
Sunday 15 May 2016

Uh oh . . .

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I just spent an hour doing a post that unfortunately did not save and then it disappeared and I don't have time to redo it now.  Sorry about that.   Oh well, this is life.  See you tomorrow!  Oopsie!  Grrr . . . 


  1. Oh dear, there is nothing more annoying.....and I have even got in first time this morning LOL......beautiful day again down here, will be of to church in a couple of hours, then Peter and I going out for lunch to a local garden centre as I would like to replace two at least...clematis plants that died during the early very hard frost...first time I have ever lost one and I am sure we have had harder frosts, but think it might have been the early spring when I think they were ALL ok then came the hard frost.....anyway looks like it will be a nice day . I hope you and Todd enjoy your service today xx

  2. Dislike those moments. There must be somewhere around where this stuff lurks. My Sunday has exhausted me. I drove more off than on for eight hours. People around me were whinging that they weren't getting to places on time and I felt like the meat in the proverbial sandwich and now at the end of the day I truly resent spending my day driving too and fro and skipping a large part of the thing I most wanted to do.

    God bless your day and fill it with love and kindness.

  3. Thanks Sybil! It was so frustrating because it was a really good one too, or at least I thought it was! lol I hope you are having a great Sunday. We got some plants to put out yesterday, but am waiting a bit beore I put them in the ground! xoxo

    Disappeared right into the ether Suzan! I don't know where! haha very frustrating! I hope the rest of your day was better! xoxo

    Thanks Monique, yes, me and my red shoes. xoxo

  4. So frustrating. Yes, that has happened to me too. I wanted to cry. Hope things go better tomorrow and that you have had a good Sunday. Enjoy the week ahead.

  5. Thanks Deb! I hope you had a good Sunday also! xoxo


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