It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. what you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard

A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life. It's the small things in life which truly mean the most. Simple abundance . . . it's the best.

Fresh peas from the garden.  Lots of them don't make it to the pot.  They are so delicious raw and eaten out of hand.  This is such a rare, rare treat.


They love the clover.  That's why we keep it.  It's not very pretty, especially when it starts to die out, but the bees love it so very much.

The Blueberry bushes are drooping with berries. So much deliciousness to look forward to.  When I stop to think that when I first moved here to the UK, blueberries were very hard to come by, I am thrilled to think that I have my very own now, growing right in my own garden.  Such a wonderful thing.


There are lots of pears coming on the pear tree this year.  We had a bumper crop last year also.  This year I want to make Pear Jelly.  I can't wait to taste it!

Last year we had two plums, this year our tree is drooping with them!  These are the soft dusky purple plums.  I don't know what variety, but they are sweet and delicious.  Can't wait!


The loganberry/blackberry bush is laden with fruit as well.  We will be lucky enough this year to get a bumper crop of them!

 The Black Currants are fruiting fast and furiously.  Almost can't keep up with them . . .


We have tomatoes fruiting  . . . .   I should have written down which type they were.   I forget now.  You think you will remember, but then  . . .  you don't.


She so enjoys the sunny days.   I enjoy watching her enjoy them!


I love it when she comes in all fresh and smelling "green."

 We saw a man at the pet store the other day with a 10 week old puppy that looked just like Mitzie when she was smaller.  It is hard not to believe that she was ever that size once . . .

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But she was  . . . sweet then, and sweet now.

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My heart melts  . .  . and with that I will leave you with a thought for today  . . .

People with good intentions
make promises.
People with good character
keep them. 

Spiritual Enlightenment 

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 In the English Kitchen today, a fat free loaf . . . Apricot & Raisin Bran Loaf.  Beatiful sliced, toasted and spread with plenty of butter.  (Good thing there is no fat in the loaf!)

I wish for you a week filled to overflowing with small and wonderful things. Please know that . . .

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And I do too!


  1. Morning Marie, got in on my first attempt today !'s lovely to see all the fruit growing in your garden, I don't have anything like that here, the garden is to small. Peter does grow quite a bit mostly in tubs, he is not a great gardener, just likes the idea but not the work it involves's a pity as he could grow even better if he would only water more and read or ask how various things crow....wonder why it is that most men will not ask for help ? Instructions etc ?.....anyway enjoy all your lovely produce you will be able to freeze lots of it for later in the year....never tasted ..pear jam/jelly would be nice I think...We have a very thick mist/fog down here this morning can hardly see the trees over on the rec. no doubt it will soon burn of once the sun gets to work, they have promised us three days of summer this week !!!!

  2. Good morning Marie. Your garden is brimming with promise. I am sure you will be enjoying delicious fruits soon.
    Todd will enjoy his rewards and you will be able to preserve to your heart's content.

    Puppies are sweet and your puppies are the very sweetest ever.

  3. Your garden looks delicious Marie! I love to sit our in the garden but hate doing it! I don't think I'll miss it when I move. Have a lovely day today, wherever you decide to go. Lots of love xxx

  4. Oh my! You have so many treats coming out your garden ! And we look forward to those recipes too!

  5. Wow..I can't believe your bounty! So funny I preared a future post..and I mentioned I am eating the peas raw:) While in the garden..
    I got 2 blueberries this yr:(

    Look at you..beautiful things!!

  6. Thanks for your comments everyone. I will do a group response if that's okay as I was very ill all day yesterday with Diverticulitis, my worst flare up of it ever! I was in so much pain with it until well into the night, but do feel somewhat better this morning. It was a shame really as we had one of the nicest days yet this summer and I couldn't enjoy it. We were also supposed to go to Manchester for a Senior Missionary Couples get-together, but alas had to give that a miss also. I am feeling somewhat better this morning, but still having twinges. It could be a whole lot worse, so I am counting my blessings. xoxo


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!