
Sunday 27 March 2016

What a difference a day makes . . . .

 Friday was a glorious day.  The sun was shining brightly all day . . .  I hung clothes out . . . the flies and the bees were buzzing  . . .  Mitzie was allowed finally to have somewhat of an amble and a sniff on the grassed area of the garden.  She was so very happy for that experience!


Todd was finally able to cut the grass.  It has been a while!  In fact everyone was out mowing their grass.  The air was humming with the sounds of mowers and the smell of fresh cut grass.  You can see Todd is quite happy to finally be able to tackle this chore!  And without wellies!   We'd had a week with no rain and it had made a huge difference!

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Even the fish were happy to see the sun . . .  although we did lose a younger one earlier this week to those darned cats, despite the wire fence we have around it!  Grrr . . .  Todd was pointing out some of the frog spawn here, although it's not visible in the photograph, it is quite visible in the pond.


Even the daffodils were dancing . . .  they were happy too.

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The  Heather is blooming  . .  I think it was pretty happy too . . . 

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The fruit trees are budding  . . .  and Mitzie was a sniff-sniff-sniffing . . .  making up for all those lost  months and sniffs . . . 

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I roasted a leg of lamb for our friend Doreen  . . .  she does not cook anymore and Billy can't cook . . . 

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It was sent over with some of my fruit cake and some vegetables for them to enjoy on the side . . .

But then the rain moved in.  Nevermind . . . 

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Gene Kelly was still dancing in the rain . . .

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The flowers Todd brought me last week are still  looking beautiful on the window sil . . .  look at the rain on the window. So much so that our satelite telly failed . . . that's heavy duty . . .

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But I finished a project I have been working on . . .  a farewell gift for Sister Jo.   One of my dolls . . .  wearing Sister Jo's turquoise jacket and little missionary badge . . .  her trademark necklace and earrings and her lovely red bag . . .

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Her bag is stogged full of goodies  . . .  overflowing with tiny goodies that have meaning  . . .  I hope it will be a remembrance of her mission . . .

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The pink polka dot iPad cover she bought on one of our shopping dates . . .  Kath Kidston you know  . . .  her little british covered mobile . . .  a magic wand (made from a pin and a star shaped magic bead), a set of dice . . . (She was always looking for dice so that we could play games) a tin map book and a small piece of my heart . . .

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The Map Book is so that she will never get lost and will always be able to find her way back to us  . . .

We are sure going to miss her.  I hope she likes it.  I am going to give it to her at church tomorrow . . .  (which is today when you will be reading this.  Because of the time change I am doing this the  night before  . . .  oh how I hate it when the clocks go forward and we lose an hour.  It messes with my schedule!)

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I made us a salad to go with out tea, which was a denver omelette . . .  I made it my mom's way.  She used to make a salad on Sunday afternoons to go with our dinner.  She always started it by marinating chopped onions in the bottom of her salad bowl with some vinegar, oil, salt and pepper.  The vinegar helps to take the bite out of the onions so they are not as sharp

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I always loved my mom's salads.

And when the sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome, had bought sweet spices, that they might come and anoint him.  And very early in the morning the first day of the week, they came unto the sepulchre at the rising of the sun. And they said among themselves, Who shall roll us away the stone from the door of the sepulchre?  And when they looked, they saw that the stone was rolled away: for it was very great. 

And entering into the sepulchre, they saw a young man sitting on the right side, clothed in a long white garment; and they were affrighted.  And he saith unto them, Be not affrighted: Ye seek Jesus of Nazareth, which was crucified: he is risen; he is not here: behold the place where they laid him.  But go your way, tell his disciples and Peter that he goeth before you into Galilee: there shall ye see him, as he said unto you.  And they went out quickly, and fled from the sepulchre; for they trembled and were amazed: neither said they any thing to any man; for they were afraid. 

Mark 16:  1-8 

I stand all amazed.  I hope that I always will.  Yes  . . .  what a difference a day makes . . .

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 Baking in The English Kitchen today  . . .  A Simple Simnel Cake.

May your Easter Sunday be truly blessed.  Fill it with joy and with love and with the true reason for the season, and through it all don't forget . . .

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and I do too!

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."
~John 3:16


  1. Happy Easter Marie.

    The doll and her handbag are amazing. I love all those teensy little things. You have been thinking and searching near and far for those darling accessories. The memories will remain alive and precious.

    God bless your day and I hope you see more sunshine soon. We have been blessed with rain. It is welcome. However, or main airconditioner died on Thursday evening. We all thought we would be fine. After all it is supposed to be autumn. Famous last thoughts.

  2. Happy Easter ! It is so true what a difference a day makes ! Some times it's good and sometimes not, but there is always something good to find in everyday when we take the time to look!

  3. The doll you made for her is a tiny Marie treasure filled with meaningful items that are so cute to boot..


    Todd looks so happy to be outdoors
    we are blessed w/ the weather here also:)


  4. Thanks Suzan, I was planning this doll for a while. I tried to put things in the purse that would remind her of her Mission, a kind of Missionary keepsake. I had more that I could have put in but there wasn't enough room in the bag. I should have made her a suitcase! haha Happy Easter! xoxo

    Happy Easter Pam! You are so right, there is good in every day if we will only take the time and make the effort to look for it. SOmetimes it doesn't take much effort at all! xoxo

    I am thinking of you today Monique and your family Easter Celebrations. I hope you have a positively wonderful time and that the good weather holds out for you! xoxo

  5. Hi Marie!

    Easter is truly one of my favorite days to celebrate! What a wonderful gift the Savior gave to us!

    We have had a few good days. Yesterday was "warmer", about 47 degrees. My husband went out and swept the pine cones off of the grass, and we were able to put out a few filled Easter eggs for the grands to hunt. We are expecting a winter storm later this week . . . Spring is trying to make a comeback!!

    Your fishpond is so pretty, and I'm so glad that Mitzie got to have a wonderful day of sniffing! I love to see that you have some beautiful blossoms to enjoy, inside and out!

    The doll is just adorable! I'm sure that, Sister Jo, will love it! What a great gift, I'm pretty sure she will never forget what a wonderful and sweet soul you are!

    Dinner for a friend is such a blessing! You are really such a good example of service and love, Marie! Happy Easter to you sweet friend!

    Hugs and Love,

  6. At long last I am able to get a word's strange how I rarely seem to get in on the morning you make your entry ....anyway here I am. So glad that you had at least one nice dry day and that both Todd and Mitzie enjoyed the gardening !...loved your photos as well. I just love love your little girl gift...I'm sure and positive Sister Jo will just fall in love with it, just as I did with my little...Bee girl...I was just showing her to a friend the other day and she loved it almost as much as no fear that sister no wont adore it,
    Hope that you had a lovely day,,,,I'm just going now to pick up Peter he has been away on a coach to London zoo. Bye xxxx

  7. Happy Easter, Marie. :)

    That cake is lovely, but the DOLL!! An absolute treasure. ♥

    And my grandmother's salad dressing is your mom's salad dressing, only I add some sugar to it. Such a good one, yes. :)

  8. How wonderful that you were able to get out and hide some eggs in the yard for the Grands Barb! I wish I could do that. I miss a lot over here, but it was my choice to move here so I mustn't complain. I am with you when it comes to Gratitude for the blessing of Easter. Love and hugs! xoxo

  9. So happy you finally got in Sybil. I don't know what the problem is! The garden is all just sodden again! So much rain in just a couple of days and so much travel chaos for those who are travelling. Probably the wettest and windiest Easter on record! The Bee Doll was my favourite one of all time. Love and hugs, xoxo

  10. Happy Easter Val! Sister Jo loved the doll. I was not sure when I would see her over the next two weeks. They will be very busy weeks for them as they get ready to go home and have so many goodbyes to make. They have been much beloved here. I thought I would give it to her before she got too busy and had time to pack it away in safety. I think our mom's must be of a similar age so it's not surprising that they have similar ways of doing things! xoxo

  11. Oh Marie, I hope you had a really wonderful Sabbath day. Your doll that you are giving the Sister is just so adorable. I just love it so much. What a sweet one you are to make such a lovely gift. Your day of sunshine just sounded so wonderful. It has been so cold here and we are expecting a 2nd day of snow tomorrow. I can't wait to just be warm. I love it when the flowers bloom and the grass is spring.
    All the pictures lifted my spirits. Sending love and hugs your way~

  12. Back to cold, rain and wet here now LeAnn! God bless you!xoxo


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