
Sunday 20 March 2016

I ponder as I ponder . . .

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There is an old wive's tale that if the wind is in the north-east on the first day of Spring . . . it will remain in that quarter until the first day of summer.  I poked my head out the door with a small amount of trepidation this morning . . .  just so that I could feel what sort of  breeze might be ruffling through the camelia outside my front door.

Only the merest , smallest ripple of air could be detected, born on the wings of that beautiful springtime morning chorus.


There is a light sugaring of frost on the front and rear window of the car  . . .  only very sparse . . .  barely even there . .  the merest hint.  It will melt rapidly once the sun comes up and I can see the faint glimmer of that already on the horizon.  The hope which has hung . . . teetering precariously on the edge of my mind for what seems like forever now stands firmly as a fact.  It's official.

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My calendar confirms what the blackbird has been telling me for the past three weeks (in its very beautiful way).  SPRING has sprung!  Complete with daffodils, hawthorne blossom, catkins, hares which dance upon the greening meadows, and my most favourite harbinger of all  . . .  the fat little bumble bee in his prickly little jacket of gold and black.

Winter is truly on the wane . . .

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The sparrows are so cheeky now  . . .  they flirt and dance upon the top of the gate.  Nests are being woven into the waxy green leaves of our hedgerow in anticipation.   The frogs have spawned.  I love it.

This is the season of renewal, and today marks the beginning of that most  holy week, the holiest of the year.  Today being Palm Sunday  . . .  the day when we traditionally mark the triumphal entry of the Saviour into the city of Jerusalem . . . with shouts of hosanna and the laying down of palm fronds . . . 

Shouts of hosanna . . .  which just a few days later would turn into shouts of  "crucify Him" . . .

It is incomprehensible to me . . .  this fickleness of man.  How one could witness miracles and wonders . . .  and then turn their faces and backs on the very one who had performed them all . . .  and during His greatest hour of need . . . when even the Father turned his face away.

And yet . . .  it HAD to be.   And therein lies the greatest gift ever given to mankind . . . that of eternal life.  No longer did we have to remain dead in our sins . . .  the penalty of blood having been given once and for ALL upon the cross of Calvary.

For you.  For me.  For all mankind. The good, the bad and the inbetween.  Not just those who believe, but for everyone.  I can scarce take it in . . .  the wonder of it all.  It is unfathomable, and yet.  It happened.

Today is the first day of the rest of your life . . .  make it the best . . .

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In The English Kitchen today  . . .  I am sharing my recipe for my Homemade Brownie Mix and Easter Basket Brownies.   Scrumptiously delish.   I can see all of your pancreas's twitching from here.  This one is truly for the kids.

Have a blessed Sabbath Day, Palm Sunday.   Don't forget . . .

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and I do too!


  1. I am glad for you that spring has sprung. How I wish summer would leave. It should start to be cooler still. I awaing with eagerness.

    Enjoy your Palm Sunday.

    We have been out for dinner. I had grilled salmon and salad and my aching tum says it is time to rest. I didn't eat that much but for the last two nights dinner has been later than usual and my body does not like it.

    God bless and keep you.

  2. I cannot imagine living in a place as hot and sticky at it gets where you are Suzan! Your dinner sounds lovely. I have not had salmon in a while now. I must buy some one day and cook us a nice salmon supper. Love and hugs and Sunday blessings! xoxo

  3. Hi Marie, I am just back from church waiting for Mary to arrive back from her church. I took up the patchwork pulpit...hanging yesterday and Marion got David to hang it. I'm still not sure about it but other people seemed to approve that's the main thing...yes Spring has arrived albeit slowly, but Lyn was just saying yesterday she saw a lot of frog spawn down in the pond in the woods...and lots of primroses in the banks along the lanes...I find it quite strange to think of Easter in the likes of NZ and we are seeing new shoots etc where over there they are looking forward to things dying back...hope your day has been a good one, How are your ears etc ? Have they healed up now, you havnt mentioned it lately ? XXXX

  4. It's glorious sunny very chilly blue sky day here..The Lost Ocean coloring book is being put to good use w/ Crayola markers and a cute movie..I have a guest:)
    I wish you a worry free happy beautiful Spring :)

  5. Happy Spring and happy Sunday. Palm Sunday is a dark cold and cloudy day here but there are daffodils blooming.

  6. Sybil, I am still stuffed up in my left ear. Deaf as a post and I have a sore throat pretty much all the time. I am going to try to go to a Doctor this week to see a Doctor instead of a nurse. I feel like I am being a big pain though . . . I am not sure what to do. The nurse told me not to come back unless I was throwing up. Our pond has been filled with frog spawn for a few weeks now. I love Spring! xoxo

    How lovely you have your little house guest Monique! My eldest son and his two lads and wife stopped in to visit my mom while I had her on the phone. I was happy for her. I am glad he makes the effort. So many do not. Happy Spring to you too! xoxo

    Daffodils blooming Pam! It's pretty wonderful. I have seen tulips today! Oh how I would love to visit the Dutch tulip fields sometime! Bless you! xoxo


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