
Saturday 18 June 2016

Saturday ponderings . . .

 "Living is a form of not being sure, not knowing what next or how ... 
The artist never knows.  We guess. 
We may be wrong, but we take leap after leap in the dark."
~Agnes De Mille 

I think nobody would argue the fact that in life . . .  most of us like to play things a bit on the safe side.  There are not many risk takers in life.  Taking risks doesn't help us to feel secure or safe.   For instance . . . when out shopping for something new to wear, we are more than likely to choose something which fits within the boundaries of the life we have built for ourselves . . . like a string of simple pearls and a twin set . . . rather than those brightly coloured beads which caught our eye in the first place or the fuschia blouse with all the frills.

We might be the first ones to see that fuschia coloured frilly blouse and  those brightly coloured beads on someone else and go "Wow, how fabulous!" . . .  but we would never allow ourselves to take that chance . . . that leap into the dark area of something new . . .  uncharted territory as it were.  Preferring instead to stay within the safety and comfort of doing, wearing, living, etc. in the way we have always done.


The reality is . . .  that woman probably didn't know how she would look in those beads and that blouse either.   She simply knew that they whispered to her . . .  "Try me." . . .  and so she did.  She was brave enough to take that leap into the dark and embrace the new.   To ignore the voices which said she wasn't thin enough, or young enough, or brave enough . . .  throw caution to the wind and take on board something which she loved and which caught her eye and which brought her joy, relying on her own sense of style rather than on the whims of popularity or what was deemed "proper" for her to do.   She took a chance and embraced it . . . .  she went "fishin . . . instead of just a wishin!"

We're not here to just simply exist.   We're here to live and experience new things . . .  to find and to experience joy.  It could be something as simple as buying a new lampshade which is covered in brightly coloured florals that make us smile, or a neon  checkered pair of socks that make our feet want to dance  . . .  or adding a pretty pink streak to our rapidly greying hair . . .

or even something as simple as just having long hair that we love and that we can braid and put up and do all sorts of fun things with . . . .  rather than the dowdy short hair cut that society deems acceptable for a woman of a certain "age."

Its buying that pretty hair barrette that sparkles and then wearing it because we love it, or those dangly earrings . . .  or those brightly coloured beads we fear might bring undue attention to our aging necks . . . or thinking we cannot wear red, or pink, or green because  . . .  we are fat and fat people have to wear clothes that make them blend into the background, because God forbid that we actually wear something which brings us joy, or which makes us stand out from the crowd.

Its okay to be different. Its okay to stand out from the crowd. Its okay to be original.  Its okay to just be you, because you are beautiful. ♥

Start thinking of yourself as an artist and your life as the canvas . . .  a work in progress.  If you try something and it doesn't quite work out . . .  its not the end of the world.  There is no script which cannot have a few changes re-written into the rough draft.  A new colour can be added to the canvas.  Just like art evolves beneath the brush of the painter . . .  life can evolve beneath the brush of your experience.  This life that you are creating for yourself and those you love can be the highest, sweetest expression of art ever created.  Unique.  Incomparable. Beautiful.


Don't be afraid to be . . .  you.

"Since you are like no other being ever created since the beginning of time,
you are incomparable."
~Brenda Ueland 

What is it that they say  . . .  "In a world full of Kardashians, be a YOU."  Coz its the best thing ever.

Speaking of art  . . .  look at what popped out yesterday . . .


(You know you can click on the pictures and they will become larger)

Annabelle in the Orchard.  Someone suggested I do a whole calendar of these paintings.  12, one for each month.  We'll see. Its one thing to do it, but another to have it printed.  I am not sure I have the smarts to do that myself.  But we will see.   In any case I am enjoying the creation process, which is the main thing, and so far, my eyes are serving me well.

 photo DSCN7652_zpsuyynjgui.jpg

Baking in The English Kitchen today  . . .  French Yogurt Cake.  A simple cake, which is low in fat, but very tasty.   ☺

Have a great Saturday!  I hope the sun shines and that you wear those socks that make your feet want to dance!  Don't forget  . . .

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And I do too!!


  1. Marie I really love the paintings you are doing now. Keep at it and maybe you will be the next Grandma Moses.

    My today has been most quiet. We are under another bad weather system. We have had no weather yet just grey skies but they bring out the aches with a vengeance. Today I slept late after a poor night. I brought in the wash I hung under the verandah yesterday and will fold it later. I have tidied a little and have knitted too.

    I hope your day is absolutely perfect. God bless.

  2. Thanks Suzan, I like them too. I am glad that yo have had a quiet day. Thanks so much for your happy day wishes! Looks like rain here and it's cold! xoxo

  3. A calendar is a great idea!

    here you can have them printed online from Walmart to Shutterly and sometimes very reasonable prices:)

    Now when's that pink streak coming?:)

  4. Waiting til the end of my mission Monique! Granny Grey with a pink streak. Watch this space! xoxo


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