
Monday 7 March 2016

Small and wonderful things . . .

"The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny?...It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. what you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard

A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life. It's the small things in life which truly mean the most. Simple abundance . . . it's the best.


As you know I have been reading "The God Who Weeps," by Terry and Fiona Givens.   I am really enjoying it, savoring it . . .  not rushing through it, but digesting it slowly.  I have come up with some fresh perspectives on a few things that I had not considered before.  Last night I was reading about the need and value of opposition in all things, the world, life, etc.  Nothing new there, but then they began talking about Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil that they had been told not to partake the fruit from . . .  and how BOTH Good and Evil had existed on that tree.  Sixty years old.   Read those passages in the scriptures a bazillion times . . .  this fact had never dawned on me in all that time.  Now it slapped me in the face, and I was like wow.  It's so true.

I love it when that happens.  I love books that make you think.

I fell asleep easily last night and without a lot of the coughing that has been keeping myself (and Todd) awake nights.  I did come home from church yesterday with a sore throat . . .  thinking to myself, oh no  what else  . . . .  I am so grateful however that I did get a good night's sleep.    I have been using the putting vicks on the bottoms of your feet thing.  Some nights it has worked, some nights it has not worked.  Last night was one of the nights it worked.

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 I love this photograph of me napping with my dad.  I call it "The Apple of His Eye," because that is what he calls me, the apple of his eye.  I can feel the love in this picture and it makes me happy.  My father moved into his own place a month or so ago so he isn't living with my mom and my sister any more.   I haven't had an easy time getting in touch with him since he moved.  Yesterday I finally caught him at home and we had a lovely long conversation.  He sounded really happy and content with his life.  That made me feel good.  As a parent I want my children to be settled and happy . . .  but as a child I also want my parents to be settled and happy.

I  love this photograph of our Amanda, Maryn and Tom.  They are on their way to Amanda's graduation last year when she got her Masters.  I love the little braids and the hand holding.  I love the stalwart strength in Tom's back.  Although we cannot see their faces  . . .  I love the smiles and the contented peace this picture evokes . . .  the love and sense of family.  It is a beautiful thing.

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Wee Cameron is on the mend.  Thanks to prayer and modern medicine.

Eileen and Tim at the National Special Olympic Winter Games last week in Newfoundland.   Eileen won a Silver medal for Nova Scotia.  As always I am very proud of her.  Even without medals I am proud of her.   I am proud of all my children.  We talk often on facebook.   She won a tablet at her works Christmas party last year and so when she goes to work at break time she gets on it and we are able to message.  It's great!


Sara and Lucy.  Lucy is getting bigger and looking more and more like the Springer Spaniel she is.  Where would we be without our furry family members?  Mitzie always lays next to me on our sofa in the evenings.  Sometimes she sits next to me upright, tucked snuggly into my side, her little head and long ears tucked into my arm . . .  I scratch her ears for her and rub her head.  She loves it.  I can tell.  Sometimes she arches her head back so I can scratch her neck and she looks up/back at me as she does and it is a  look filled with pure love, acceptance and contentment.   Oftimes she will look over at Todd, willing him to come and sit on the other side of her and he does  . . . she is hard to resist.   We are a family.


 Haha, my son put this on his facebook page.  It looks like Baxter and it made me laugh.  Small but mighty, that is our Baxter.  Defender of the hearth despite his small stature.

Our furry family members always cheer my heart to no end.


It was the Season End espisode of Call The Midwife last night.  We will have to wait another nine months (funny how that worked out!) for the Christmas Special to see our nurses again.  No spoilers here, but you all will need an extra box of tissues for this final episode.   Most tear jerkiest episode ever and for many reasons.   This series just goes from strength to strength.  I hope it is on for a good many more years.  I would hate to ever see it end.  I will be first in line on the 14th of March to buy the DVD, so that our home library is complete.    I still haven't gotten around to buying the last series of Downton Abby.  I need to do that too, before it becomes impossible to find.

Now that all of those episodes of DA have aired in North America I am curious as to how my North American DA fan friends felt about this last series?  Do tell!

And that's my small and wonderfuls for this week.    I am not sure if I will get anything written tomorrow morning.  I have to be at the hospital for 9 am so it will be a busy morning.  I will probably have to save my daily post for afterwards!  Wish me well!  (This is just the pre-assessment.)

A thought to carry with you through today . . .

Love cannot ease every anguish in the world 
but tenderly applied, it can transfigure fortunes, 
light up faces. Turn the tide. 
~Call the Midwife, season 2

Spiritual Enlightenment 

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In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Chicken Enchilada Bake.  A simple and delicious casserole which is quick to make and easy if you keep certain store cupboard ingredients on hand!

May your week ahead be filled with an abundance of small and wonderful things. Along the way don't forget . . .

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And I do too!


  1. Oh I am glad no one has commented yet as I don't want to read about Downton. It has been airing a few weeks here.

    I am so happy you have slept and that Todd slept too. Being short of sleep seems to mean that aches and pains and tempers feel so much more awful. I hope today is another on the mend day.

    My Monday has been quiet. I took mum to the doctor and have been told to look into a call system for her. so I shall.

    God bless.

  2. Oh dear Suzan! I had no idea that it wasn't yet finished in Australia yet! No spoilers from me! You are right about being short of sleep making your day that much more difficult to cope with. A good nights sleep is a sure tonic for a great day! Glad your day has been quiet. Love and hugs, xoxo

  3. Downton Abby - we saw the final show last night and we both said we felt like we had lost part of our family. Love that show.

  4. Downton Abby just finished here last night too. Nice to see the happy pictures of your family. Like you I treasure them.

  5. Meant to say I treasure my family like you do. Happy Monday!

  6. I know what you mean Dee! I was so sorry to see it end. I think they should do some spin offs. I can see Mrs Patmore with her B&B. What's next for Daisy? The Bate's. Mrs and Mrs Carson . . . I would love to see what's next for all of the characters. I was a bit disappointed that Tom and Mary didn't end up together. That would have made me very happy. xoxo

    I can tell from the way you write about them that your family is very special to you Pam. We do love our families. Happy Monday to you too! xoxo

  7. I Cannot wait doe CTM now that DA is done!

    We have kleenex in the tv area..perfect!
    We are family lovers♥

  8. Last night Downton Abbey finished...I felt like part of my family had moved away. It was a fabulous series! I will miss them all so much and have no idea what I'll do now on Sunday eves????? Huge thanks to Julian Fellowes, the cast and crew for bringing us such a wonderful story....and huge thanks to the folks in the UK for sharing it with us folks across the pond!

  9. I really mean it when I say stock up on the tissues Monique! I cried a lot with each episode and buckets at the last one. You'll need them! (the tissues!) This is quality television. I wish there were more shows of this calibre! I know you are a family lover and you have a fabulous family to love! xoxo

  10. I know Lynney! We said goodbye at Christmas and it was sad, sad, sad. I Hope that Julian comes up with something to take it's place that is just as dear to our hearts! xoxo

  11. I am glad you got a sleep last night..and that you got to church...we had the most wonderful weekend Tommy Steele was absolutely fantastic...I never thought that at 71 I would be almost swooning like a teenager !!...we were so close on Sunday as we passed Chester it was so sad we couldn't meet up....on our way home we stopped at two nice looking places but once again they were fully booked up...eventually at traffic lights on a cross road near Hay.....we saw a place so dripove in...only two other cars ...was that a clue !...Peter went in first to check,if there was room, came up thumbs was an extreemly old inn dating back to 15 th century...very clean...BUT...turned out to be Indian...well you know me I don't eat curries or spicy anything..and other tha a great choice of gammon steaks or burgers !! That was our Sunday was really odd we were the only ones I the place and the gentleman who served us and owned it said he had retired there 18 months ago for a quiet life from London it was quite clear he really didn't want to have customers didn't even ask us if we wanted a sweet....we did....but after waiting a wee while we gave up...but we had a laugh about our grange Sunday lunch....anyway hope you get on ok at hospital tomorrow....

  12. Hi Marie!

    I'm sorry you are still feeling under the weather!

    The picture of you and your dad is just priceless! You both look very content... :0) My dad has been gone for over 30 years, and I would sure like to cuddle with him and kiss his cheek one more time!

    Your family is beautiful, and your furry family is also beautiful! They really are our family, I don't know what I will do when my big black dog is gone... :0( My dear friend had to have her dog put to sleep today, so my heart has been breaking for her all day.

    I just love, Call the Midwives. I'm sad that it's over for now, and like you would like to see many more years! I have been watching DA on Amazon, so I'm not up on the last season . . . I'm a slow watcher!

    I can hardly wait to make the Chicken Enchilada Bake, it looks delicious!


  13. Sybil so happy to read that you got up to Liverpool and back safe and sound and that you enjoyed Tommy Steele! Sorry about the lunch however. I can only guess that most people are not fond of Indian food for Sunday Lunch! I don't think I would be either. You will have to make up for it next Sunday! Glad that a nice time was had by all! xoxo

    So sorry to read about your friend's dog Barb. (((hugs))) It's always so distressing for us when we lose one of our furry family members. I dread the day for sure. We are slow watchers of things also. We like to watch at our own pace and savour thing over a longer period of time. I think we may start watching Downton again from the beginning! I hope you try the chicken dish. It's very scrummy! xoxo


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