
Wednesday 13 April 2016

Wednesday this and that . . . .


By the mill . . . the little stream, goes peacefully upon its way.
Willows swoop upon the bank . . .
where swallows skim and children play.
Through the cool dusk of the leaves,
the dappled sunlight falls . . .
where the swan glides in the shadow of the ivy-covered walls.


Once . . .  the stream rushed loud and busy
past this lattice window pane . . .
full of froth and self-importance,
turning wheels and grinding grain . . .
Now, unhurriedly it flows where
green boughs trail amongst the reeds . . .
softly . . . slowly
slipping out into the quiet water-meads . . .

One thing I love about the UK is that it preserves a lot of these older buildings, so that you can now . . .  in modern days . . .  go to see them and get a real sense of what life used to be like long, long ago.  There is a water mill not that far from us, the Stretton Water Mill, which dates back to 1351 and is one of the country’s best preserved demonstration water powered corn mills, set in beautiful, rural Cheshire.

We've been there several times through the years.  It's a beautiful spot on a sunny day.   You can stand by the idyllic pond and watch dragon and damselflies skip upon its glassine surface feasting upon what they catch . . . its so very peaceful . . .unless the mill is working . . .  with only the odd squawk of a water bird breaking upon the silence . . .  or the plop of a frog as it enters the water . . . or hum of crystaline wings in the air . . .


I did an art comission yesterday in the afternoon.   I am quite happy with how it turned out.  The  most difficult part of these for me is the lettering, which is all done by hand.  And of course you are on pins and needles until you hear back from the person you are doing it for, having no idea of whether it will please them or not, or if you will have to go back to the drawing board and begin again . . .

I do enjoy the creation process very much however, and am lost in another world while I muse and sketch and colour.  I have my special music that I like to listen to in the process and by the end my desk is a mess of coloured markers and such.  I keep all the ones I am using out so that I don't forget which colours I have used here or used there.

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 And then when I come back down stairs after having completed what I am doing, this little madame is waiting for me, tail wagging in a frenzy.  You would think I have been gone forever and forever . . .  such a loving greeting is given.  But no  . . .

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I haven't been gone that long  . . .  its just close to mealtime, and I am the feeder.  Oh she does make me laugh.  I love her so very much.   She sure enjoyed having Tom with us these past few days.  He's gone back home now, and goodbyes were said with much tail wagging and pleas of come back soon.

She does that you know . . .  when someone is leaving . . . she has a lot to say about it.  They get as enthusiastic a farewell as they get a hello.  Personality plus is our Mitzie!

And that's about it for today . . .  not a lot on really.  We have some Missionary visits to do, and the Missionary Sisters are coming for their tea at 5:30, and then we are all off to Missionary Correlation tonight.  We have a new Sister who arrived yesterday.  She is new to the field so we are looking forward to meeting her.

A thought to carry with you through today  . . .

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I ...
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference
~Robert Frost

Spiritual Enlightenment

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In The English Kitchen today we are eating leftovers . . .  delicious leftovers in the tasty form of Mom's Beef Pot Pie.

Have a fabulous Wednesday!  Whatever you get up to stay safe and don't forget!

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And I do too!!

 PS- My e-mail doesn't seem to be working today.  Is anyone else on AOL??  Can you get in??


  1. Hello Marie,

    Today i was able to take mum on a long awaited trip and was astounded to find that I have driven over 400km and I need to pick PIp up at 10pm. Musicals exhaust mum.

    We went to Montville / Maleny. This is on the Sunshine Coast hinterland. But the drive was so long there was not a lot of time to explore. It was blissfully cool up there and I did not appreciate coming down from the hills to humidity etc. Next time we are not going so far and we are going on the train!

    Enjoy your day and God bless you.

  2. Your artwork is to be admired for sure. Hope you have a wonderful Wednesday!

  3. AOL has been on pins and needles for 2 days now..I have noticed..I think they are doing something..

    I did send you something via hotmail..hope yu got that..

    Sweet sweet commission Marie..Are you on Instagram? I have been following calligraphers and it has made me sit..and be quiet and apply to take up something you once loved..theye are AMAZING on Instagram.

  4. That's a lotta lotta driving Suzan! You should be exhausted! I don't know how you do it! xoxo

    Thanks Pam. The sun is shining here today. And it's warm! Let's hope things dry up a bit! Its been far too wet! xoxo

    I did get it in my hotmail Monique! Thanks so much. Haven't responded, sorry! I am not on Instagram. I will have to check it out. I have not managed to figure out how to post photos online directly from my camera yet. I am very stupid with technology! xoxo

  5. I do love your latest beautiful work of art Marie, I cannot imagine anyone not being delighted.....thanks also for the photos of Mitzie, she is so precious isn't she, just like my wee Masy...Today we have had the first day of not Spring but.....summer .... Yes we had warm summer sunshine.bmary and I sat out for almost three hours it was so good to feel the warm sunshine on our face. Only complaint as the noise of the crows....or are they rooks ?...I'm never sure, they nest in the trees right opposite ..and the noise they were making this afternoon was just that.....a noise !....a squawk!!! More like it LOL....ah well I suppose they have to tell their chicks they are coming with more food !...
    Hope you are enjoying your day and that you like the new missionary tonight xxx

  6. This morning I managed to get the pictures in your post and they are beautiful.

    I was a very tired woman after getting Pip at 10 pm. I couldn't settle to sleep easily and slept ten hours when I did.
    I think that for some Aussies that is a daily commute. You get used to it and I did enjoy the scenery and slower driving for a change. Then I hit the freeway and knew I had underestimated how long it would take me to get Pip from her practice teaching.

    There is so much to do today and I am struggling to start moving.

    God bless your sleeping.

  7. Thanks Sybil! Crows/rooks are very noisy, but also very intelligent! We ended up with a gorgeous day yesterday and also a very busy one, with one thing coming right after another! Whew! xoxo

    I think perhaps some times of the day are better with the internet than others Suzan? God bless your day! xoxo


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