
Saturday 2 April 2016

Saturday wit and whimsy . . . .

A wave of green has broken upon the shores of the countryside of Britain . . . sweeping round woodlands and hedges like a rising tide.  Left behind are the footprints of March . . .  seen in damson blossoms and the dancing daffodils . . .

(source free printable)

Springtime crashes on shores about the world with a mounting wave of living green, rolling in as on twig and bough and branch . . . tender new leaves unfurling and making their presence known.  A green renewal . . .

Soon now the cherry tree will bloom . . . like a white-sailed galleon upon the rolling seas . . . adrift before the winds, fair and graceful, riding in upon the full green waters of the tides of Spring.  Tis a glorious time of year

All winter long the tree has lay dormant . . . it's branches dark and bare and then . . . with the increasing hours of daylight and the warming rays of the spring sunshine they come alive and little green buds quicken and grow . . . and then it seems that overnight the branches are suddenly filled to overflowing with that ruffled pink and white sweetness. The air scented with the fragrance of a million blooms and full of the buzz of a hundred bumbly bees flitting from blossom to blossom . . .

Oh I do so love Spring . . .  with all of it's April showers and such.   It is a beautiful time of renewal and hope.

I had a little while to play yesterday.  I had done the pencil drawing a few days back and yesterday I was able to find time to take out my brushes . . . a water colour.  No words this time . . .  just feeling.  A little girl flys . . . with flowers in her hair.  Todd thought it was sweet.  She is for sale.


I have begun the bottom half of the back of my Hot Water Bottle Cover.  I am really liking how it is shaping up.  It's so easy to do, just sitting and knitting while the telly is on in the evenings.  I hate to sit and do nothing  . . .

I have to be doing something  . . .  anything but just sit and watch  . . . it has been ever so . . .


And look what arrived in the post  . . .  my baby boy . . . getting married, less than a hundred days now.  Tis quite exciting an exciting time for them . . .

 A thought to carry with you through today  . . .

 ¸.❀⁀ ⋱‿✿“` * “`✿⁀ ⋱‿¸.❀ ¸.

Joy is what happens to us
when we allow ourselves to recognise
how good things really are.
~Marianne Williamson

 ¸.❀⁀ ⋱‿✿“` * “`✿⁀ ⋱‿¸.❀ ¸.

Spiritual Enlightenment

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Baking in The English Kitchen today . . .  Sour Cherry Drops. 

Have a great Saturday.  We will be listening to and watching our General  Conference later today.  Can't wait!  Whatever you get up to don't forget . . .

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 And I do too!


  1. Marie you must be so very excited. I hope that you are able to attend the wedding.

    Autumn has not arrived. Today was 35 degrees. The sun was so intense. Ick! Mum came home today. I don't think they will ever be able to control her blood pressure which has gone from very low to extremely high.

    I love your knitting. I hate to sit and watch television and do nothing. If it wouldn't be frowned upon and would knit almost everywhere I go.

    God bless you and Todd today and always.

  2. Sadly, I don't think I will be able to Suzan. I just don't have the money. Not much I can do about it as I don't have any credit cards either. So unless one of the kids buys me a ticket, I can't go. I would also have to have money to stay in a motel, and rent a car, etc. It's just not possible. I am glad that your mum is home, but sorry her bp is so high. I hope you can get it under control and that you get some hot weather relief soon! xoxo

  3. I do love this time of year. Spring is my favorite season. I love seeing everything come to life again. Congrats on the upcoming wedding of your youngest. I do remember when my youngest got married. It was a wonderful feeling to know that he'd found his special someone.

  4. The invitation looks beautiful:) As well as your watercolor girl and knitting do everything so well Marie..

    could you stay at your mom's?
    Just thinking of ideas..?Then you would not need a car nor lodging?

  5. It's one of my favourite seasons also Pam! But then I say that about every season! Hope you're having a great weekend! xoxo

    That would work if they were getting married in NS Monique, but they are getting married in New Brunswick, but beyond that the ticket is beyond our finances. We just don't have the money. If they had gotten married just two months later we might have, but that's the way the cookie crumbles. xoxo

  6. Hi Marie!

    Spring has finally sprung in Idaho as well . . . I cannot tell you how happy that makes me! I love the beautiful blossoms, I can smell them as I type!

    Your cute little girl dancing is adorable! It reminded me of when I was a little girl. My sister and I would put our half slips on our heads and pretend we had long hair. Not sure why it reminded me of that long lost memory, but it did! It's so cute, you are very talented!

    I'm not very good at sitting without something in my hands either. Your hot water bottle cover will be very nice. You will enjoy it when winter rolls around again.

    I am preparing paper and pencil, and a few crochet projects, for General Conference. I have been waiting patiently for this day! My daughter and her husband were in Salt Lake City for the week, and they said the town was buzzing! I'm sure it will be wonderful and inspiring. Enjoy!

    The anticipation of a wedding is always wonderful! Congratulation to your son and his fiance!

    Hugs and Love,

  7. OHhh Barb! Spring in Idaho! I can only imagine what it is like. I have experienced Winter in Idaho and am thinking Spring is equally as wonderful! Love your childhood memory. It made me smile. I think I have done similar things! Do you think as we get older we think a lot more about our childhoods? I hope you enjoy Conference! Love and hugs, xoxo

  8. It is sad that you can't get to the wedding Marie, however I know you will be there in your heart and they will be sending you photographs etc..not the same I know but just something else to add weight to your already heavy heart with regards the family. You are especially in my thoughts....hope that it has been a lovely day with you. The sun has shone all day here, unfortunately there has been that horrible wind so we have not been able to sit out .....will have to wait a while to get my sun tan built up again LOL....I am sure you will be enjoying the conference tonight...goodnight. God Bless bxx

  9. I don't know how I missed that..NB and NS..

    It amazes me the weddings that are in the islands and people go!
    How do all thse kids/people afford to go?

  10. Oh, how your words just flow like poetry; it was a beautiful post. I too love spring and I so want to be warm. It has been so cold here. Hopefully, it is warming up soon. Thanks for sharing your writing and your artistic talents. You are awesome! Sending you lots of love and hugs your way~

  11. It is sad Sybil and to compound it all, this is one of the two that has a problem with me and I am fearful that it will just be another notch in the belt of grudges against me. But what can I do. It's difficult. The sun didn't shine here at all yesterday. It rained all day. Hoping today will be better! I did enjoy what I saw of conference yesterday and am going to enjoy todays also! God bless you also! xoxo

    I have the same thought also Monique! My ex boss's daughter got married in Nassau last year and over 300 people flew to it. Must have cost a bomb! But then . . . they're all rich anyways! My friend Kathy's youngest got married in South Africa a few years back and they all had to go there. It cost them a small fortune! xoxo

    Thanks LeAnn! You're very welcome. What can I say? I like to share! Love and hugs and blessings right back! xoxo


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