
Thursday 9 June 2016

Raindrops on Roses . . .

These are a few of my favourite things  . . .

Next to Sweet Peas and Snap Dragons, my favourite flower is the Pansy.   I actually love all three equally.  One of the first flowers anyone ever gave me was a pansy given to me by my ex husband when we were teenagers and just beginning to date.   It was from my mother's garden.  I pressed it between the pages of my bible and I still have it.  Weird that, I know.  But I would be lying if I said I hadn't loved him very deeply at one time.  There is probably a part of me that still loves who he was then.   I just don't happen to like who he became very much.  He would probably say the same.  I don't hate him, but I don't love him anymore either.  But still I keep the flower.

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I love this photograph because it is the ONLY photograph that I have of all my children together.  When my marriage broke up I was not allow to have any photos so any that I do have are post breakup or ones that people were kind enough to share with me.   I cherish this one.  I took it at my son Doug's wedding to Kayla.

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I love this one too . . .  my three sons.  Taken on the same occasion.  Its hard to believe that my baby (the one in blue) is getting married one month from today . . .  time sure flies!


 Bluebird Ceramics.  Anything with bluebirds tickles my fancy something awful!  I had a bluebird cream and sugar set once upon a time.  I had bought them at a yard sale way back when for about $2.  He who shall remain nameless broke the sugar dish.  Now all I have is the creamer and it lives in my craft room for safe keeping.

Vintage Illustrations  . . .  in books, on greeting cards, old calendars, etc.   I love all of it.


A well made bed.   That's probably why I like staying in hotels.  The beds are always so well made, with crisp new sheets, no wrinkles, etc.  I must have been a princess in a previous life because I can find even the most minute crumb or grain of sand in a bed and it feels like a rock.   I must get it out or it will bother me all night.   I love the way it feels when you get into bed at the end of the days.   I always stretch out and sigh and enjoy the feeling for several minutes.  It just feels to darned good.

Inspirational quotes.  I collect them in a special notebook I have just for that.  I have always loved quotes.


East of the Sun, West of the Moon.  This was a tale I loved as a child and still love.   I first discovered this story in our Book of Knowledge Encyclopedia.  It is a tale I read many, many times when I was a child and even now I will visit it again, from time to time.   I am fascinated by it.

Once upon a time there was a poor peasant who had so many children that he did not have enough of either food or clothing to give them. Pretty children they all were, but the prettiest was the youngest daughter, who was so lovely there was no end to her loveliness. 

One day -- it was on a Thursday evening late in the fall -- the weather was wild and rough outside, and it was cruelly dark. The rain was falling and the wind blowing, until the walls of the cottage shook. They were all sitting around the fire busy with this thing and that. Then all at once something gave three taps on the window. The father went out to see what was the matter. Outside, what should he see but a great big white bear.  

You can read it in its entirety  here . . .


Out of all the cookbooks I have.  This is THE one.  My favourite one of all time.  I have worn out three copies with use.  I purchased my very firs one, identical to this, when I was a teenager still in highschool.  I still have it although it is falling apart.  It is one of my treasures.


Melons of any kind.   I am happy with all of them.   No favourites here, although watermelon certainly has a slight edge over the others.  But really if you gave me any type of melon,  I would be thrilled.


Picnics.    I love picnics.   No matter how, where or when.  There is something delightful about having a picnic.  Some of my most favourite picnics have been eaten on the floor in the middle of my lounge whilst sitting on the carpet, while the rain buckets down out of doors.  All you have to do is call a meal a picnic and I am thrilled.  Picnics turn even the eating of peanut butter sandwiches into a special occasion!

 And that is my favourite things for this week.  What are some of yours??

A thought to carry with you through today . . .

"An old proverb says, 
“The best time to plant a tree 
is 20 years ago. 
The second-best time is now.” 
 Now is the best time to start 
becoming the person we eventually 
want to be . . . 
not only 20 years from now 
but also for all eternity."
~Dieter F Uchtdorf

Spiritual Enlightenment 

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In The English Kitchen, today  . . .  Buttermilk Cake.  Deliciously simple.

Have a great Thursday!! Don't forget . . .

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and I do too!


  1. Good morning Marie. Today we were blessed with a beautiful day and sadly we had to drive down to the bay to visit the dentist. It was the work of a few minutes for him but is going to be expensive for me. Pip's lower and permanent retainer has broken. We took time to enjoy the weather and had fish and chips by the sea!

    I had an original Fanny Farmer cookbooks and it was ruined by being kept outside (the things an ex does).. Connor has arrived to visit Pip so I have to go.

    God bless.

  2. With time and distance keeping my family apart so much of the time, I do know how much you treasure having a picture of your family all together. I know I love having one of mine. When they were little we never dreamt that they would be so far away. Somehow I always imagined they close by. Now we keep the close in our hearts and in our prayers.

  3. Ouch Suzan! Sounds expensive! Fish and chips by the seaside . What a treat! Xoxo

    Thanks Shortybear! Xoxo

    You are right Pam! We always think our chicks are going to be by our side forever! We must catch our blessings where we find them! Xoxo

  4. I love the little faces that pansies have and the smell of sweet peas.. Two of my fav. I think.....I love your family photos and can well understand how you treasure them....this has been another lovely day. Quite a busy one as I had the coffee morning early then extra busy time ...sitting out on the deck !!!....LOL......I have a new neighbour, he moved in today. In fact he started moving in yesterday but Louise wouldn't let him stay as the money had not been paid into her bank account....thankfully this was resolved around lunch time so she left and he arrived. Seems ok he must be mid 50 s I think very very big man with tattoos !! He has a jack Russell dog which he said likes people but dosnt like other dogs...I've told him to keep him away from Masy !!...he has had a friend helping him all day in fact as I write this they are just leaving, I bet he will be tired tonight !....hope you and Todd have had a good day...night night. God Bless. Xx

  5. Things I love... so many. Cloud shadows. I love the way they race across the landscape taking us from shadow into the bright light of the sun again. I love grey windy days when the sea is even greyer and it is filled with white caps. I love the scent of lilacs. I'm sure that Heaven must have corners that smell of lilacs. A well made cup of hot tea. There is nothing more comforting, especially when served with toast and butter. Throw in a spread of jam and I'm in my happy place. That coupling was my mother's cure all for anything, a headache or a heart ache. Old pictures, I love old photos. Red dishes, they make me happy. Well read books. I'm not one of those people who read a book than never read it again. I have some books that are such old friends that I reread them at least once a year. War, genuine hugs. The ones that last and last. And certainly not last on today's list, receiving packages in the mail. When we were children all my mothers siblings lived far away so a package in the mail was something special because it always contained some little bib or bob for a beloved niece. I love Thursdays posts... it makes me reflect on the small things that make me happy as well. Sending love for a great nights sleep. xx

  6. Hi Marie ~ I love pansies too! My grandma used to sing me that old Primary Song, "Little Purple Pansies." I just planted pansies in the garden of the home we just purchased in Utah. Love, love, love them! Fannie Farmer's cookbook - another fav! I have one just like that. The mac and cheese recipe has got to be the best one in the book - but then there are so many. Lovely pictures of your family. Congrats on your son's upcoming wedding. Have a good weekend!

  7. Love your favourite thing too Sybil. I am worried about your neighbor and the Jack Russell and Masy. She is such a small dog and JR's can be so aggressive. I hope you have a very secure fence and high wall! Prayers for Masy's safety! xoxo

    Love your favourite things also Noelle! I always loved getting a package in the post when I was a child as well. It was so special! Hope your hand is healing well! xoxo

    I have never heard that primary song Deb, I will have to look it up now! Can you believe I haven't made the mac and cheese recipe in the book and now I HAVE to! lol You have a great weekend too! xoxo

  8. I aalways love your favorite things. I love a crisp made bed too. Infact, I get very stressed if my bed is not made first thing.
    I loved the family photo, of course. I like the picture of your sons and love that your son is getting married soon; congrats on that one.
    I love little pansies too.
    As always I love reaing your posts; you always have such fun things to tell about or show. Sending hugs your way and wished for blessings too.

  9. Thanks LeAnn! Not surprised we like a lot of the same things! Hugs, love and blessings coming your way also! xoxo


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