
Thursday 4 February 2016

Raindrops on roses, and whiskers on kittens . . .


These are a few of my favourite things  . . .

My mum's Hot Milk Cake.  It was my favourite when I was a child.  It is my favourite now.  She used to split it in half through the middle and fill it with jam.  I still adore it filled with jam.  I have not made one in a long time.  I don't need to be eating cake.


Pretty hats.   I don't wear a hat . . .  ever . . .  because I guess I don't look good in them and I hate hat hair, but I do love to see pretty hats.  I wish I did like wearing them.  But then again  . . .  there are not a lot of places and occasions to wear a hat these days, except maybe for a sun hat in the summer and a winter hat in the winter.

The sounds, smells, sights of autumn.  I love the sound of dry leaves skittering across the pavement . . .  the smell of burning leaves . . .  the changing colours of the trees, that feeling in the air.  It changes.  It's a subtle change, but it changes all the same.   I think of all the seasons, autumn is my favourite one of all.


Vintage Valentines.  I used to love Valentines Day when I was a child.  My mother would buy each one of us a book of cut out Valentines each year.   What fun we had cutting them out and then deciding which valentine would go to which friend.  The prettiest one always went to your best friend, and of course there was the special ones for teachers.  Gluing the envelopes together and sticking on those little cut out stamps.  A lot of preparation went into getting these Valentines ready to give out.  Much more fun than buying the fancy already cut out ones.


I love paper.  Scrapbook paper.  Writing paper.  Wrapping paper.  Art paper.  Origami paper.  Tissue paper.  Velum.  I just love paper of any kind and when I find one I really like, I hate to use it.  I hoard paper. 


Botanical Prints . . .  be they fashion, or flowers, insects, bees . . . fruits or vegetables  . . .  whatever.  I just adore Botanical Prints.   When I worked at the Manor, one of the girls' bedrooms had framed French Fashion Botanicals (if that is what they are called) on the walls.  The other girls' bedroom had Botanical flower prints framed and hanging.  Both were lovely.


Old Black and White Photos.  I find myself wondering about the people in them . . .  the lives that they led, the stories they could tell . . . everyone has a story.  This fascinates me.

The Waltons . . .  we have the whole series and all of the movies that were made afterwards, on DVD.  We often watch them.   I just love this show.  It never gets old and it always makes me feel happy watching it.  I wanted a Walton's family.  Didn't everyone?  They did not have much in the way of material things, but they had an abundance of the things in life which really matter.

Little boys.  I love little boys.  They are so interesting.  They make me smile.  With all their ways.  There is a whole family of little boys at our church.  I love to watch them.  I could watch them for hours.


Old black and white films . . .  with their singing and dancing . . . the innocence of them.  No cursing and swearing.  No gratuitious sex and violence.  Simple plots.  Oh, I enjoy modern films as well, especially historical dramas, but I do love the old black and whites.

Pies.  Sweet or savoury.  Fruit or cream.   Nut pies.  Meat pies.   Pies topped with meringue.  Pies topped with cream.  If it's a pie I am loving it  . . .  with the exception of Star Gazy Pie.

 I won't ever be eating that.  And I was sent some bars made with cricket flour.  I won't be eating those either.   The thought of eating insects and knowing I am eating insects?  Cannot get past the gag factor.  Could you?

The End.

A thought to carry with you through today  . . .

ღೋƸ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒღೋ ღೋƸ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒღೋ
The grand essentials of happiness are:
Something to do, something to love,
something to give, and something to
hope for.
~Allan Chambers
ღೋƸ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒღೋ ღೋƸ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒღೋ

Spiritual Enlightenment

  photo DSCN5102_zpso9piiqbh.jpg

Cooking in The English Kitchen today  . . .  a healthy and delicious Vegetable Curry.

May your Thursday be filled with light and love! Don't forget!

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And I do too!


  1. Good Morning Marie,

    I confess I have the it is too good to use syndrome and I am working at overcoming it. The more you like something the more you should use to brighten the day and bless your life.

    On to Sound of Music. This musical starts here shortly and C bought tickets to take Pip to see it. I think she is already bursting with joy. It is a huge sacrifice on his part and a genuine act of love.

    Little boys, especially spirited little ones, are just pure joy to behold. I remember the little boys I taught and most of all I remember the ones who made me work hard and they still make smile. One day I would love to sit down and compare tales of little men and their mischief.

    I am off to tidy. I never get on top of it but I need to try again.

    God bless your day and send some warmth your way,


  2. I am working at overcoming that as well Suzan. What is the point in having something if you are never ever going to use it. It's almost idolatry not to use them. What a loving gesture on C's part! I hope Pip enjoys! Do we ever get on top of tidying? I think not! Enjoy what's left of your day also. Blessings and hugs. xoxo

  3. I go through stages with hats, some years into them and some years not. I have a Fedora bookmarked here that I'm going to treat myself to one of these days and am trying to think what my last hat was before it. I love baseball caps, but I don't wear bangs anymore and they don't look the same on me without the bangs. Maybe someday again, though, who knows. :)

    Those little boys in the superhero costumes! So sweet.

    And "the Waltons," yes. Their Homecoming special is Christmas tradition for me--I always watch it with my parents, although I own the dvd and could watch it on my own too. We all have it memorized, as you likely do too. :) ♥

  4. Lots of good things in your post today. I just bought a new hat for the first time in years. They are great for keeping you warmer when it's cold outside. Yes, hat head happens, but then I'd rather be warm. I miss the singing and dancing in movies, you see it in cartoons, but rarely in a movie. Hope your Thursday is a good one !

  5. Winter hats and know that..summer in hot full sun..yes..funnily enough I am now on Instagram but not for me to follow my daughters and blogs..I found a photo my daughter posted when we went strawberry picking and asked her for it..I will post it..those are the hats I like..and one special visor that has a wide wide brim and is black..
    I like the hats on DA..:) The big ones..the beach ones..and Mrs Patmore's..I have a velet one like that..looks better on Mrs P:)

    I love boys..vintage Valentines..many of your faves..
    no cricket bars for me thanks.
    I am making your studded peanut butter rice Krispie treats this am for the boys this aft..
    Good night Mary-Ellen...:)

  6. I remember having a hat to wear to Sunday School and church when I was a girl Val, that was like a hair band, but it was so tight it hurt my head, and another one which had combs to hold it on which also hurt my head. I love hats, but they don't love me. Oh, The Homecoming is a favourite with us, and yes, also a Christmas tradition. xoxo

    I think they should have a television channel Pam that is only old shows and films, and yes even the old cartoons. I miss them. Hope your Thursday is likewise blessed! xoxo

    I look forward to seeing the photo of the strawberry picking hats Monique! Oh, I do love the hats on Downton Abbey. I have a big head and it's round and flat on the back. I hate my head. Maybe a hat would hide it, lol Or make it look even larger! Your boys will love the Krispie treats! Good night everyone! xoxo

  7. Hi Marie~

    Fun post today! I love to see hats, and I remember when my mother used to wear one . . . just to go to town. A few weeks ago, a lady wore one to church, it was pretty, but I must say she looked a bit out of place.

    I have a handful of valentine's that were my fathers when he was in grade school, I treasure them. He liked to keep everything in perfect condition, so some of them are just like new.

    Old photos make my heart happy too. The black and white photos have an interesting, kind of nostalgic look about them that I love.

    And finally, NO, I would never eat anything made with insects! Although, I was a real daredevil when I was a girl, and can remember licking ants up off of the sidewalk on a dare. They tasted like dill pickles, who knew!


  8. Thanks Barb! Dill pickles eh? Ugh. The thought makes me want to gag. I remember hating Biology in high school when we had to dissect things, especially when it was the big grasshoppers and those huge worms. I was okay at doing the diagrams, but my partner always had to do the hands-on business! Have a great Friday! xoxo

  9. The vegetable curry looked so good; must try it. I again love many of the things you do. I love hats but like you I don't look great in them. I do think they are so fun. I love vintage valentines too. I love Blackand white photos and I am always curious about the way people live and the things they do. I really love old movies. I always liked the Waltons good nights; so cute. You always help me bring back memories; thank you for that. Love you much dear friend; sending hugs!


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