
Thursday 12 May 2016

A few of my favourite things . . .

These are a few of my favourite things  . . .

My doll house.   Yes, I still play with it and I still love it.  I was just playing with it yesterday.

I have so much fun with it.

And with Norah and Boots.  I just don't take pictures of my play . . .


Pink Peonies.   I once lived in a house that was completely surrounded by them and pink Holly Hocks.  This was back when I was very young and didn't have a clue as to what most plants were.   I only knew they were pretty and they came back each year like magic.  I wish now that I had taken photographs.  They were amazing.  I have never been able to get peonies to grow here.


Jello.  They don't have it here.  They have jelly but there are basically only three flavours.  Not the abundance of flavours that we can get back home and not a one of them is green.  And Jello Pudding mix does not exist, which is probably a good thing because I like it too much.  Sugar free ones would be okay I guess.  I can get sugar free jelly here, but only in orange, raspberry, lemon and black currant.  I do like the black currant.  Black currant is a very popular flavour over here in a lot of things.

The scriptures.   I love them.    I  consult and study them frequently.  They are a part of my life and a thread which runs through all of my days.  I often fall asleep night reading them.  Not because they are boring, but because I am tired at the end of the day, and I reckon there are worse things to fall asleep with.  I love to listen to them also, which I do on my iPad.   When I am putting my makeup on in the morning, when I am relaxing . . .  I often have my ear phones in and am listening to the scriptures, or conference talks . . .  something inspiring.  Garbage in/garbage out.  It is my thinking that if I fill my mind and ears with goodness and truth, then that is what will come out.


The Artwork of Marjolein Bastin.  Back home you can get cards, notebooks, stickers, etc.  All with her art on it.  You cannot find it here.   Nowhere, nohow.   I miss it.   I loved her note cards especially and the stationary.  Her work is so sweet and so beautiful.  I love LOVE Vera the Mouse.   Miss these things very much.

(Source Nana and Co.)

Needlebooks and Pin Keeps.  I love using them and I love making them.  In fact we did a simple one as a project for Relief Society once when I was in charge of activities.  They are such simple things and can be very beautiful.  You can never have too many Needlebooks and Pin Keeps.

 (Source, Syd's Illustrations)

Mice drawings, dolls, figurines, etc.   Not real ones.  Just pretend ones.  Humanized.  I think they are so cute.  I love making them . . .


I haven't made any in a while now.  I've sold every  one I have ever made.   I actually really like making dolls.  I need to get back into that  . . .


My DeLonghi toaster.  I've been trying to save up for the matching kettle, but something always happens and I never get very close to what I need to have to get one, so it is still on my dream list.  These toasters are magnificent.


 I love Joseph Joseph anything, even if I did melt the largest bowl in my nesting bowl set.   I am still kicking myself over that one.  I still use it.  It's just not as pretty and they don't sit all together now.  That was a really dumb thing of me to do.


The Missionaries.  I Love being one and I love working with them.  I Love feeding them and spending time with them.  Learning and studying with them.  I just love everything about them.  I fed the Zone Leaders lunch yesterday.  I made them my cabbage and cheese soup and rolls, and then brownies.   They are always so appreciative.   I love it even better when they come back to see us after they have gone home.  So many have done that and it is always so lovely to see them again.  Tomorrow ex Sister Schnare is coming to see us along with her husband who was also a Missionary in the EMM.


Here she is when she was a missionary here.  From left to right, Elder Peterson, Elder Johnson, Sister Lesleie, Sister Maiurnikova, Sister Schnare(Swallow) and Sister Crookston.  All of them served here.  We loved each of them so very much.


Tomorrow afternoon Sister Swallow and her husband will be visiting us.  I am making cake.  They are such a cute couple.  I loved having Elder Dadd's, Tom  . . .  with us a few weeks back. 

Not only do the Missionary's keep you young, but they bring such a sweet spirit into your home.  If you ever get a chance to have them in your home or to feed them, take it.  You won't be sorry you did!


Crunchy Cheetos.  I love, Love,  LOVE Crunchy Cheetos.   They are a rare animal over here.  If you do find them you pay a bomb for them.

Oh boy . . .  the things you miss when you can't get them anymore.  It's crazy!


Baxter.  Need I say more?  Love this little grand-doggie.


The New Look in my Etsy Shop.  I have been working on it.

And that is all for this week. What are some of your favourite things?

A thought to carry with you through this day . . .

"Every man or woman who goes forth
in missionary service blessed the lives
of all he or she teaches.
Furthermore, his or her own life is
enriches by this selfless labor."
~Gordon B Hinckley

Spiritual Enlightenment


In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Herb and Lemon Roasted Chicken Breasts.

Hope you have a lovely day! Don't forget!

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And I do too!


  1. Marie due to my family and our chaotic ways I have missed dinner and had Ryvita and Vegemite. How my tummy growled at the picture of the chicken. I had a great dinner planned too.

    Once again I have loved your post and have some inspiration to follow up.

    God bless your day and have some fun.

    As a PS dad is looking much better and enjoyed interacting with Pip today.

  2. Happy to hear your father was having a good day today Suzan, but sorry you didn't get any tea! Maybe tomorrow. xoxo

  3. Cute Etsy Marie!

    I am surprised tere is no MB work there..I must admit I see it less than at one time about 15 yrs ago..but I still see it..
    Have a lovely rest of day..your young couple is so cute!!!

  4. One of my fav. Things is reading your blog Marie, I love being friends with you.....what a lovely day this has been weather wise. It's been sunny and warm just the right temp. To be able to sit out and enjoy....this morning I was not 100% so didn't go to church coffee morning but thankfully I picked up as the day went by. Hope you have had a good day. Xxx

  5. I know Monique, and she only lives just across the channel! You would think that her stuff would be available here! Love and hugs! xoxo

    Aww Sybil, you made my day with your comment. I love being friends with you also! It was also gorgeous here, and looks good today so far also! I hope this isn't our summer though! Hope you are soon in the pink! Love you! xoxo


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!