
Wednesday 22 June 2016

Wednesday meanderings . . .

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The grass in the meadow has been mown and stacked . . .  the evening air being scented with the heavy sweet scent of new hay.  the field beyond the gate has not yet been cut and you can still wander through a thigh high undulating sea of sorrel, moon daisies, fading buttercups and feathery grasses . . .

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Meadow sweet, agrimony and ragged robin  gaily line the banks along the lane  . . .

The hedgerow is garlanded with wild honeysuckle and roses . . .  as the old elder tree spreads its creamy corymbs by the cottage gate . . .

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Lily buds burst upon the surface of the pond.   Lovely . . .  beyond all telling . . .

"And they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day."
~Genesis 3:8 


Guess  who turns three today!  Little wee Cameron.  It is hard to believe that three years have passed since he arrived on the scene but tis all too true.  Somehow they have flashed by seemingly in the blink of an eye.  I've never been able to hold him yet, or spend any time with him in person, or even via the computer, sadly . . .  but hopefully one day that will all change!  When I was working we seemed to be able to get over to Canada about every second year or so.  Things are pretty tight these days so a trip back to Canada is not  in the cards anytime in the foreseeable future, but hope springs eternal!

We have the Sisters coming for tea tonight.  I am thinking of doing some kind of curry for them, but we will see how the day progresses.  We love having them.   We were out doing visits yesterday.  There are hundreds of names on our church records of people who have been Baptised and disappeared.   We are working to try to find them and see if they are still interested or not and update the records.   The first home we were at yesterday we were greeted with great positivity which was nice.  We were able to leave our card and maybe we will get a call back.  Another home we went to we had only just gotten out of the car when a very beligerant man was coming out the gate and really made us both feel quite fearful with his attitude and demeanor.  This is what our young missionaries put up with day after day.  They really are very brave.   It costs nothing to be kind, but I fear we are living in a very unkind world sometimes.

A thought to carry with you through today  . . .

~•~♥♥♥~•.~•~♥♥♥~• ~
To express gratitude 
is gracious and honorable,
to enact gratitude
is generous and noble, 
but to live with gratitude
ever in our hearts,
is to touch heaven.
~Thomas S Monson
 ~•~♥♥♥~•.~•~♥♥♥~• ~

Spiritual Enlightenment

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Cooking in The English Kitchen today  . . .  Greek Turkey Tacos!  Deliciously simple!

Have a wonderful Wednesday.   Remember to be kind and gracious.   I know you will be.  Wherever you go and whatever you get up to, don't forget!

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And I do too!!


  1. Good morning Marie. I have a busy evening ahead. Lots of driving as joseph opens on Friday night and I have a meeting too and by then end of the night I expect to clock about 150 kms.

    I am so very sorry that people are rude to you and your missionaries. A little kindness goes a long way towards smoothing a path of brotherhood rather than hate.

    God bless your day.

  2. That is a lot of mileage for one day Suzan. I pray you go in safety! God bless you! Love and hugs, xoxo

  3. IT is sad that people can be so unkind Marie...I almost dispair ...almost, but not quite, as in my heart I know that thankfully the majority are good and kind...I just heard late last night that an old lady a member of church had been robbed yesterday, she let a man in thinking he knew her brother ( who died just a month ago ). He asked for a cup of tea, so she said she would put the kettle on, he came into the kitchen a few mins.later and said not to worry he would come back in a while......yes he had taken her purse out of her handbag while she was out....we have told her time and time again never to let anyone most of us she is so trusting...
    It's a warning to us all to be on guard at all times.........hope you have a lovely day. The sun has just come out now so perhaps we will have a nice afternoon. I have been invited out tonight to the theatre in Bristol to see...The Micado....aGilbert and Sulliven production, I am quite looking forward to seeing it on a large stage.....I have only ever heard amaretto productions, which have always been good...
    Enjoy your tea with the missionary's I know that they will enjoy anything you make for them xx

  4. I think more than anything people are fearful of any strangers walking up to their door. Sad but true in this day and age . I know I am and never answer the door if it's someone I don't know. Hope you have a lovely day I enjoyed the pictures of the flowers. It is such a beautiful time of year.

  5. You are so even go to peoples homes..I remember in real estate ..they encouraged door to door..

    I hated it..

    Poor you!!

  6. Sorry for the late response Sybil. That is despicable. I think it is just horrible that there are people who would take advantage of an older person in that way. I don't open my door for anyone. I hope that you enjoyed the Micado! Love and hugs! xoxo

    I am with you Pam, I don't open a door unless I know who is on the other side. We used to have a chain on our old door, but we don't have one now. Have a great day! xoxo

    I don't think it is anyone's favourite thing to do Monique! But the Lord is with us and we just have to let anything negative roll off our backs! They're all God's children, even the nasty ones! Xoxo


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