
Sunday 21 February 2016

How to Spend a Week . . .


Our week started off as they all do  . . .  with a recharge of our Spiritual Batteries and church.    We went to another Ward this week, instead of our Home Ward.  As a Senior Missionary Couple, we have several Wards beneath our Umbrella of Responsability and every second week we visit one of the other Wards, to check on the Missionaries there and see how things are going for them, etc.    One thing I love about the church is that no matter where you go in the world, the meetings will always be the same.  In Sunday school you will be taught the same lesson . . .  the same with Priesthood and Relief Society and Primary, Young Men's Young Women's.  All the same throughout the world.  There is a line of continuity which runs through them all and which helps us to feel at home and a part of something larger no matter where we go.  Our Mission President and his wife just happened to be at the same Ward this week and they both gave talks during Sacrament Meeting and they were beautiful talks.    Talks which really made me think.  I love it when that happens.

Of course in the afternoon I called my mother as I always do, and then in the evening we watched Call the Midwife.  I love that show, even if it does always make me cry.


Monday was our Preparation Day.  We tidied the house and I did laundry.  I did a bunch of cooking for Tuesday.  It was a really busy day and I didn't finish up until gone 7:30 that night.   We had Family Home Evening . . .  when it is just the two of us it tends to be watching a film which inspires and some sharing of our thoughts on things we might have learnt in the previous week either through experience or reading  . . .  etc.

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Tuesday we had District Meeting.   I got up extra early so that I could bake some muffins to take with me for the Elders and Sisters.   I did Bran muffins this week because I thought they would be healthy.   I used my ex MIL's recipe and they usually turn out really well, but they weren't as good this time around.  The bran cereal I used was a "Store" brand that I had bought to save a few pennies on thinking that it wouldn't make a difference.  It did and it does.  I won't do that again!  It just wouldn't soften like it should have done.

Our Meeting went really well.  We had the extra bonus of having our Mission President and his wife attend that as well!  So we got to see them twice in one week, which was nice.   We got to share a lot of teaching  moments with each other and to learn some new things.  It was great!  I always enjoy moments when we get to be together with all of the Sisters and Elders, sharing and learning from each other.

Tuesday evening we had the one set of Elders . . .  Elder Judd and Elder Candland for supper.  They had been supposed to bring an investigator/friend with them, but that fell through so it was just them.  I had made Spaghetti Bolognese, and we had salad and garlic bread and a cake for dessert plus some leftover peanut butter cookies.   I always enjoy having any of the Missionaries over for tea.  The spirit which they bring into our home is amazing.  If you want to bring a special light into your home . . .  feed a pair of Missionaries!

After they left, we picked the Sisters up at the Station and we went with them to visit a family.  We really enjoyed that also, and then afterwards we drove them back to their flat in Wales.

So Tuesday was another really busy day!

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We thought to have a quieter day on Wednesday.  Todd had a Doctors appointment in the morning and we stopped by to see our friend Doreen and to find out how she had done the day before.   It turned out she hasn't fractured her knee at all . . .  the specialist says it is her back.  So she has further appointments scheduled.  Duh.  What was the letter all about with the fractured knee.  My mind is boggled with all of the messing about.

I did a bit of cooking in the afternoon and I painted a picture because I had not done any painting in a while.   Then we got a call from the Sisters asking if they could stop by and we said sure and I fed them leftovers which were greatly appreciated.  It was just leftover spaghetti bolognese and I whipped up a salad for them and of course leftover cake.   I love it when a meal blesses you twice!  That Spaghetti Bolognese was like the loaves and the fishes!

Afterwards we drove them over to a young woman's house so they could see her for a short and then we took them to the station in town so they could catch their bus back to their flat.

So Wednesday ended up being really busy also!

Thursday I had to go to the Dentist in the morning, which I was really dreading.  My teeth are so senstive.  My Dentist says I am too good a brusher and I have brushed away some of the dentine and my roots are exposed in a couple of places on one side.     This means that my teeth on that side of my mouth are extremely sensitive to everything, and tooth cleaning at the Dentist is an exercise in torture.  Seriously.  Torture.

When we got home my hospital letter had arrived with a date for my pre-assessment for my colonoscopy and a tentative date for my colonoscopy, depending on the outcome of the pre-assessment.  Apparently there is a long waiting list for these things.   One will be on the 7th of March and the other on the 17th.  Of course they include a huge sheet of do's and don'ts and a list of the risks involved . . .  as if you didn't already have enough to worry about.  I know they have to do that, but it's really not very comforting and with the wait being so long it gives you even more time to dwell and obsess upon it all.

I am the type of person that should never have a medical dictionary in the house.  I have to throw away all of the inserts of any medication I am given because if I read them, I am experiencing all of the symptoms, lol.  It's the same reason I had to stop watching ER years and years ago.  Medical dramas make me ill.

I spent the rest of the day and into the night feeling stressed and ill.  I know it doesn't do you any good . . . but I had to have that one day of stressing and then on Friday I felt better about it all.  The stress won't kick in now until the day before.

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To be honest by Friday I was mentally and physically exhausted from it all and so despite our plans to do other things we just took the day off.  Todd went into town and had a boo around and I just stayed in, listening to music, reading, playing, etc.  I needed to catch my breath.  I just felt worn out.  And you know what?  I was in bed by 8:30 Friday night and didn't open my eyes until gone 6 Saturday morning.  So not like me.

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I quite obviously needed the rest!

Yesterday I did my grocery shopping and some phone calling that I needed to do, etc, but other than that we had a quiet day also.  We should have had a street display in the afternoon, but it was bucketing down rain and at the ages of 77 and 60 we are not into standing in bucketing down rain and cold.  Besides people are just not that keen on talking to you in that type of weather either.

 And here we are again at Sunday . . .  time to recharge all over again, and boy this week do I ever need it!

A thought to carry with you through today  . . .

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It's a picture thought today  . . .

Spiritual Enlightenment  

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Cooking in The English Kitchen today  . . .  Aunt Orabelle's Date Squares.

Have a great Sabbath day!  Wherever you go and whatever you do, don't forget!
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And I do too! Happy Day!


  1. Morning Marie, what a busy week you certainly have had. No wonder you were. Exhausted by the time Friday came...I really think you have to try to not do quite so much. When do you ....retire.....I think you were doing a years mission work ? friend Pam is going tomorrow for a coloniscope. She will come to church this morning as she dosnt start taking all the ....stuff....until after lunch today, once she starts taking the..stuff..she has to be near the toilet all,the time LOL....this is the second time she has had this procedure she had it a couple of years ago when they found she had a few polyps that they removed there and then so now she has to have a check up every two years, we keep our fingers crossed and pray that all will be ok. This time as well....she won't be over tomorrow that's for sure !....I had an exciting night last night a friend from the US managed to find the way to FaceTime me on her Apple phone so we were able to see each other face to face for the first time, it was wonderful we were both so excited......take care and enjoy church today. I am taking Mary with me this morning as her usual lift to her church is unavailable......

  2. Good Morning Marie,

    I have been stalking you today as this household has upset me greatly today.

    I needed to read your common sense.

    God bless you greatly and have a blessed Sunday.

  3. Busy and exhausting week for you for sure. Take care and hope you have a restful Sunday.

  4. What a week!

    Doreen..that is something..actually stating it's the knee when it's the back..Don't let him operate..
    I love what you painted..I have done her twice and nowhere as nice as you..:)

  5. I will keep Pam in my prayers Sybil! I hope all goes well for her. I am dreading, dreading it. I know you have to follow a certain diet for a couple of days, etc. We will see. Is she put asleep for it? I am just so in the dark about it all. We will finish our mission on the 14th December 2016, so we have about 10 months to go. I will be sad when it is finished. I hope you are having an enjoyable Sunday. xoxo

    Oh Suzan, I am so sorry to read you are having another upsetting day. Sending out extra love and special hugs and prayers to you. xoxo

    So far so good Pam! I am home from church now and am not going to do another thing today! Hope your Sunday is nice and restful also! xoxo

    I doubt they would operate on Doreen now Monique. She has a bad heart so anaethesia is not allowed. At 86 it would be really difficult anyways. I have always heard, never let them operate on your back! I am sure your little girl is just lovely. I would love to see her. xoxo

  6. Hi Marie~

    You did have a busy week! I love to be busy, but I also love my down time, and listening to music, puttering around the house, drawing and baking is one of my favorite things to do when I have the time.

    I love to feed the missionaries. It's a very choice experience that everyone should have at least once. They are so appreciative, and usually use their manners . . . ;0)

    I hope your Sunday is filled with blessings and quite moments!


  7. What a busy week you've had lady... no wonder you are tired!

    Seriously, don't sweat the colonoscopy. I have had five so far in my 42 years. I was terrified the first time but after that it's now a piece of cake. I swear, the preparation is worse than the experience. Or at least it was for me.

    It is uncomfortable but they give you enough medication that you're pretty much in la-la land throughout. I have had an endoscopy done each time, just before, and quite honestly I found that procedure so much worse.

    So big deep breath and if you need anything or if I can answer any questions, just let me know. Sending a big hug your way my friend. xoxo

  8. Here's a minor question for you, but one that I am interested in: Do the elders do their own laundry and ironing? They look so well dressed and I know that they dress up in shirt, suit, and tie a lot of their time. How do they look so well put together? Do they learn these skills at missionary training? The sisters always look nice too, in your pictures, but their outfits seem to be not quite so complicated to take care of.

  9. Down time is pretty important Barb, for sure and like you, drawing and cooking does it for me. It's not work, it's play! I've never experienced a rude missionary, or one that I didn't cotton to for that matter, although I am sure that there are some that don't. Thankfully I've never come across one I didn't love! Hugs, love and blessings to you also! xoxo

    Thanks for the reassurance Noelle! It's such an undignified procedure I think, I've been avoiding it for a while now, probably to my detriment. I hope I am way deep in lalaland. xoxo

    They do all of their own laundry and ironing Laura. That's what Monday "prep" days are for. Those are the days they do their laundry, deep clean their apartments, set up their weekly schedules, etc. The Elders wear a suit, tie and white shirt all of the time. The sisters wear skirts and tops, of a modest nature, but yes, they do seem to get away with a wardrobe that is a lot less maintenance! xoxo


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