
Monday 16 November 2015

Small and wonderful things . . .

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"The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny?...It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. what you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard

A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life. It's the small things in life which truly mean the most. Simple abundance . . . it's the best.

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We observed a minutes silence for France in church yesterday before we did anything else. Tears came unbidden to my eyes and rolled down my cheeks.  I have no explanation for why I was so overwhelmed with emotion.  I am not normally so.  I didn't know any of the people who were in involved, but I think I cried because it could be any of us.  Just normal people out enjoying an evening with their family and their friends after the end of a hard work week.    Everytime something like this happens our world changes and our lives are never the same again.  Life defining moments.  I am grateful for a heart that feels and for the ability to cry.

"You have to love. You have to feel. It is the reason you are here on earth. You are here to risk your heart.” 
~Louise Erdrich 

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(not a picture from our church, but from

Yesterday was the Primary Presentation in our Ward at church.   This is a special Sacrament meeting that we have each year where (after the passing of the Sacrament) the children get to show us what they have learned over the past year in their Sunday School classes.  It is always one of my favourite meetings of the year.   We have a HUGE primary in our church Ward.   There are almost 40 children between the ages of 3 and 12.  They are amazing.  This years theme was "I Know My Saviour Lives." The grownups didn't do anything.  It was all presented by the children and they did a fabulous job.  The talks, the singing, the prayers.  It was all presented by them and Todd and I enjoyed every second of it.   The children are the future leaders of our church.  I am so grateful to be a member of a church which is vibrant and alive,  and not dying.  We have almost 200 people in attendance every Sunday, of all ages and capacities, and the numbers are growing.  That itself is pretty amazing.

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This is Sister Gregson.  She sat next to me in Relief Society yesterday morning.  (RS is the last hour of our three hour Sunday Meetings.  It is a meeting for the Women of the church, where we get lessons tailored just for us.  I Love RS.)  She is such a special young woman and missionary.  It's hard to believe that she has not been out on her mission for very long, she is that good at what she does and that confident.  I just want to share a statement she has made about her mission so far:

"I LOVE THE MIRACLES!! Oh my goodness every day! The people, missionaries, members, investigators, crazy people I meet on the bus. The adventures and crazy experiences I have everyday. You NEVER know what the day has in store and it is such an adventure!! I LOVE the work. I LOVE my mission. I love it for the good and the bad. I'm growing so much. I wish I could express in words the growth I feel within myself. AHHH, missions are the worst and the greatest thing EVER!! But, my mission is so wonderful. I truly have been blessed far more than I deserve. The Lord has a plan, and I'm grateful this is mine." 

She is truly a ray of sunshineThat is the calibre of the young people in our church.  I am so proud of all of our Missionaries.   They have been blessing my life for 18 years now.   Their families should be very proud of them and the service which they give.  I know that their families sacrifice a lot for them to be out here in the Mission field doing what they do.  This is a testament to me not only of the love these young people have for the Gospel of Jesus Christ but also of their parent's love for the Gospel as well.  

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This is a photo of my youngest daughter Amanda in action while she is playing Ultimate Frisbee.   I am always so amazed when I see photos like this of her.   She is an incredible athlete.  I don't know how she manages to do all the things that she does and do them so well.  She is a wife and a mother.   An incredible athlete.  An amazing Nurse.  She recently graduated from Dalhousie University with her Masters Degree, and she did it all while still being a wife and a mother and working as a Nurse in a very demanding position.  I love her very much and am very proud of her.  I wish she knew that.

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Roses which, despite the wind, rain and cold are still blooming in November.  These gorgeous flowers just never stop giving.   They cheer the heart.  Todd was doing some work in the front garden a couple of days ago,digging in the mud and moving some things about,  and he disturbed a hibernating frog.   He brought it  through the house and into the back garden.  It is now hibernating back there.  You never stop to think about these amazing creatures sleeping beneath the dirt in the garden.  What a magnificent glimpse into the awesome world that is nature and it's miracles!

And people say there is no God  . . .

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 He is literally all around us.

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Happy Birthday Number Five to my brilliant little Grandson Jacob today!  You always make me smile with your sweet ways and happy personality.  I love chatting with you on facetime.  I hope you have a brilliant day today and that our card got to you on time!   Grammy and GranTodd love you very much!

A though to carry with you through today  . . .

 `*.¸.*´ ¸.•´ (¸.❀⁀⋱‿✿
"Give me tranquility of mind,
A heart content,
With all at peace. 
Lead me Oh Lord, down quiet ways
My soul sustain,
My Faith increase.
Give me a calm and steadfast will
To meet whatever is to be.
Facing the future unafraid,
With courage and tranquility.".❀⁀⋱‿✿

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Cooking in The English Kitchen today  . . .  Merlot Beef Ragout.   This delicious stew is cooked in the slow cooker, which makes it simple, easy and delicious!

May your week ahead be filled with a multitude of small and wonderful things. Don't forget . . .

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And I do too!


  1. Good morning Marie,

    I am so very pleased you enjoyed the children's presentations. It sounds like a lot of fun and something to treasure. I am glad that there was brightness to the services, especially after the sadness of Friday.

    Enjoy your Monday. Is is preparation day for you this week?

    God bless your day abundantly.


  2. It is so lovely to have all these children attending church. Unfortunately we don't have any children at all and we miss them very much and pray that we will one day have lots of them..we are still looking for a church worker and we have hope that he/she will be able to attract a younger element into must have been so lovely hearing them all take part in the service.....we also had a time of silence as we thought of the victims of thebParis massacre ....when is it all going to end. Xx have a lovely week ahead Marie and Todd....hope also that the weather is a bit better this week xxx

  3. Thanks Suzan, yes it is prep day for us today! God bless your day/evening as well! xoxo

    I wish you had children in your church also Sybil. This is very increasingly becoming a very secular country. It's quite sad really. I hope this week has better weather also! Love and hugs to you and Mary. xoxo

  4. Happy Birthday wishes to your sweet grandson! Hope your Monday is a wonderful one !


  5. I wish your daughter ...

    I wish ..I wish..


    She is very accomplished Marie..very!

    I wish..she would tell you she knows you love her..♥



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