
Monday 18 April 2016

Small and Wonderful Things . . .


"The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny?...It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. what you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard

A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life. It's the small things in life which truly mean the most. Simple abundance . . . it's the best.

 photo Mom talking to me on phone April 17 2016_zpskqzfmiwz.jpg

As you know I call my mom every Sunday.  Yesterday was no different.  My sister took a picture of my mom while I was talking to her.  All dressed up and made up for Sunday  It meant the world to me to be able to see my mom like this.

 photo Mom April 17 2016 watching squirrels_zpsq0tpfjai.jpg

When she first answered the phone she was watching squirrels outside the window chasing each other and quite enjoying it.  That made me happy too, to be a part of that . . . to hear her happiness.   I look over at the small table and I can see Todd's and my photo sitting on top of it along with some others, and beneath it the rock I painted for my mom for Christmas, must be about 20 years or so ago now, if not longer.  Seems like a whole lifetime ago.  That's a teddy bear my sister crocheted for my mom a very long time ago sitting on top of the TV stand.  My mom has a new tv.

She looks happy.  Content.  Life is good.   That makes me very happy.


Finished projects.   Those make me feel good.  I make myself finish things now.  For many years I was a starter and not a finisher.  That has all changed.  Now I always finish what I start.  It is a struggle to change a lifetime of habits like that, but it feels good when you do.   I am not entirely sure it turned out the way it was supposed to, or if all the waffles are the same, but that's okay.  It is for washing dishes.  I don't think they will care and I expect I will get better at this knitting lark as I go along.

I think this is going to be my next project.  A little knitted bunny.  It's a Debi Birkin pattern.  Just deciding on colours now.


 I was cleaning up the other day and something caught my eye. I pulled this out from beneath the side board in the dining area . . . it made me smile.  It reminded me of the Saviour's birth and Tatiana's visit, Christmas day with the other missionaries and a lot of other lovely memories of this past Christmas.  It just warmed my heart to no end.  It's funny how that goes . . .  these little tiny blessings, become even greater when you let them.


I was looking out the back window this morning and my eyes lit upon these little bluebirds on the window sil and my heart smiled again.   Kathy.   These remind me of Kathy and a lovely day we spent in Chester together . . .  shopping, laughing, and eating bad pancakes.  (How can anyone get those so wrong!)  I miss her, but its super nice to have these to remind me of her and all of the lovely times we spent together as friends, as sisters in the Gospel, as Missionaries.

 photo DSCN0479_zpsmwhduyzn.jpg

Her eyes might make her look like she is a sad doggie, but she is really a very happy doggie.   Every morning at about 6:30 she nudges me and I sit on the sofa and she jumps up and we have a bit of a cuddle . . .  she butting her head into me (that's how she hugs) and curling into me and me patting her on the rump.  Its a little dance of unconditional love and then I say to her . . .  "Do you want your breakfast?" and she stops and looks at me, her ears all perked and then she jumps off the sofa, looking at me, tail wagging.  I walk into the kitchen . . .  her wet nose butting on my calves with about every step of the way.  She stops at the door and sits and waits.   I pull out her morning bowl and drop in her morning breakfast and then put it on the floor.   She watches me the whole time and once it is on the matt in front of the sink, she comes over and begins to eat, her tail wagging the whole time.  She always pauses for a second and looks up at me . . .  as if to say thank you.  There is much comfort in our  morning routine.  It blesses me in untold ways . . .

And that's my small and wonderfuls for this week!

A thought to carry with you through today  . . .

I learned that courage 
was not the absence of fear,
but the triumph over it.
The brave man is not he 
who does not feel afraid,
but he who conquers that fear.
~Nelson Mandela

Spiritual Enlightenment 


In the English Kitchen today  . . .  Chicken Cordon Bleu.

May your week ahead be filled with an abundance of small and wonderful things. Along the way, don't forget . . .

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 And I do too!


  1. Marie something made me smile. Would you believe we have the same drinking glasses? We have the clear and the blue. Now everytime I drink I shall think of you.

    The serendipity of finding an ornament just after Easter is awesome. It made smile.

    God bless your day.

  2. That's the word I was looking for Suzan, serendipity! Love it. Love also that we have the same drinking glasses. Now I will always think of you halfway cross the world drinking from the same glasses. What a happy thought! God bless you! xoxo

  3. It's lovely when you see something that brings back such good memories. It's wonderful to see that your mom is doing so well. What a blessing ! Hope your week is off to a great start. Happy Monday !

  4. Thanks Pam! I hope that your week is off to a great start also! xoxo

  5. Prefect moments..mama looks great!! What a miracle.
    Happy for you:)♥
    She looks so nice Marie.
    And all your treasures..

  6. How wonderful for you to see your sweet mother as she speaks with you!
    I shall remember to do that when my mom is on the phone with my sisters. : )
    Enjoyed visiting with you today.
    Have a lovely spring day! : )

  7. Thanks Monique! It really meant the world to me to be able to see her like this. Her memory is not so good these days, which saddens me a bit, but she still remembers me so that is good! xoxo

    It was a real treat for me Billie Jo and so kind of my sister to take the picture! You have a lovely day too! xoxo

  8. It is so lovely that you are able to speak to your mum regularly she is looking so well, when you think what she has been through these last couple of years. It is nice when you can ...see...things that you have made or the photograph as it shows just how much she loves you and Todd even although you are so far apart.....hope you have had a lovely day. Monday is always good for me as my friend Pam comes over and we have a good laugh at the daftest things !!...not been quite so nice and sunny today but I did get sitting out for 10 mins or so xxx

  9. enjoyed this visit with you dear

  10. Happy that you have had a nice day with Pam Sybil! I did go into town with Todd. It was dry, but quite cool! xoxo

    Thanks Shortybear! xoxo


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