
Sunday 12 June 2016

How I spent my Saturday . . .


What an amazing day we had yesterday.   Neither one of us had gotten a good night's sleep Friday night and so we knew it was going to be a tiring day, but we also both knew it was worth it.  We were on the road out of here by 6:30 am and on our way up to Chorley to the Stake Centre, which also happens to be on the Temple grounds.

That time of the day there was barely any traffic on the motorway which was a real bonus for me (and for Todd too I suppose!).   I hate motorway driving, even if I am not doing the driving.  Its just very stressful for me.  One thing I noticed on the way there is that they are putting up a Wind Farm outside of Runcorn in the Fordsham Marsh.  There were turbines standing in the field in various stages of production.


I find that sort of thing quite fascinating.  I don't have a problem with these things.  You see a lot of them out on the water these days.  I think they are a fabulous source of power and they are not that ugly to look at . . .  at least no uglier than power pylons.   In fact, they are a lot more attractive than pylons in my opinion!

One thing which I had been looking forward to most was getting to see all of the Missionaries!  I knew that the whole of the Mission would be there so I was going to get to see all of the youngsters that have served here in Chester over the past 20 months or so, and I was not disappointed.  They were all there, all of the Elders and the Sisters.   Lots of sister hugs and smiles and warm handshakes and smiles from the Elders.  It is so hard  not to hug the Elders, you are just so happy to see them!  And so see that whole group all together was just an amazing feeling.  So much joy in that room!

Of course there was a lot of excitement in that room because we were all going to be taught by an Apostle of the Lord.  The Quorum of the Twelve Apostles is the second-highest governing body in the Church (the First Presidency being the highest). Apostles are special witnesses of Jesus Christ, called to teach and testify of Him throughout the world.  Just like the Apostles of old, they travel around the world, addressing and testifying of Jesus Christ, encouraging large congregations of members and interested non-members alike, as well as meeting with local leaders.


Dallin H Oaks has served as an Apostle of the Lord since May 1984.  Elder Oaks is a graduate of Brigham Young University (1954) and of the University of Chicago Law School (1957). He practised law and taught law in Chicago. He was president of Brigham Young University from 1971 to 1980 and a justice of the Utah Supreme Court from 1980 until his resignation in 1984 to accept his calling to the apostleship.

The call to be an Apostle is for life.


As you can imagine we were all looking forward very much to this experience.  This was a really big deal.  And we were not disappointed.   I know I can only really speak for myself, but it was fairly evident to me how very pleased we all were.  He took the time to shake each one of our hands individually, and greet each of us personally, along with his wife.   Elder Paul V Johnson and his wife were also in attendance and greeted us.

Each of them gave us excellent talks.  We were all spell bound.  We had been asked to prepare ourselves spiritually to receive answers in the days preceding this event and I had questions I had been pondering personally.   Because Todd and I are not proselyting Missionaries my questions were more of a personal nature and I have to say  . . .  I got an answer to one of them within the first five minutes of listening to Sister Johnson speak.  It was amazing.  The rest were also answered in due course. My heart was filled with blessings and answers poured down from the windows of heaven.

There is no doubt in my mind that my Heavenly Father is mindful of me, loves me,  and wants me to be happy.  No doubt at all.

We were not so lucky with the weather on the way back home afterwards.  It was just bucketing down.  We had the Wrexham sisters with us in the car.   We stopped at a road stop along the way and treated them to lunch.  Sister Carter from Detroit Michigan and Sister Steele from South Africa.  Two very lovely young ladies.   They are in our Missionary District and so we get to see them quite often, but it was nice to be able to spend this extra special time with them, and they were  most appreciative of the surprise treat.  Plus it gave Todd a break from that horrible driving in the pouring rain.  You literally could barely see in front of you.  I was so glad when we landed back home in our drive safe and sound!

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Of course this little sweetheart was very happy to see us home safe and sound as well.  Puppy love and greetings are the best!

We both fell into bed exhausted last  night and very, very happy.  Yesterday was truly an amazing experience for both of us and a great blessing in our lives.  God is good.

A thought to carry with you through today  . . .

 ~•~♥♥♥~•.~•~♥♥♥~• ~
Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ
prepares you for whatever life brings.
~Dallin H Oaks
~•~♥♥♥~•.~•~♥♥♥~• ~

Spiritual Enlightenment

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Apricot Sheet Cake.

Have a great Sunday.  Be blessed!  Its going to be a rainy one here!  Don't forget . . .

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and I do too!


  1. Marie I happy that you made it home safe and sound. The weather sounded trying. I am happy that you found the whole day fulfilling. An amazing blessing for you all.

    God bless your Sabbath day.

  2. The weather on the way back was absolutely horrible Suzan. I was really in fear a few times as we could not see anything the rain was coming down so hard and the black splash from the other cars and big trucks was making visibility very difficult. But at the same time you couldn't pull off either because that might have been even more dangerous! It was a blessing to have been however and I am grateful for that! xoxo

  3. Love hearing when you have such a great day!Apart from the pelting rain:(

  4. I know it wouldn't be everyone's cup of tea Monique, but to us it was like the equivalent of a Catholic having an audience with the Pope! So very special for us. Glad you got back safe and sound from gay Paris! Its on my bucket list! xoxo

  5. I am so pleased that you had that special day Marie and also.pleased for Todd. Although as you know I am not of the same faith as yourself I too find great contentment when reading the bible sometimes you can read a passage many many times and suddenly your drawn to,it again and suddenly it seems as if the Lord himself is sitting so near to me and I close my bible completely'm sure you know what I mean........I have had a very busy weekend, my friend Julie came down from London Friday left today around 2.30 she called at 7 to,say she was just home...also had Maggie here Saturday to trim Masy up. That takes usually 2 hours so we couldn't go out..but in the evening we went out for a delicious meal at a new place I have found called the Greenhouse it is a restaurant within a very very expensive retirement village..if you have a spare £300,995 you could even buy a single room flat !! was a great dinner though and not quite as expensive as I as I say I dropped her of for the train home came home here for about an hour when I had a call from Lyn to she had landed and would be in Bath for me to. Pick her 5.15 !! She has had a wonderful week up in the Orkney I'm so tired I need to go to bed. Mary and I are away in the morning on a four day break to Weymouth...I will have my I pad with me so will be in touch...night night God Bless xx

  6. Thanks Shortybear! xoxo

    What a busy weekend you have had Sybil! Wow, that is one very expensive price for a one room flat! Crazy! I hope you and Mary have a lovely time away! You sure like to travel! You're very blessed to be able to go away as much as you do. We had an elder here from Weymouth, Elder Dadd. He's home now. Love and hugs and blessings! xoxo

  7. I think it is so awesome that you were able to go to this meeting and get to shake the hands of those speaking. I love that you received answers to your questions. I always enjoy Pres. oaks Messages and it is super fun when you get to hear the wives of the general authorities speak too.
    I hate driving in the rain and I don't like being on the freeways here at all; so I know feel your fear. I am happy you came home safe.
    sending love and hugs your way!

  8. Thanks LeAnn! This was the first time I got to see anyone like this speak in person. Elder Oaks has been a favourite of mine for a while now and yes, it was fun to hear the wives speak also! Love and hugs. xoxo


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