
Monday 2 November 2015

Small and Wonderful Things . . .

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"The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny?...It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. what you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard

A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life. It's the small things in life which truly mean the most. Simple abundance . . . it's the best.

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Little Pirates and Ninja's are just the best don't you think?  I always love my liddles.   They are such happy boys.   I sure wish we lived closer to each other!  Then I could enjoy them in person on a regular business.  I think I would love being the Babysitting Grandmother!

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 I love this photograph.   Baxter is just chillin' it.   I think Cameron has found his best "say cheese" smile, and Maryn looks deep in thought.   Bruce looks very pleased with himself and Amanda just looks like she is having fun.  Cutest dalmation ever.

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Here he is saying "cheese" again.  I love, Love, LOVE it!  This little fella has mega personality.

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Baxter . . . I feel your pain.   It's not easy being dressed up as a Banana, but you are the cutest banana ever.

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My sister's partner loves to decorate for the holidays, be it Christmas or Halloween.   This is what he had done outside my mum's for Halloween.   It was the place for candy pick up.  My mother is so very lucky to have my sister and Dan living with her and Dad.  Her life is so much fuller now and more interesting.   I know it was very difficult at first and I know there were a lot of adjustments to be made, but it does my heart good to hear the little "spring" in my mother's voice when I call her on Sundays.  I think she must have been pretty lonely before and just did not know it.  Her life now is never boring, and she always has someone to talk to.

There is always something interesting brewing in the house  . . .

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Like my sister's homemade sauerkraut . . .

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Or her spiced pumpkin seeds . . .

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Vanilla Pear Butter  . . .

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And Roast Chicken Sunday Dinners.    All elderly people should be so lucky to have family to care for them like this.

Darn . . .  I'm homesick now.

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One of my brother's girls got up close and personal with a chickadee.   Brilliant photograph I think!  How very special.  I miss chickadees.   The woods around our house used to ring with their little "Chick-a-dee . . .dee . . .  dee's!"  I think they must be related to the tit's which we have over here.   They are very similar in size and behavior.

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This is a Blue Tit at the nut feeder.   (I know, it took me a very long time to be able to call them by name.  It seems so rude, but it really isn't.)

Anyways. Life is good and I am content.

A thought to carry through the day . . .

 `*.¸.*´ ¸.•´ (¸.❀⁀⋱‿✿“The true way to live 
is to enjoy every moment as it passes, 
and surely it is in the everyday things around us 
that the beauty of life lies.” ~Laura Ingalls Wilder¸.❀⁀⋱‿✿

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 Cooking in The English Kitchen today  . . .  a deliciously simple Tomato Sauce with Butter and Onion.   Fabulously tasty!

May your week ahead be filled with a multitude of small and wonderful things.   Don't forget . . .

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And I do too!


  1. Good morning Marie. God bless you today and always. I have spent many sleepless nights since I have come home. Around four the birds begin singing around four and I love to listen to them. It signals the end of a long night and sounds so peaceful. We both know it is a territorial thing but it is beautiful.

    Have a brilliant day.

  2. It would be hard not to be homesick at times, but knowing your loved ones are happy and cared for too does give one a good feeling. Hope you have a Happy Monday !

  3. Cuteness:) OMGosh Baxter;)
    I have seen soo many cute halloween posts..that I like it for that and al the fun Littles and Bigs have.
    La Joie De Vivre.
    I think it it is amazing what your family is doing ..

    getting older is not a walk in the park..for anyone..and on your sister and brother-in-laws
    Imagine what that dceor did to the spring in your mom's sep:)
    Hope everyoen has settled intoa comfy cannot be easy.I am so stuck in my day to day ways..I admire people who get out of their comfort zones..

  4. I love to hear the birdsong early in the morning also
    Suzan! God bless you. Xoxo

    Yes, it is a great comfort knowing that they are all well cared for Pam! Xoxo

    I know Monique, poor
    Baxter! He doesn't look too happy, lol. Everyone back home seems well settled into their routines. I think we all have our comfy zones. Xoxo


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