
Thursday 5 May 2016

My Favourite Things . . .


These are a few of my favourite things  . . .


A window over the kitchen sink so that I can look out and daydream while I do the dishes.    Oh how many hours in my lifetime have I spent in doing  just that . . . . every kitchen should have a window over the kitchen sink.  The kitchen I have now doesn't  *sniff *sniff


Warmer temperatures and being able to open the windows to let in fresh air.  Ahhh  . . .  the smell of spring.


Grey and white woolen blankets, with blanket stitched edges.  I don't know why I love grey woolen blankets.  Perhaps they make me think back on my childhood.   


Old china cups . . .  with all of it's crackled finish and worn edges.   You feel like you are drinking history when you drink from one of these  . . .


Blooms that show up in unexpected places . . .  like the inside rim of a bowl . . .


Lace Edged Plates  . . .  delicate.  A slice of cake eaten on one of these would be a celebration.  Even a plain old sponge.  I love plain old sponge cakes . . . with a bit of jam and cream.


Floral egg spoons.   I have a few.   I love them.   I never use them for fear they will break.  They are Greengate, bought back when I had a few bob or two.


Cut glass plates . . .  another love.   I have a set of four. 


Cherry Pie . . . .


Little grey bunnies in little green coats . . .

 Going into town coats  . . .


Worn over pin tucked, flower ruffled, bumble bee printed dresses.

Sigh . . .

And of course lovely comments left by YOU!   You really do all make my day. 

And that is all for today. What are some of your favourite things?

A thought to carry with you through this day . . .

"Hard as things seem today, 
they will be better in the next day 
if you choose to serve the Lord this day 
with your whole heart."
~Henry B Eyring

Spiritual Enlightenment

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In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Pan Fried Potatoes.  Another one of my favourite things!

Hope you have a lovely day! Don't forget!

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And I do too!


  1. Good morning Marie. I love the curtain blowing in the wind. I love those older plates and the sense of style and occasion. Sometimes our lives do have enough moments of importance and grace. I love to have high tea with my family. We used to have high tea on Christmas Day.

    God bless you and keep you.

  2. What a lovely Christmas Day Tradition Suzan! I love it! God bless and keep you also! xoxo

  3. Love the bunny doll and clothes. Also the fried potatoes and knives. Diabetic so have to steer clear of potatoes :( favorite food in the world .

  4. Look at her in her raincoat and beeautiful are having a ball with her I can tell...

    I do love those spoons..had never seen them..very very cute all the things you love.

  5. We have the rain drops but no roses yet here at my house. It's a dismal day but everything is green and growing. You've made me very hungry now for some fried potatoes with that picture. I'll check out the recipe!

  6. Thanks Linda, I am enjoying my bunny! I am diabetic also. My diabetic nurse told me I could have potatoes in small amounts. Just to keep the skin on them and use new potatoes, which are low GI. Funny how the rules are different in different places. (((hugs)))) xoxo

    Thanks so much Monique! I am enjoying her. I might have to make her a friend. xoxo

    Rain does make things green and lush Pam! That's why England is such a green and verdant country! God bless you! xoxo

  7. Oh, my sweet Marie, how you brighten my day when I read your posts. I have been so busy with missionary work I haven't had a speck of time to read posts. I miss yours the most. You open my mind to older and sweeter times. I loved all your favorite things today. The dishes are lovely and a I have a few like that that I treasure. They were inherited by my Mom and given to me.
    I too love a kitchen window to look out of and happy I have one in this home; sorry that you don't dear friend.
    The bunny doll and clothes brought back some memories too. My Aunt used to make bunny dolls. I still have one of them.
    I needed to have this nostalgia moment tonight. Sending loving thoughts your way dear friend.
    I hope to go back and read some of your past posts that I have missed.

  8. LeAnn, I always enjoy seeing a comment from you and keep up with all of your Missionary work on FB. You are a lot busier than we are. We are mostly working with inactives and reactivation. We love it. I am keeping both you and Roger in my prayers. Love you! xoxo


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!