
Tuesday 17 May 2016

The Simple Woman's Daybook . . .


FOR TODAY, May 17, 2016

Outside my window ...
Shhh . . .  the sun is shining for the umpteenth day in a row.  Must not say that too loudly for fear it will soon disappear.

I am thinking ...
Brexit is very much on my mind these days.  Will we stay in the EU or will we leave.  Someone told me the other day that a vote to leave only means we have voted to leave the trade agreement but that the EU would still maintain its political hold over us and still be able to make our laws and govern us as they are now.  There is so much rhetoric being bandied about.  It is very confusing and difficult to know what is the right thing to do.

I am thankful for ...
My Father in heaven who knows the end of the story, and if we are believers we, too . . .  know the end of the story.  I put my trust in Him.

In the kitchen ...

 photo DSCN7013_zps03lwdsyf.jpg
Garlic Fried Rice.  I do so love fried rice, don't you?  Such a simple dish and so adaptable to what you have in the larder.

On my "To Cook" list ...


 From Macheesmo, Homemade Veggie Nuggets.  These look and sound delicious.  I do love my veggies!

 I am creating ...

A work in progress . . .

I love these pillow covers.  The pin leads to a dead end.   I would love to make them.  Hoping I can figure it out.


Sweet embroidery . . . again, no source . . .  just eye candy.  Frustrating.

I found this on a what looks to be a Russian page.  So sweet.


Carol Brungar, she gives classes.   The road to my house.  Motion stitching.  A wall hanging.


How to paint an apple with watercolours.  From eHow.

I am reading ...

I am on the last few pages of this and am already mourning its having to end . . .  so good.

Free To Be Tegan, by Mary Grand (A debut novel)
Tegan, aged twenty seven, is cast out of the cult, rejected by her family and from the only life she has known. She is vulnerable and naïve but she also has courage and the will to survive. She travels to Wales, to previously unknown relations in the wild Cambrian Mountains.

This is the uplifting story of her journey from life in a cult to find herself and flourish in a world she has been taught to fear and abhor. Guilt and shadows from her past haunt her in flashbacks, panic attacks and a fear of the dark. However she also finds a world full of colour, love and happiness she has never known before. The wild beauty of the hills, the people she meets and the secrets slowly revealed by the cottage all provide an intriguing backdrop to Tegan’s drama. The novel is set in spring, a story of hope, new growth, of the discovery of self and the joy of living.

This is a cracking read!

I am looking forward to ...
Saturday.  We have invited the whole district (Missionary) over for a BBQ.   Nothing fancy, just hot dogs and burgers and salads.  It will be fun.

I am learning ...
I thought about something last night that I had learned, but I have already forgotten what it was.  Duh . . .  Should I be worried?

Dreaming about ...

Shabby chic lighting  . . .


Pocket bunnies  . . .

Romantic pastels  . . .


Arched doorways and secret gardens  . . .

Alcove Cabinetry  . . .

A favourite quote for the day  ... 

 (¯`v´¯) `*.¸.*´Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ¸.
  •´¸.•~♥♥♥~•.~ ღϠ₡ღ¸. ✻´´¯`✻.¸¸.Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ.
                         ( ¸. ❀⁀ ⋱‿✿“` * .¸.* ✻ღϠ₡

 Creativity takes courage . . .
~Henri Matisse

Makes me smile ...

Finding hearts wherever . . . 

One of my favourite things  ...

 photo cameron mothers day 2016_zpsuosxutfk.jpg

Seeing new photos of the grandchildren . . .  Cameron, Mother's Day 2016  Its hard to believe he will be three in June, and I have still not met him.

Corners of my Kingdom ...

Peas and haricot beans planted up yesterday.  All by myself.   I hope that they grow.  I put marigolds in the pots also, hoping that they will keep the slugs away  . . .

And that's my daybook for this week!

  ⋱ ⋮ ⋰
⋯ ◯ ⋯ Take time to enjoy the small *´¯`.¸¸.☆
 ⋰ ⋮ ⋱ blessings in life.*´¯`.¸¸.☆

✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿
░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░

Wherever you go and whatever you do, I hope there's a great day ahead of you! Don't forget!

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And I do too!!



  1. Morning Marie..good that I have managed to get in this morning...didn't manage yesterday, so I have had two days read !...glad that you got a nice looking new BBQ...and that Todd with some help got it built you have the BBQ to look forward's such a pity that we can't depend on our weather to be actual BBQ weather...but fingers will be good for you all...I agree with the problem about should we stay or should we go in feelings..for what it's worth is that if ALL the main political parties think we should stay, and also many of the big businesses and Bank of England...I think they should know...the others on the out side seem to me to be focus sing on people's fears of immigration mainly, and an awful lot of people think it's wrong to let foreign people in My thoughts on that are if all the foreign people were to leave what would our hospitals do etc..and same with farmers they employ so many on the farms ..because British men won't work for the wages....It sure is a quandary to be in for sure......Anyway enjoy today looks another nice sunny to you and Todd Xx

  2. Good morning Marie. I had forgotten about the possible exit from the union. At present I am worried about Donald Trump and the US and our own polls which happen on July 2nd.

    It has been a long day. I have to record a diary for one of my doctors and I am finding the process invasive and unhappy. Mum keeps asking questions. I took mum to the doctor late today. He has injected a locl anaesthetic and cortisone into mum's back. I hope htis eases her pain because she has been miserable.

    God bless. Enjoy your day and may God bless you in the most unexpected ways.

  3. I had heard that marigolds kept away bunnies from the garden but I didn't know they also kept slugs away. Seems I always learn something new every day! Hope you have a terrific Tuesday!

  4. Love your plantings and art ..and that

    you really have made Susan LAST and last..good for you!

    I can't believe cameron will be 3 either! Cutie patootie.

  5. Thanks Sybil! I find it all very confusing. And scary. Very difficult to make up one's mind with one pulling this way and another pulling that, and I don't think either side is being entirely truthful with us. I don't trust any polititians! Its a bit cool here today. Brrr, but nice and sunny, so I'll take that! xoxo

    Sorry about your mom and the diary keeping etc. Suzan. Its always something. Lots of love and hugs and prayers coming your way. xoxo

    I am not sure about the marigolds and the slugs Pam, but I think I may have read it somewhere. In any case it can't hurt and adds a bit of colour. I also planted tomatoes, which I forgot to say in the blog! xoxo

    Isn't that stitchery amazing Monique! I would love to do something like that! Happy day! xoxo

  6. This is a lovely post with so many goodies in it, the quilt with the tea cups, your marigolds, the pocket bunny, and painting apples with water colors. Have a great day talented friend.

  7. Thanks so much Terra! Happy Day to you too! xoxo


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