
Saturday 5 December 2015

How to Spend a Week

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On Sunday we went to church in the morning.  We were able to bring our friend Brenda this week as she felt okay about leaving Billy behind.  Billy is her husband and he has leukemia.  He's not been very well at all these past few weeks and so Brenda hasn't wanted to leave his side.   She did on Sunday however and we were happy to bring her.   We also took Ariana and Jose.  We were very grateful that our car got us all the way there and back.   I don't know what we would do without a car.  It helps us to bless others.   We are able to give people rides to church . . .  we are able to do our Missionary work . . .  there are so many things we do with it that we would not be able to do without it.  Church was really good on Sunday . . .  but then it always is!  Partaking of the Sacrament and renewing our Baptismal Covenants, the talks . . .  all good.  And then after, Sunday School.   We go into the Gospel Doctrine Class.  That is the class for those who are just learning about our church and it's Doctrines.  Todd taught that class for many years.  In all truth it is my favourite class.  I love the Doctrines of our church and I love investigator friends and new members.  and of course I love the Missionaries, and they are usually in that class.   If there are no investigator friends or new members at church then we all go to the regular Sunday School Class, where this year we have been studying the New Testament.   Finally there is Relief Society/Priesthood (the womens and mens meetings).   Last Sunday we were combined for a special class.  It was really good.   We both got a lot out of it and were inspired.

Sunday mornings is when we get our spiritual batteries recharged.   We love them.

Of course in the afternoon, I called my mom and spoke to her and I called my friend Pat who lives in Wrexham.  Todd took a nap as he often does on Sunday afternoons.   Then in the evening we watched telly while I finished off some ornaments.  And that was Sunday!

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Monday saw me wasting a whole morning at the Doctors for an appointment that didn't happen and a nice long walk home in torrential rain and wind.   Todd was doing the same in Queens Ferry as we had the car appointment to have it fixed.  He arrived home soaked through to the bone.   I had him take a nice hot shower and change his clothes and I made him some hot soup.  It was not a day fit for man nor beast.  Storm Cladagh was here and she was making her presence felt.   Monday evening we did Family Home Evening.  Just the two of us this week.  We started watching Cranford again.

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It is a series we both love and have watched several times.  We have it on DVD.  In the 1840s, Cranford is ruled by the ladies. They adore good gossip; and romance and change is in the air, as the unwelcome grasp of the Industrial Revolution rapidly approaches their beloved rural market-town. We really enjoy it and each time we watch it, it is like visiting with a much beloved old friend.

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(source:  Julia Stallwood)

On Tuesday December arrived, and Todd went down with a chill.   We should have had district meeting, but thankfully it was cancelled.   All of our plans were cancelled and Todd spent most of the day in bed and I spent the day pampering him, cleaning house, etc.  It was still very rainy and wet as well.  And cold.

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Wednesday was another quiet day.   Todd was still in bed.  I finished off Christmas Cards, and packages.   Puttered around the house.   Some weeks are like that.   If someone is ill, even if they are on a Mission, they need to stay quiet and get better.  Our friends the Johansens stopped by and brought back some stuff we had left at theirs on Thanksgiving.  She had been ill earlier in the week also.  It seems a bad cold is making its rounds.

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Thursday I had my three month check up with the Diabetic Nurse at our local Doctors Surgery.  She checked my foot health and took my blood pressure, etc.  It was all good news.   I have managed to control my blood sugar levels and bring them down by a whole point, which means I am not pre-diabetic!   I still have to take the medformin though, only one a day and watch my diet as I have done, but it was great news!  I have lost 16 1/2 pounds in weight, also very good news.  My blood pressure was excellent 120/64 which is the lowest I have seen it in a very long time and my cholesteral levels are excellent as well.  So I was really well pleased with it all.  I shall keep up the good work.

Todd still wasn't feeling very well, so then we just picked up my Prescriptions after.  We had thought to do some visits, but he didn't feel up to it, so back home we went for another quiet day and evening.

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Yesterday we did Missionary Flat Inspections.  We have done them all in the Chester area now and will be moving to another area next week.  The purpose of these inspections is to help the Missionaries.   Some of them are not familiar with the heating systems, etc. over here, so we are able to educate them about those.  We are able to make sure that their appartments are clean and in good repair and if they are not, then we are able to perhaps make some simple repairs and advise the Mission Office that the Landlord needs to make some adjustments, such as in the case where black mold is growing or doors and security is dodgy, etc.  For instance yesterday one of the flats was not fitted with a carbon monoxide detector.  It is the law in the UK now that all Landlords need to provide their rental properties with these.   So now we have to chase that up and make sure one is put in.   So far Todd and I have been very impressed with the cleanliness and order of the Missionary flats.  They are doing a great job!

We treated ourselves to a hot chocolate at Dunelm after.  After that we went to visit a friend of ours who hadn't been to church in a long time to see how they were doing.   Then we came home and I made supper.  I called my dad and spoke to him.   We've been worried about him this week and so it was nice to touch base with him and talk.  Then we just spent the evening relaxing.

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This weekend is our Ward Pantomime which some of our members have been practicing and rehearsing for over the past several months.   We are going to this afternoon's performance and bringing some people with us.  We're really looking forward to it.

"Pantomime (informally panto) is a type of musical comedy stage production, designed for family entertainment. It was developed in England and is still performed there, generally during the Christmas and New Year season and, to a lesser extent, in other English-speaking countries." 

The ones they have done other years have been brilliant and word from those who attended last evening's performance is that this year it is also brilliant!  We are really looking forward to it!

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This is a picture of some of the fairies getting ready to go on stage.  Fairy Cupcake, Fairy Tale and Fairy Liquid.

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All in good fun!

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Here is a poster with all of the details of today's performances.   There is no admission fee and it's sure to be a very enjoyable experience.  All are welcome.  If you are in the area come on along and bring the kiddos!  This afternoon's performance is pretty well booked, but there is still room for tonight's!

And that is how you spend a week.  Tomorrow we start it all over again.  ☺   (Hopefully without the colds and sickness.)

A thought to carry with you through today  . . .

"Part of the purpose for telling the story of Christmas 
is to remind us that Christmas doesn't come from a store. 
Indeed, however delightful we feel about it, 
even as children, each year it 'means a little bit more.' 
And no matter how many times we read the biblical account 
of that evening in Bethlehem, 
we always come away with a thought—or two—
we haven’t had before.
~Jeffrey R. Holland, "Without Ribbons and Bows"

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Baking in The English Kitchen today  . . .  Easy Lemon Brownies.  Seriously deliciously naughty!

Have a wonderful Saturday! Whever you go and whatever you get up to, don't forget!

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 And I do too!


  1. I would love to zip to your home and enjoy the panto with you. They are so much fun and I love them. It is great to be able to scream at the baddies and cheer etc. What a week you have had. Enjoy the weekend Marie and God bless you.

  2. Morning Marie. Not going to say good morning as it looks really awful up with you today. I hope if you have to go out you wrap up well and in waterproofs..the wind might blow you over so hang on to each other !!...thankfully it is not so bad this morning Mary has just arrived and says that it is a cold wind though. We are away to church this morning to the table top sale...lets hope we do better than last month as these three month s ales are one of our main fund raising events for the satu day we have the Christmas concert but money goes to charity from that....anyway. Take care xxx

  3. Thanks Suzan! I hope you enjoy your weekend also! xoxo

    Thanks Sybil! The winds have been terrible here. Our whole back gate blew over and so our back yard is no longer secure. It is a big pain. We will have to get the landlord over to fix it as soon as. I hope you have goodluck with your tabletop sale! xoxo

  4. Interesting that you start your week with a Sunday...hope Todd is better. Glad your report from the doctors was a good one. The week was a very busy one for you. Take care and don't catch the bug too.

  5. Fantastic news re blood pressure..weight(you were so hoping )!You go girl:)
    I might like that series..will check it out..
    Hope T feels better soon.I have chicken soup simmering..Mylène and Noah are coming for lunch..take care~

  6. I don't know why Pam, but I have always seen Sunday as the start of my week, and it's always the first day in the week on calendars too! Its when I recharge my battery so I can face the week ahead! Have a super Saturday! xoxo

    Thanks Monique! I was really pleased. I think you will LOVE Cranford! Another BBC Winner! Hope you had a nice visit with Mylene and Noah! xoxo


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