
Sunday 29 November 2015

Sunday morning this and that . . .

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 This is a picture of my cousin Sherri's little fella enjoying their Christmas tree.  His name is Sawyer and he is just the cutest little guy.  Christmas is for children really, especially Christmas trees.   We put our Christmas tree up yesterday.  I said to Todd after I was finished . . .  a good Christmas tree should delight any child that looks at it and create a sense of wonder.  I hope ours does.   I wish we had some children about to delight with it.   Sigh  . . .

In any case it brings out the child in me!

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This  is our tree.   I tried to take a good picture of it, but I am not that knowledgeable when it comes to photography.  My Aunt Freda always had the most beautiful Christmas Trees.  They were always real ones and took up a HUGE space in her living room and they were always decorated beautifully.  I loved to see them.

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I love my red and white toadstools . . .  they were a lucky find a few years ago at Gordales.  I scooped them up!

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Not a great photo but I love my little blown glass snow people also.   They are only about an inch and a half tall.  I also have little Santas, blown glass the same size.   Blown glass ornaments remind me of the tree we always had each year when I was growing up.  I am sure my mother still has all the ornaments.  I wonder if my sister uses them now . . .

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Another toadstool, a gift from a friend and of course the Williams Sonoma Snowbaker a friend sent me one year, blown glass as well.    I have blown glass hearts and babules and you can just catch a glimpse of the Gingerbread lady (ceramic) that my good friend Eliza sent me one year when we were living down South.  I never look at these things without smiling in my heart about the people who gifted me with them.

Christmas Trees should be covered in happy memories.

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Ours is covered iin the Happy Memories we have built together.  It's a bit haphazard, but I don't like a tree that looks too put together.  It should like a bit like it just happened that way . . .

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Every corner should delight and this is the corner just next to the tree.  It's Gingerbread corner . . .  filled with an assortment of Gingerbread dolls . . . which reminds me I need to bring my other one down for the holidays . . .

I made her to sell her a few years back, but I never did . . .  sell her that is.  I guess she is a doll only this mother could love.


Here she is sitting on my sideboard a couple of years back . . .

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I love her and I guess that's what counts!

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The electric fire and mantle.   I love this area too.  I adore my Jim Shore Angels.  EAch one has a nativity scene on it . . .  even the Santa Claus.

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 Christmas really is for kids  . . .  it is at times like this, like the holidays that I really miss having my family around.  Maybe I will have to borrow someone's kids for a day or two this year.   It bears thinking about!  I am sure there is a family that would love a break from the kiddos for an hour or so.  I'll have to ask around!

I am out of time now, so I will just leave you with a thought for the day  . . .

 Ah friends, dear friends, as
years go on and heads get gray,
how fast the guests do go.
Touch hands, touch hands,
with those that stay.
Strong hand to weak,
old hands to young,
Around the Christmas board
touch hands.
~Wm H. H. Murray

In the English Kitchen today  . . .  a Gingerbread Cookie Wreath.

 Have a wonderfully blessed Sabbath day.  Don't forget!

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And I do too!


  1. I just love your Christmas tree, it is as you say full of many memories, that's the best part....this house is so small there really is no room for a tree but last year I invested in a ...tree, like a tree full of blossom.....all the branches have lights on them as if it's lighting up the flowers. I can also hang very light things on it, it looks quite pretty sitting on the table by the window so everyone passing can get pleasure from it as well...well I hope they do !....I will get it out towards end of next week maybe. I don't like getting Christmas started too soon...a
    Though three cards have that is being ahead of time !!....What a wild day yesterday was and this morning looks like going to be the same, it might mean fewer at church today .... Hope that you are able to get to church and that the car behaves as tesla till tomorrow. Xxx

  2. Your tree is just lovely! Hope you have a wonderful Sunday !

  3. It's beautiful! I am not a theme tree person either..I collect memories:)

  4. Thanks Sybil. We were able to get back to church and back, although as you say it was really windy! This is going to be known as the Autumn of great winds I think! xoxo

    Thanks Pam! Hope your Sunday was a sweet one! xoxo

    Thanks Monique. Two peas in a pod are we! xoxo


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