
Thursday 7 January 2016

Five Things About Me . . .

This is a painting called Praying Hands by Albrecht Dürer, Austria in 1508.   I love the simplicity of it.  I have always loved it.  That is because I am a person who prays.  I have always been a person who prays.  My mother taught me to pray.  I cannot remember ever going to bed at night without first saying my prayers.  I may fall asleep while I am saying them, and often do . . .  but I always wake up at some point during the night and finish them off.  Sometimes when I cannot fall asleep, I start to pray about alphabetically for everyone I know and care about.   If your name starts with a "G", then you are out of luck because I never get past that letter without having fallen asleep.   I often pray during the day for people . . .  especially if their name pops into my head.  I see that as an opportunity to say a little prayer for that person.  You can be pretty sure that if you know me I will have prayed for you on at least one occasion, but more likely more than one.   Because.

I am a praying person, and that is number one in a five things about me post.

I love to embroider.   It is one of the very first needleworking skills that I learned.  My mother taught me how.  At first it was just back stitch embroidery, but it did not take me long to master other types, such as Swedish Huck, silk, counted cross stitch, etc.  I could sit and embroider for hours.  I love to embroider pillow slips and other linens.   I find it to be a very soothing pastime.  When I am sitting and embroidering I feel as if I am connecting to my ancestors.  I am not sure why that is . . .  it just has a historical feel to it.


I was sitting yesterday thinking back to when I was in school and trying to decide which had been my favourite subject.  I loved English and Geography to be sure, and had somewhat of a soft spot for history . . .  but when it boiled right down to it, Home Economics was my absolute favourite subject of all.  And not just the cooking part either.  I enjoyed all of it.  The sewing bits.   The bits about housewifery and how to keep a house clean and running smoothly.   My mother still had her own Home Economics text book from when she was at school.  I just about wore the pages of it out when I was a child looking at it.  Perhaps as a career I might have enjoyed being a Home Economist, but I think more than that I was lucky enough to have enjoyed being a House Wife for  most of my life, and blessed enough to have been able to do just that for many years.

I am a rule follower.    It bothers me when others are not.  I always play by the rules and I never cheat.  I learned very early on in life that cheaters never prosper, and that it wasn't whether you won or lost but how you played the game that counted.  If the speed limit is 30 you can bank on the fact that I am doing 30.  If the sign says no cameras allowed or to turn off your phone.  I do just that.   Lazy texting?   Not me!  I will put in every letter, correct my spelling, etc.  Perhaps it is a tad bit boring to be a rule follower, and there are times when I wish I could just throw caution to the wind . . .  but life and experience have taught me that rules are there to protect us and others . . .  just like the ten commandments.  I know that so long as I follow the rules, I will be safe and reasonably happy.

The only bad thing is not everyone follows the rules and sometimes we have to suffer the fallout caused by their disobedience.  That's life!  So long as you do the right thing, that's what counts.

I like Martha Stewart.   I know there are people who say she isn't a very nice person.  That may be so.   I still like her and admire her.    I trust her knowledge on most things.   I don't think she would ever give anyone a bum steer.   When I was in Canada, I watched her show religiously and couldn't get enough of it.  I bought her magazine.   If I could get it over here, I would still buy it.  I know she went to prison for insider trading or some such, but I don't think she did anything that any other rich person wouldn't have done or still does.   I think she got caught.  Hundreds of others haven't.   I admire her for having been caught and owning up to it and paying the penalty.  That took guts in my opinion.  Maybe her time in prison was a bit cushy . . .  I don't know . . .  but I am sure it wasn't easy no matter how cushy it might have been or seemed to others.  Call me crazy, but I like her and probably always will.

And that is five things about me for this week!


Happy Birthday to my darling daughter Eileen who turns 38 today!  She is my oldest daughter and I am so very proud of her.   She has accomplished so much in her life thus far and  has over come and mastered many challenges to fulfil her dreams.   Like me, she struggles with her weight, but she doesn't let it get her down.   She is always ready with a sweet and infectious smile that lights up the whole room.  I hope that she knows how very much I love her and that she has a beautiful day!

A thought to carry with you through the day  . . .

* ✻ღϠ₡ღ¸.✻´´¯`✻.¸¸.Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ..
We need time to dream,
time to remember,
time to reach for the infinite.
Time to be.
~Gladys Taber
* ✻ღϠ₡ღ¸.✻´´¯`✻.¸¸.Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ..

 photo DSCN4689_zpshhwqhreb.jpg

Cooking in The English Kitchen today  . . .  Lazy Cabbage Roll Bake.  Delicious!

I hope you have a Thursday as special as you are!  Don't forget . . .

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 And I do too!


  1. Hags and love for a great day.

  2. I'll start by saying happy birthday to Eileen as well. What a lovely photo that is of her....was that a wedding photograph Marie ?'s always fun to see what else you can tell us about your life throughout the years gone by and how little some things change.....been meaning to ask, how is the pain from your shingles ? Has it eased somewhat ?,,,I am away to help at the church this morning being Thursday its coffee and chat. Our new church/ community worker started on Monday she will be with us this morning to introduce herself to everybody and offer any help they might need,Nashe is very nice and I think will be an asset to the village as a whole....much love to you Todd and Mitzie xxx

  3. A very Happy Birthday to your daughter. She does have a lovely smile. Hope your day is a wonderful one . Happy Thursday!

  4. Happy Birthday to your princess:)
    None of the above surrises me:)
    You would be disappointed w/ Martha's Magazine..Jacques used to tape her shows for me..we have them on those big VCR tapes:) But it is now the second yr that I have subscribed..and I won't agian..I learn more from the web.

  5. Thanks Suzan, love and hugs right back! xoxo

    Sybil, they are mostly cleared up now. Just a bit of pain now and again. Its my thumb giving me gyp now, same as last year, trigger finger. I have been putting off going to Docs for it as I feel like I am always there about something! Your new church community work sounds a great fit! That is a wedding pic of Eileen, she's a lot larger now sadly. Too much good living! Love to you Maisie and Mary! xoxo

    Thanks Pam! I share my daughter's smile. We look a lot alike! I think she is prettier though! Have a fab Thursday! xoxo

    I don't know why they can't leave things alone MOnique! Always having to change things up when the old thing works just fine. I am always searching the web myself. We are a lot alike! xoxo


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!