
Monday 8 February 2016

Small and Wonderful Things . . .

"The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny?...It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. what you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard

A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life. It's the small things in life which truly mean the most. Simple abundance . . . it's the best.


Parts of Britain are being lashed by the latest winter storm, Storm Imogen and the Camelia Bush by the front door is beginning to break out into blooms.  I could not believe my eyes yesterday when I noticed the blooms.   It seems awfully early.  In fact I would say that it is at least a  month and a half early.  When we first moved into this house six years ago on April 1st, the bush was in full bloom.  They were a beautiful greeting to us after all we had just been through.  It is only the first week in February.  I hope the storm doesn't blow the blooms and buds which are becoming heavy with colour all off the bush.

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Yesterday being the first Sunday in February, it was Fast and Testimony meeting at church.  I love Fast and Testimony meeting.  It is probably my favourite Sacrament Meetings of the month.  After we partake of the Sacrament, the members are free to get up and bear their testimonies of the Gospel.  The many testimonies which were borne yesterday were so very uplifting and beautiful to hear.  The testimonies of others always help to enrich and strengthen my own.  We were able to bring a  man with us who is seeking and he enjoyed the service very much.  He also enjoyed the lessons in Gospel Principles class etc. and was quite happy he had gone.  Later in the afternoon we went to visit a shut in and Todd was able to administer the Sacrament to her, and we had a nice little visit together.  I spoke to my mother in the afternoon as always, and it was good.


Sunday Evenings with Call the Midwife.  This show just gets better and better.  No spoilers from me, but Episode four was another hanky gripper.   Stock on the tissues you fans in North America.  You will surely need them.  I love this show.   I really do.  I think of all the series on the telly, this one is my favourite one of all.   It is real and it is raw with emotion and it touches the heart without profanity or gratuitious sex and violence.  It is a show filled with love and feeling and yes . . .  goodness.

Another program which we enjoyed this weekend was "Back in Time for the Weekend." by the BBC2. 

"A family gives up their 21st-century technology and travels back in time. As they enter the 50s, it's goodbye to the flat-screen TV and hello to a piano and some darning."

I really enjoy these types of programs.  They are very well done. This family had a real culture shock as they had to give up all of their mod cons and technology for the 1950's.  The wife who was the main bread winner for the family had to reverse roles with the husband and become a housewife whilst her husband went off to work.   The kids had to muck in and come to terms with having no video games or mobile phones and the like.  They actually had to amuse themselves.  Of all of the family members, I think the only two who enjoyed the 1950's were the son and the dad.  It made for some interesting viewing.

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The whole time I was talking to my mother yesterday this little madame mithered me.   I tried sitting on Todd's chair and she  managed to stretch herself between the sofa and the arm of Todd's chair to gaze at me and paw at me.   I reckon she was looking for attention.  She was very compelling.   My mother could hear her murmuring to me over the phone.  She thought it was cute.   We decided that our pets add a richness to our lives that we would not otherwise have or experience.   The love of a pet for it's family can never be under-estimated.  It is a beautiful thing.


A Sunday supper of Beans on Toast.  Simple and very satisfying in it's simplicity.   You can try to dress it up and over complicate it as much as you want . . .  but  plain old hot baked beans ladled over crisp slices of buttered white toast is pretty darned good.  It truly is.

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Testing pancake mixes for pancake day.  I don't think anything will ever take the place of a good homemade pancake.   This weekend it was gluten free pancake mixes and they were rather close to the normal pancakes.  Its nice to know that if you are a coeliac you don't have to be denied simple pleasures such as pancakes.   When I was a child Pancake day was the only day of the year where we got pancakes.  (Shrove Tuesday which was the last day before Lent began.)  We stuffed ourselves with them.  It's a tradition I love.  Over here they have pancakes races and pancake flipping contests etc.  They really get in the spirit of things!  I quite like the fluffy puffy pancakes of home, but I also quite like ths crepe like pancakes of here in the UK . . .  sprinkled with lemon and sugar and then rolled up to enjoy.

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So simple and yet so good!  Yum!!

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Finally today, after three long months of waiting . . .  this afternoon I go to the Clinic at the hospital to find out the results of my Upper Endoscopy.  It's been a long time of not knowing what's up.   I can only think that it cannot be too serious or they would have had me in long before now.  As they say no news is good news.

Here's hoping!

And with that I will leave you with a thought for today  . . . 

"Life is wonderful, even in the hard times, 
and there is happiness, joy, 
and peace at stops all along the way."
~Howard W Hunter

Spiritual Enlightenment

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Cooking in The English Kitchen today  . . .  Ham and Cheese Crusted Chicken.  Simple and tasty.  Kind of like a deconstructed Chicken Cordon Bleu.

May the week ahead of you be filled with loads of small and wonderful things! Don't forget . . .

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And I do too!


  1. I do hope you have some good news today. It has been a long wait. Happy Monday !

  2. I made the Tuna Tug Boats yesterday and my husband loved them! Thank you for sharing the recipe!

  3. I cannot wait for CTM..Sniff..My fave too!

    Funnily enough I just Pinned a crepe recipe(No accents on this keyboard)..and design pancakes..''

    Good luck..all will be well;)

  4. Mmmmmmm, I really like beans on toast. I haven't had it for quite awhile. Thanks for the reminder..........guess what I'm having for lunch today?!

  5. It seems unbelievable to wait three months for the results of testing. Here (in US) I have gotten results by a call from my doctor before I was even home, many times. However, we certainly pay for it here!

  6. Hi Marie!

    Sacrament Meeting is my favorite Sunday too - I love to feel the Spirit that is always there on that day. I can hardly believe that you already have blossoms on your bushes! We still have at least a foot of snow . . . I'm so envious! I have never had beans on toast, I'm definitely going to try it, I love beans.

    Call the Midwives is one of my favs too, and for me, almost all of them are tear-jerker's, I guess I'm just a softy. Like you, I love anything nostalgic, there is way too much crime and bad in the world, I don't need to watch it on the TV as well.

    Have a great day!


  7. Thanks everyone for your lovely comments. I'll address the results of my tests in my daybook today. I love you guys. You are all the best. Glad you enjoyed the Tuna Tugboats Dee! Marsha, time you had some beans on toast again! It's been too long Pam and Laura, and it's going to be even longer. :-( Monique, I would love to make some crepes and I think I will today. :-) You are right about crime and violence Barb! ANything nostalgic has my vote as well! xoxo


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!