
Thursday 2 June 2016

A few of my favourite things . . .

These are a few of my favourite things  . . .

Cashew Nuts.   Yes, I am the person who steals all of the cashews from the tin of mixed nuts before anyone else sees them.   The incredible thing is that cashews are really full of good things and are so very good for you to eat.  Did you know that they are high in anti-oxidents, help eliminate free radicals and help lower the risk of coronary heart disease??  Did you also know that 82%  of the fat in cashews is unsaturated fatty acids and is monounsaturated fat???  Also, they have a lower fat content than most other nuts and are full of vitamins such as copper, manganese, zinc and magnesium.  So have another handful!  Do your body good!  (a handful is considered to be 15 cashews or 30g)


Classical Music.   I love listening to it.   Rachmaninoff is one of my favourites.  But I also love Beethoven and Chopin, oh and Handel. Classical music affects the brain’s organization and abilities, through its melody and rhythm. The rhythm also raises the level of serotonin in the brain.   In a recent study post operative patients were given a pain placebo in conjunction with constant periods of classical music. They left the hospital with 1/2 of the post operative pain medications, and in half the time. Classical music, for the student, for relaxation, healing, and for those troubled sleeping.  Its a good thing.  ☺


Buttons, especially vintage buttons and most especially white or cream coloured vintage buttons.  I have always Love, LOVED buttons.   I could spend hours looking at them, playing with them, running my fingers through them, catagorizing them, etc.  I don't think I am alone in that love either.   I would rather have a bag of buttons than a bag of gold . . .  but having said that with a bag of gold I could buy a bazillion bags of buttons, so maybe the gold would be better in the long run.  Hmmm . . .

Vanilla Ice Cream with Strawberry Jam spooned over top.  I just adore it.  My parent bought a freezer the summer I turned 11, and my mother used to buy gallons of ice cream for in it.  (She still loves ice cream)  I remember the day we bought my first bra, my mother also bought an ice cream scoop, which accidentally got left in the changing room at the store.   I remember her being really annoyed that nobody had turned it in.  In any case one of our favourite desserts, which we only had once a week, was vanilla ice cream with warmed strawberry jam spooned over top. We were in heaven.


Stationary.   I love stationary.  I don't really write many letters anymore, but I still love stationary.  Well, actually truth be told I love paper, full stop.   I buy it and then can't bring myself to use it because I don't want it to disappear.  Sounds like an illness to me . . .


Zucchini & Carrot Roses Tart from Buono Papa.

I love vegetables.   Any kind of vegetables.   I have never met a vegetable I did not like.  I could eat them for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and for snacks in between.  To me, there is nothing more appealing than a plate full of lovely fresh, crispy tender vegetables, with just a sprinkling of salt and pepper on top.  Nothing else.   Heaven.   Pure heaven.  I could easily become a vegetarian, and not miss the meat . . .  except for turkey at Christmas.  I would need a turkey for Christmas, and Thanksgiving  . . .  oh and a good steak every now and then.

Good Mexican food and it is so hard to come by over here.  You pay an arm and a leg for authentic ingredients.  There are British versions, but they don't really cut the mustard.  They are not quite the same.


The scriptures.   They bring me peace and comfort, joy.  I always, always, always get something out of reading them.   When we go to the Temple and I am sitting in the chapel there I always open the scriptures which are provided for you to read and they always speak to me, answer questions I might have been pondering, fill my heart with wonder, satisfy my longings.  I enjoy reading anyways, but there is something about the scriptures.   I can revisit them again and again and again, and always pick up some tidbit, a gem, some inspiration that I have never seen before, even though it might be a passage I have read any number of times.  The scriptures have the power to reach you where you are right now.

Pipe cleaner pets.   Pipe cleaner anything.  I love working with pipe cleaners.  My grandson Jon does too.  He's very crafty and loves to work with his hands.

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He must get it from me.   Oh, and he is one of my favourite people.  Along with my six other grandchildren.

The challenge of a blank page.   I love creating something where nothing existed before.  Elizabeth in the Garden.  She is picking posies.  Love it.

And those are my favourite things for this week. What are some of your favourite things?

A thought to carry with you through today  . . .

"Keep loving. Keep trying. 
Keep trusting. Keep believing. 
Keep growing. 
Heaven is cheering you on 
today, tomorrow, and forever." 
~Jeffrey R Holland

Spiritual Enlightenment 

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Cooking in The English Kitchen today  . . .  Homemade Salad Cream.

Have a great Thursday!! Don't forget . . .

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and I do too!


  1. Good Morning Marie. I loved your post. I love that little girl and her flowers. She makes me smile.

    Actually I love almost everything you chose to post.

    Music. I love my music. I love to hear music but I guess my deafness has lead to my silence habit. I spend most of my day chasing down sounds and looking for people. At home I choose to turn off all distractions to make my life easier. For instance today I took mum to the movies and she chose to sit on my completely deaf side. Before the movie started I warned mum I would not be able to hear her. She refused to swat seats and then spent the entire movie chattering at me and being very cross with me. That was humiliating to say the least. Enough whining.

    I am praying for you and for me about our eyes.

    God bless your day.

  2. I forgot to add that I like to hear choirs and church organs. I have told you about listening to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir of July 4, 1988. The hairs of my neck are rising as I write this. Personally I love guitar and simple vocals. With classical stuff I am eclectic. Love Savelius, Bach, Mozart and various others.

  3. Your mention of strawberry jam me think of my grandmothers's jam. It was delicious and made you think of fresh fruit just picked. Hope your Thursday is a good one !

  4. Elizabeth is adorable and the tree looks stitched:)

    Lovely fave things and Jon is very hansome..we usually have a big container of cashews(Costco) good for us:)

  5. You are a saint Suzan, I know I am always saying that! I love the Mormon tabernacle choir too. I could listen to them for hours! Love you! Xoxo

    Thanks Shortybear! Xoxo

    Oh, my mom made great strawberry freezer jam Pam! I think strawberry jam is my favourite! Love and hugs! Xoxo

    Thanks Monique! Her cheek dots didn't scan right! I need to get someone to take me to Costco! Xoxo

  6. Sorry I didn't get in yesterday to leave a comment but I was so tired after the day at the Bath and West agricultural show with Peter I spent most of the evening half asleep !...I'm so pleased to read that you've found a long lost friend...I remember when I found my friend after so many years how happy I was...I'm delighted you sold one of your paintings, I'm always sad that I don't have a lot of money to buy lots and lots of your belightful paintings indeed ALL your art for fav.things..that is much many things make me smile with happiness..Going to church on Sunday's meeting like minded friends, I love watching children play in the park and hear them giggle..often wonder what they are saying! the smell of new mown grass, and babies just washed and powdered!...the warm summer sunshine...oh so,many Marie..we are truly blessed. Xx

  7. Hi Marie!

    Oh my goodness, every time I read your blog, I realize how much alike we are! I love nuts, music (I am a music junkie), bottons . . . oh can I just tell you how I miss playing with my grandmother's button box! I love stationary and paper! We must be kindred spirits . . . :0)

    Your grandson is adorable! Don't you just love that your little grands take after you!?

    I am going to make the salad cream tomorrow! It sounds delicious!

    I've missed you!

    Hugs and Love,

  8. Sybil, I haven't been to an agricultural show in ages. I love them! I am not surprised you were exhausted after however! Thanks so much for your kind words re my work, and I love your favourite things also! When we lived in Kent there was a school just at the bottom of our hill behind the orchard and I loved to listen to the children playing at recess and lunch time playing! Oh and grass... yum! Smells like heaven! Yes, we ARE blessed! xoxo

    I missed you too Barb!Not surprised we like many of the same things! Kindred spirits! Indeed! I hope you like the salad cream. It is a bit more tart than mayonnaise! Hugs and love back! xoxo


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