
Monday 1 February 2016

Small and Wonderful things . . .

"The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny?...It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. what you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard

A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life. It's the small things in life which truly mean the most. Simple abundance . . . it's the best.


I have a secret board on Pinterest.  I have a few actually, but one of them is about mice.  Not real mice, but  mouse dolls, puppets, etc.   This photo is from a blog I follow called The Mini Mice.   It's a world of little tiny mice and is fascinating.  I am a child once more and peeking into Susie Mouse's mousehole on Chez Helene.  (If you are a Canadian and of a certain age you will know what I am talking about.)  I have been fascinated with tiny worlds forever.  Television programs like Friendly Giant, Chez Helene and Mr Rogers helped to fuel that fire.  Anything tiny makes me happy.


This is also making me very happy.  I still have a long way to go, but so far so good.  I have done the buffet in the Dining Room and the bookcase on the other side of the wall.  Oh, and we had begun on the kitchen before getting the book.  Spark Joy by Marie Kondo.   Mind you I haven't touched on what will be a very painful part yet.  Getting rid of books and craft supplies.  I did get rid of a lot of books last year . . .  but now it will be cookbooks  . . .  sigh . . . I know I have quite a few that don't bring me joy, that I probably haven't even looked at since I first brought them into the house.  Why keep them?  I just have to keep telling myself that I will feel really good when they are gone.

The trick will be not to replace them.

Oh, and clothes.   I will never ever fit into the size 12's again.  Time to get rid.


Look . . .  You can get a free printable Konmari Checklist.  From Jersha and Dupp.

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The daily journey and process of growing closer to my Heavenly Father.  You think you are close but then surprise, surprise . . .  you get even closer!  It's all about change and becoming.  A better me.   More like Him.  Letting go and Letting God.  Loving others, truly loving others.   Seeing them as He does with His eyes and heart.  Hands to work, hearts to God.   Selflessness.  Love.  Change.  Peace.  Joy.

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Belly snuffles and lap cuddles.  Soft ears and popcorn paws.  Adoring eyes.  I love this little girl so much.  She is a source of great joy for me.    I found her baby tooth again yesterday.  It is a small tooth that I found on the carpet when she was a puppy and getting her permanent teeth in.  Normally you would never see or find such things, but I did . . .  and I have kept it all these years.  When I look at it I am amazed at how she has grown since then.  It is hard to believe she was so small . . .  with her chubby little puppy belly and waddle.  She came at the right time.  She lifted us up and taught us to love again.  Our hearts had been broken when we lost Jess and we thought we would never be able to find that again, but we did . . .  and Mitzie helped us to do just that.


 Yes.  That IS Lucky Charms.  They have it at B&M.  I have a box which I am devouring a handful at a time.  I am a child at heart I guess.  Between that, and the package of Tim Tams my friend Tina brought me back from Down Under . . . I have been somewhat of a naughty girl.   Must do better.

Tina is home from hospital now, her knee op having been successful.   We will be going to visit her at home a bit later this week.  I am grateful that her operation etc. went so well.  She says it isn't as painful this time around, probably because this time around she knew what to expect.  Funny how that goes.

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Knowing this to be true.  The Tim Tams are gone now.   Today I will do better.  ;-)


Living life with an attitude of gratitude.  It makes a huge difference.  Seeking out the small blessings in every day life, finding them and giving them voice.  This makes me very happy.  This brings me peace.  Dwelling on positivity.  I acknowledge the sad, but then I let it go . . . there is ever so much more to be happy about.

A thought to carry with you through today  . . .

"Yes, we will make mistakes. 
Yes, we will falter. 
But as we seek to increase our love for God 
and strive to love our neighbor, 
the light of the gospel will surround and uplift us. 
The darkness will surely fade, 
because it cannot exist in the presence of light. 
As we draw near to God, 
He will draw near to us."
~Dieter F Uchtdorf

Spiritual Enlightenment

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In the English Kitchen today  . . .   Bacon and Cheese Omelette.   Simple.  Tasty.

May the week ahead of you be filled with loads of small and wonderful things! Don't forget . . .

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And I do too!


  1. Good morning Marie,

    I hope you have a wonderful Monday and that you week has an excellent start. I am glad to read that you are tyrin Konmari method. I want to do this. I hope I can start slow and no one will notice.

    I have had a busy day. Even though it hit 38 here I managed to hang two loads of washing and some of it is folded and put away. I had bought some cream on great reduction so made butter and have two lots of bread rising but I think the yeast isn't good even though it bubbled when I tested it. Flat bread anyone?

    God bless.


  2. It helps that I share a house with a person who likes things to be ultra tidy Suzan! Don't like those hot temps, but wouldn't mind it being a bit warmer, and especially dryer here! Flat bread can be very good! xoxo

  3. Tomorrow will be hotter but I thank the Lord for air conditioning. We don't use it all day but the house is always cooler than outside.

  4. I cannot imagine living in your country without air conditioning Suzan! Whew! xo

  5. Jacques will love that omelet!

    Yes all my fave tv shows as a child..and Magic Tom..and Johnny Jelleybean!
    Cute cute mice:)

  6. Todd really enjoyed it Monique! I have neve rheard of Magic Tom or Johnny Jellybean! I will have to look them up! xo

  7. Hi Marie~

    Sounds like you are really doing well the the new organizing book. It's hard to get rid of things, I admire you.

    Thanks for the quote by, Elder Bednar, made me feel better just reading it... :0)

    The omelet looks so delicious. I need to work harder on my diet as well, and yes, I also love, Luck Charms!


  8. Thanks Barb. I got a bit more done yesterday. Omelet's make a nice and quick supper. Without the cheese and the bacon that one wouldn't be too bad for you! xoxo


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