
Saturday 2 January 2016

The places I go . . .


A bird lived in a painted cage . . .  beside a windowpane . . .
Knowing nothing of the wind, the sunlight, and the rain.
Poor little bird.
It was well he did not realize . . .
that his tiny wings were meant
to beat against the skies . . . 


A man lived in a little world of ready-made ideas . . .
a cramping cage of prejudices
and of doubt and fears.
He did not know that
out beyond the ranges of his thoughts . . .
lay a strange and lovely world,
where miracles were wrought . . .


Year by year
he lived content behind his prison bars . . .
never looking up to seek
for God amongst the stars.
In many forms the Lord appeared,
and yet he could not see.
Poor little man;
He lived and died in his captivity.


Yesterday we were going to go to Erddig, but it was closed.  (cue in sad face here.)    We went to Llangollen instead.  Oh but it was freezing and cold.  The wind was bitter and although it was dry (at first) I was shivering right down to my toes and frozen through and through.


Llangollen is my favourite place as you know and so I suffered it gladly.  The river was much, much more swollen than I have ever seen it and positively raging.   The rapids were boiling over like a tempest.


A Welsh Cream Tea was in order afterwards, of course!  Hot chocolate never tasted so good.


Which goes on first . . .  the jam, or the cream.  My answer is, it doesn't matter.  It tastes good no matter which one you put on first, although there are some purists out there I am sure who would argue one case or the other quite strongly!


Can you see how cold we were?   Just looking at this picture again makes me cold.  Not my favourite picture of me, but we look happy and so I will keep it. 


After tjat we drove up to the Horseshoe Pass where you can look down over the Welsh Valley's.  It was even colder up there.  We were up amongst the clouds!   That's where it started to rain.  It was almost blowing sideways and so we did a bit of tourist shopping in the cafe/shop up at the top and then came home.  

We were going to go to the Johanson's apartment for a late afternoon feast and games.   We didn't plan on staying overly long because Mitzie was on her own for part of the  morning and so we didn't want to leave her for too long later in the day.


We played Uno and feasted upon Cheese Pies . . .  broccoli and cheddar soup, nibbles and bits . . .


Some enthusiastic Noshers.

It was a great time.  The Sisters were there also.  Somehow they didn't get into any of the shots.


Tatiana wanted to have her photo taken with the Elders, like she had had it taken with the Sisters the day before.


Of course there had to be some funny shots as well.  Those Elders are so funny.   We had a great time and then were back home here by 6 pm and spent the rest of the evening just noshing and talking and having puppy cuddles.


Earlier in the day we had been playing about on the iPad taking silly pictures.  This was one of Tatiana.


And of course me.   We laughed and laughed so much.  It was fun.

Today we are going to Crabapple Crafts.  We're meeting my friend Sheilagh there and will have a drink and a chat in a cafe after.   Then we have to dash off home as Tatiana's friend Richard and his best friend are coming for a late lunch.  So as you can tell it is all go . . . .

Tomorrow we will be sad as Tatiana is flying back to Greece.  We have to be up at 3 am so that we can head for the airport by 4 and get here there for 5.  So it will be a very early day tomorrow, and a bit of a downer as well as we are going to hate to see her go back.   We have had a lovely time together and the time has gone by far too quickly!

Must dash as I have to beautify myself before our morning at Crabapple.  (Not that easy a chore!  It takes a while to make me look good! haha)

In The English Kitchen today  . . . Cider and Honey Braised Bangers. 

Have a wonderful Saturday.   Wherever you go and whatever you get up to, don't forget!

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And I do too!


  1. And the fun continues;! I love that pretty..the river does look fierce and quite chilly..Those IPad pics freak me out;)
    I too like that pic of you and T:) Happy.

  2. I see there is a nice sale on at Crabapple Crafts;)


  3. Love the picture of You and Todd just so Delightful and as always love your post
    Wishing you and yours the in the coming New Year, oxoxox

  4. You've had a great time with your friend and sounds like a wonderful day today too. Nice you were able to have her for such a good visit. Parting is sad but you have some great memories.

  5. Another fun post. I loved your poetry at the first. I really loved the picture of Todd and you; and you do looks so happy. I really enjoy reading about your missionary moments; they look so fun. We are enjoying our moments with the Elders and Sisters too. I loved the funny pictures. I noted the Elders doing some of them the other day. I remind myself that they are all so young and it's good for them to have some fun; it's endearing. I love to be around them.
    Blessings, love and hugs for you!.

  6. I don't know how I missed all of these comments! Thank you to everyone for them. You are such dear friends. Happy New Year and hugs all round! xoxo

  7. I am having fun as I read your post, it gives me an idea on start making such post. You made it simple yet adorable and entertaining.

  8. Hi Marie, I love you post! You have a great taste of places. But sometimes whatever the place is, as long as you go together with the one you love makes it perfect. <3

  9. That's very true Kyla! Thanks! xo

  10. All I can say is great places. Very relaxing and peaceful place perfect for holiday vacation.

  11. For sure Aries! I highly recommend!


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