
Sunday 14 February 2016

A valentiney kind of a post . . .

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Well, I DID end up going into town yesterday with Todd and it was great.  I had not been into town since the 28th of December when I had my Diabetic screening.  Nothing much had changed!    It was Chinese New Year so there were a bunch of people in crazy costumes running around, and then later on a Chinese New Year Display, but we don't really have a China town so there wasn't any parades as such.  Lots of Chinese New Year food on offer though.

We were going to pick up a meal deal at M&S (their food is so good) but it was £20 for the deal this time around and so we just got their Chinese meal for two for a tenner deal, which was more in our price range.  So this week instead of beans on toast after church, we're going to be enjoying a Chinese!

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WH Smith had a lot of their stationary supplies on sale so I picked up four really colourful binders and some dividers, a new hole punch and so hole re-inforcements.  My plan (on my downsizing journey) is to just remove the recipes that I do want from the cookery books that I am not overly keen on and then put them into binders.  Then I can just get rid of the books.  I know  . . .  it seems a sacriledge to do so, but Charity Shops don't want hard cover books anymore, and I don't have time to sell them on line, etc.  We will have a big bonfire at the end, and get rid of them once and for all.   I have lots of books that I never ever even open and then others which have been loved to death.  If it is useful or you love it . . .  you keep it.  Otherwise you get rid.  Besides you can find a recipe for just about anything online these days.  I reckon that Recipes/Food, Religion and Pornography must be about the most popular searches, but don't quote me on that one!

My plan for 2016.

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We stopped into BHS for a drink.  Hot Chocolates because it was pretty cold out there, but thankfully quite dry.  When I first moved over here we often used to go into town on a Saturday and have a breakfast at BHS in their cafe. In fact that is where I saw my first ever man dressed like a woman.  It was rather shocking, and it also made my heart feel a bit sad.  I feel sad for people who can't find their place in the world.  It must be so hard for them.

For instance there is this man who often gets on the bus when we are on it.  Just a few stops up from us.  He is literally tattooed from head to toe and what isn't tattooed is pierced and filled with metal.  I may have mentioned him before, I don't know.  On the back of his head he has a huge goat/devil tattoo, whose horns curl around his ears.   I noticed yesterday on the  bus (yes, he was there, except thankfully he had a toque on over his goat/devil head)  he has some new tattoos.   Neon Orange eye brows above his real eye brows.  It makes me feel sad when I see him as well.  He may think he looks rather dapper, but . . .  he doesn't.  What is he hiding from?   I wonder  . . . it must take him forever to take out all the metal before he flies, or  . . .  maybe he just never flies.


Speaking of Dapper.  This is my brother David yesterday on FB.  He was getting ready to help at the Annual Princess Ball.  Must be a Valentine thing they do at his church.  He cleans up rather nicely.   I love my brother.  Although I probably don't tell him often enough.   I really admire him as well.   Out of the three of us, he got it right in life early on.  He went to University and got a really good education.  He paid off his student loans early.  He married the right person the first time around.  He's been a great husband and father and provider for his family.  He found God his first year at University and that made all the difference for him.  I know there are a lot of people who knock religion or who laugh at people who are religious, or  . . .  who don't even believe in God.  They say  . . .  where's the evidence.  One only has to look at the lives that are changed for the better from having a faith and belief in God to see the evidence.  It's like the wind . . .  you cannot really see the wind, but you can sure see it's impact on things, and the difference a really strong one makes.

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Love . . .  one word, four letters, but probably one of the most important words and combinations of letters ever.  The Beatles wrote a song   . . .  "All you need is love."

There's nothing you can do that can't be done.
Nothing you can sing that can't be sung.
There's nothing you can say, but you can learn how to play the game,
it's easy.
There's nothing you can make that can't be made,
No one you can save that can't be saved,
Nothing you can do, but you can learn how to be you
in time . . .  it's easy.

All you need is love.  All you need is love  All you need is love, love . . . 
Love is all you need.

Love  . . .  you can't live without it.  It' a deep rooted need in each of us . . .  this need to be loved and to love.  If everyone in the world just acted out of love and in a loving way . . .  the world would be a very different place.

When the Saviour was asked what the greatest commandment was, He said this . . .

"Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment.  And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets."  ~Matthew 22: 37-40

It's so simple.

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Todd has a Valentine sitting on his arm chair and a couple of snickers bars for when he gets up because I am just "nuts" about him.  Oh and a bag of frozen King Prawns in the freezer that I am going to cook for him later on coz he is "nuts" about them!  A rare treat.

Happy Valentines day!  ♥♥♥

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In the English Kitchen today  . . .  Simple Lemon and Berry Hand Pies.

 Have a great day!  Stay out of trouble!  Wherever you go and whatever you get up to, always remember . . .

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And I do too!


  1. Morning Marie, sorry not to have been around for a couple of days...seems more like ages....I just havnt been feeling very great lately...nothing in particular just feeling cold,hot, cold hot..shivering, if I had flu but nothing comes of it...Mary gets so concerned but as I say what can a Dr do when I don't even know myself...I have an appontment in a couple of weeks so I will see her then..hopefully I will be back to'my usual self by then ....I'm pleased that you had a good jaunt into.Chester, it is such a nice City not to big for wandering around in. I hope that you enjoy your Chinese tonight..yum yum. Anything from MS is great...wish parking in Bath was not so,difficult as I might go there more often and into MS...but maybe for the waistline and purse it's as well that we don't go,to,often LOL...looks a nice bright cold morning will have to,make an effort to go to good sitting here moping....hope your day is full of loving Valentine moments xxxx

  2. Have a wonderful day Marie. I am sure their will be love sprinkled around your day. I am glad you have Todd. Your brother looks wonderful. God bless your day.

  3. We will have chinese this you got out..
    I am such a voyeur..I love examining tattoos..etc..different..hard to take my eyes off diffferent.
    It's so funny..I think oh it must hurt..I don't have one..both my daughters do.Fmall Family on a wrist..a tiny fairy on a back..Caroline was 37..Mylène was 17..I freaked:)
    It's so different now..I feel they are their own when Caro had hers..I said and do mean's cute:)

    Jacques is making shrimp risotto for dinner..
    Glad you got craft items..treats treats..

    Marie..your craft punches work so well..when you make a heart is it a craft punch?
    Happy Valentines' to England's lovebirds.

  4. Sybil, I am so glad to see a comment from you. I was getting very worried that I had not seen anything from you even on FB. I am so sorry that you have been feeling poorly. I do hope that you are on the mend now. I hope you enjoy church.((((hugs)))) xoxo

    Thanks Suzan, God bless your day also. xoxo

    Happy Valentines day Pam! xoxo

    I like some tattoos Monique, don't get me wrong! I wouldn't even mind a small one myself, but this man is literally covered with them, head, face, neck, arms, etc. There is not a spot not covered with a tattoo, and then the piercings, etc. I just feel really sad when I see him. Really sad. Todd would love a shrimp risotto. You are lucky that Jacques can cook! It is a craft punch Monique, the heart. I have it in three sizes and then the Martha Stewart lacy heart. Happy Valentines to the Lovebirds of la Belle Province! xoxo

  5. Hi Marie~

    I love all your cute vintage Valentines! I hop your day is filled with love!

    I also feel sorry for people who cannot find their place in the world. I sometimes wonder what is going on in their head . . . I probably would not really want to hear it! But, I think we need to pray for them.

    Your brother looks like a very nice person! I have two brothers, one living, one gone . . . in fact it is his birthday today. He was lost in this life, I hope he has found his way on the other side.

    Lovely thoughts on love! I love, The Beatles, they wrote beautiful love songs!

    Better go get ready for church!


  6. I hope your day is filled with love also Barb! My brother is a very nice person. He would give the shirt off his back to anyone and has done. Heart of gold. I am so sorry to read about your brother. (((hugs)))) I, too, hope that he has found his way on the other side. God bless you. xoxo

  7. I knew you liked tattoos:) I knew you were thinking of one:)
    You may still yet!

    I commented on the omelette post ..soo good made it today:)

  8. I do hope you had an extra lovely Valentine's celebration. I quite enjoyed your thoughts today. I really love your vintage pictures; so cute. Those are the Valentines I remember most.
    I am happy you had a sweet moment out in the town. It's always fun to eat at or shop at favorite places now and then.
    I too feel sad when someone does all of that to their bodies. I had a nephew that belonged to a radical group for a while and he got tattoos all over except for his head. I am sure he is graterful he didn't do his face. He married a wonderful girl and they have three beautiful children. He went to school and has a great job. I am sure he regrets his younger rebellious ways.
    Your brother does look dapper. I daily see more and more how sweet it is to believe in a loving Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. I know that belief in God can make all the difference in a individual, family and life too.
    sending extra love and hugs your way!

  9. Tiny Tattoos Monique! Tiny ones, lol. Glad that you enjoyed the omelette! xoxo

    We did enjoy our Chinese meal LeAnn, after church, but I forgot all about the prawns I had frozen for Todd. I guess I will have to cook them for him today! We had a sweet Sunday yesterday visiting another Ward and then home again and a quiet and reflectful day for the remainder. God bless and hugs and love to you also. xoxo


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