
Tuesday 3 May 2016

The Simple Woman's Daybook

FOR TODAY, May 3, 2016

Outside my window ...
The sun is fully up. I am waking up in daylight now.  The days are quite  noticeably longer.   Its not getting dark now until going on for 8 pm.    I find this fascinating  . . .  the way that days and nights work, seasons, etc.   All according to your position in the world.  Like a scynchronised ballet, meticulously planned.  Not by accident.

I am thinking ...
It seems in life we are always taking two steps forward and three steps back.  Its all a process of growth.

I am thankful for ...
My faith which helps me to understand and accept the things I cannot change.

In the kitchen ...
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Creamy Lemon Rice.  I had not made this since I worked at the Manor.  It was a dish often requested for Dinner Parties.  I made it for the Missionaries one night last week and they loved it.  It was actually the first time I had ever made it for us here at home.  It is delicious and decadent.

On my "To Cook" list ...

Roasted Beetroot, Goat's Cheese and Walnut Salad from The Cooks Pajamas.   We love beetroot and especially love it roasted.   I adore goat's cheese.  Love, Love Rocket and walnuts.  This just looks like the best salad ever.

I am creating ...

All of the bunny bits are now knitted.  I just need to sew them together, stuff, embroider the face, etc.   Two ears, two arms, two legs and a torso, a head and a dress.   Can't wait!  I do still have a little white pompom tail to make as well.  Then the fun will begin of making her a wardrobe.  So exciting!

Yesterday i did some painting as it was Bank Holiday Monday.  We should have gone to the Temple, but the weather was pants.  Todd had a scrape with the car at the weekend.   We have a neighbor who always parks her car out front and over the edge of our drive.  Its always a struggle to get in.  Her front bumper always looks scraped and I have remarked on it to Todd on many occasions.  Well on Friday Todd ended up scraping it with our car.  She wasn't home, so he put a note through her letterbox telling her, which was the right thing to do and it was obvious he had done is because of the colour of our car.  Our car is green, hers is silver.  Well now she wants Todd to pay for a whole new bumper.  We have a £300 excess on our insurance.  We don't have the money, so I was hoping that I could earn some money towards this.  I painted a couple of pictures, etc.  But no takers.  Sigh . . .  I know things will work out in the end, they always do, but the waiting for them to work out is somewhat painful. ☺

 photo copyright A friend is a present_zpsxagevxxn.jpg

This is the first one.  5 by 7 on watercolour paper.   The colours never scan as bright as they are for real.   The border around is actually a pale green, but it isn't showing up.

 photo copyright The house that shelters a friend_zpsrdeqrpgb.jpg

It is the same with the colours on this one.   They also arent scanned as pretty as they really are.  Also 5 by 7 inches in size.  I especially like this one.

Nobody seems to want them.  

 photo copyright He counts the stars_zpslrkchxly.jpg

This one is also for sale . . .

 photo copyright his mercies_zpsofiklwar.jpg

As is this one . . .

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 And this one  . . .

I am reading ... 

Martha's Vinyard Isle of Dreams, by Susan Branch The much anticipated sequel to The Fairy Tale Girl. In the winter of 1982, long before she became the watercolor artist and author we know today, Susan Branch, 34-years-old and heart-broken from the sudden and unexpected end of her marriage in California, "ran away from home" to the Island of Martha's Vineyard.

It was meant to be temporary, a three-month time-out from the daily grind of being broken up and miserable, but within days of her arrival, alone and not quite in her right mind, Susan "accidentally" bought a tiny one-bedroom cottage in the woods. And that is how she discovered she was moving 3,000 miles away from everyone and everything she had known and loved.

I am about two thirds of the way through this now and savoring every page. It's filled with small delights and whimsical artwork. My kind of book/journal!

I am also reading a couple of other books on my kindle.  Wanting this Susan Branch one to last forever.

I am looking forward to ...
It's Stake Conference this weekend.  I am looking forward to hearing our regional leaders speak.  There will also be a General Authority in attendance.

I am also looking forward to getting the results next Monday of my colonoscopy.  I am hoping and praying that there is nothing untoward about any of the test results.

I am learning ...
Still working on that patience thing.  Will I ever crack it?

Dreaming about ... 


So what if I am old enough to be his mother  . . .  okay  . . .  grandmother . . .

Hollowed Log planters . . . 


Simple dresses  . . . (wish I had those legs)

Visiting Italy one day  . . .


Growing my own tomatoes this year  . . .  in pots.

Having a pair of Mahabis Slippers . . .

A favourite quote for the day  ...

(¯`v´¯) `*.¸.*´Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ¸.
  •´¸.•~♥♥♥~•.~ ღϠ₡ღ¸. ✻´´¯`✻.¸¸.Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ.
                         ( ¸. ❀⁀ ⋱‿✿“` * .¸.* ✻ღϠ₡

The Seven Modern Sins 
Policies without principles
Pleasure without conscience
Wealth without work
Knowledge without character
Industry without morality
Science without humanity
Worship without sacrifice . . . .

Makes me smile ...

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This photo of Mitzie helping Todd water the plants from last year.  Looking forward to dry weather and summer . . . 

One of my favourite things ...

Polka dots  . . .

A peek into my day ...

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What could it possibly be  . . .  watch this space . . .

And that's my daybook for this week!

  ⋱ ⋮ ⋰
⋯ ◯ ⋯ Take time to enjoy the small *´¯`.¸¸.☆
  ⋰ ⋮ ⋱ blessings in life.*´¯`.¸¸.☆

✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿
░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░

Wherever you go and whatever you do, I hope there's a great day ahead of you! Don't forget!

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And I do too!!


  1. Marie, firstly I am sending you a huge, huge hug. I am sure Todd was being very careful and is upset too. I had one of those days too. My doctor is on holiday and his replacement charged PIp over $97 for a 10 minute visit today. Then I came home to around $200 in totally unexpected bills. I honestly do not know how I will manage. I sympathise.

    God bless you and keep you my friend.

  2. I love legs like those..and always pined for I am so grateful they just work.
    We change so much with different experiences..

    That lady..harrrumph..she should not be parked so close or over on your side.:(
    Don't you hate days/weeks like that?
    We all have them unfortunately..just weird that some more than others..and not fair.

    Beautiful art Marie..can't wait till you get news from the NYC show.

  3. I am loving the longer day light hours. It does make a difference in the way I feel. It's not been very warm here yet so I've not been outdoors much and am anxious to sit on the porch and enjoy it all. It is always something it seems and an accident like that can happen so easily. I can imagine Todd felt terrible about it all. I'm praying your test results are all good ones! Hope you have a terrific Tuesday!

  4. Thanks Suzan. Bonus news is that we have overpaid by £200 on our electricity bill, so they are refunding that, which hopefully will help to cover the cost of her fender. I am still miffed though about it as it was horribly scratched to begin with. I think she should also pay a portion of the cost of fixing it. I really don't think we should have to bear the whole responsability, simply because we chose to do the right thing, but then again doing the right thing is the right thing to do and you can't force others to do the right thing also, so we will bite the bullet and do whatever is required. xoxo

    I am grateful that my legs work also. Maybe in heaven we will have legs like that Monique! Here's hoping! I have my fingers crossed about the NYC, but really am afraid to have much hope. xoxo

    Thanks Pam! He didn't really even hit the car, just scraped the bumper, so no dent, but a scrape, and of course our car would have to have bright paint. lol He did feel terrible about it. He tried to go out and remove it with some spirits, but to no avail. It is annoying but a part of the ups and downs of life! Hope your Tuesday is a good one also! xoxo

  5. Marie i love doing these don't you? I cracked up when I came to what you are dreaming about! Me too. That is one little hot tomato! I just started a Pinterest Board on Grantchester yesterday! I'm in love with Sidney. Don't tell Jim. hehe. Love you dear friend. Bon

  6. Hi Marie, I agree that salad looks like the best salad ever. That could be the whole meal with all those good ingredients. If your neighbor's car was partially in front of your driveway, it doesn't seem right that you would have to pay. Take a photo of her car when she next parks that way, and show it to her. It sounds like her fault!

  7. It is not very neighbourly to be so horrid is it Marie, it wasn't as if her car hadn't had bashes there before, so she is just expecting Todd to pay up for some of her own scrapes.....I too love these nice early bright mornings and long evenings....take care love xxx

  8. Oh yes Grantchester Bonnie. Scrumptious. lol I also love me some George Gently. ;-) Love you too! xoxo

    Thanks Terra. It has certainly made Todd extra nervous about pulling in and out of the drive. Her front bumper is scraped all over the front, on both sides, so she definitely has had more than one scrape. Her back bumper too! xoxo

    That is what annoys me about it as well Sybil, but we must do the right thing, even if she doesn't. Hoping we get some warmer temperatures and drier days to go along with the longer ones! Love and hugs! xoxo

    Thanks Shortybear! xoxo


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