
Saturday 14 November 2015

How to spend a week . . .

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 Monday saw us travelling up to Manchester South to attend a special meeting for the Senior Couples in the Manchester Mission.   I don't really think I can adequately express the feelings that accompany such a meeting but I will try.  It's just such a very special feeling.   You are  in awe and at the same time humbled to be a part of something which is so large and so awesome.   You realize that you are not the only one who feels inadequate at times.   Your testimony is strengthened by the testimonies of everyone else who serves.  These are all amazing people.  I am always so very touched by the love of our Mission President and his wife for the Gospel, and for those who are serving in the Manchester England Mission.    We learned a lot and we shared a lot, including a delicious pot luck lunch which was catered by all of us.  It's really nice getting to know the other Senior Couples better as well.  As Senior Couples we have a great charge to fulfil.  We must help to care for the Elders and Sisters in our areas in whatever ways we can.   This involves making sure their apartments are clean, tidy and in good repair and that they are safe.  This involves making sure also that they are healthy, and if they are not, that they are taken care of as soon as possible.  This involves helping them in whatever way that we can, and in teaching them to take care of themselves also.   It's amazing how many of them have no concept of how to keep their apartments clean.  Most have come from homes where their mothers have done all of the cleaning and cooking etc.  They are amazing young people and so very inspiring to me.  I love the time I get to spend with them, teaching, learning . . . serving.

Above all we must be Missionaries and help to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ in whatever way that we can.  I believe the best way to do that is by example and by serving our fellow man as He would.   May others be able to see the light which is the love of our Saviour Jesus Christ in all that we say and all that we do.  We can and must be His hands.

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Tuesday brought a zone meeting and training.  My heart is always filled whenever we participate in these things.   We also drove up to Gordale where I bought my Christmas Cards for this year.   I have been busy making felt ornaments for my grandchildren and I wanted to be able to buy a special card for each of them.  I can still remember how special I felt when I was a child and got something just for me in the post.   I want each of my beloved grandchildren to feel that same way whenever there is a special occasion.

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Wednesday we paused to reflect on those who have and who still sacrifice their lives and time in service to their countries.  I am very proud of my son who serves with the CAF, and my father who spent 25 years in the CAF and yes, even my ex-husband for his service to his country.

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Remembering also the families of Military personal and acknowledging their sacrifice.  As the daughter of a Military man and as the mother of a Military man and having been the wife of a Military man for 22 years, I know very well the sacrifice that these families also give to help preserve the freedoms we all enjoy. 

May it never be in vain.

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Then in the afternoon we participated in a Street Display in Chester City Centre with the Elders and Sisters.   It was a lovely day weatherwise.  No rain and fairly mild.  These are such awesome youngsters and a wonderful example to me in all that they do.   Then in the evening we had Missionary Correlation meeting at the chapel.

Wednesday was also our anniversary, but we did not celebrate it on Wednesday because we had so many other things to do . . .

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This we did on Thursday.  We took the whole day off.   Mind you we did have housework to do, dusting, hoovering, bathing the dog . . .  but we also went out for a meal together, which was nice. Every year we say we are going to go to an expensive place to have a meal, but then, when it comes down to the crunch we go to the same place.  The local carvery  . . .  where we have a roast dinner at a reasonable price.  I suppose we go because it is familiar and we know what we will get, and it is not far from where we live.  We had thought to go to a PanAsian Buffet place not too far from us, but at the end I was worried my tummy wouldn't be able to handle the diversity and so we didn't.

You know you are getting old when eating too many different things at once rocks your world and not in a good way, lol.

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Friday it was back to Missionary work, with visits and planning, etc.

And that is how you spend a week.  ☺

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My heart is aching this morning over the atrocities which happened in Paris last evening.  This is the city of Love, but these trecherous acts perpetrated by people who do not know the meaning of love just break my heart.  Each time a cowardly act such as this comes into play my heart breaks a little bit more.  Our Heavenly Father must surely cry millions of tears over these senseless acts perpetrated in His name.  This does not come from God or in His name.  This is evil.  Pure evil.

We are none of us safe.

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. 
~James 1:17

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Baking in The English Kitchen today . . . .  Cut Glass Cinnamon Crispies.  These are simple and very tasty.

Have a great Saturday.  Stay safe.   Don't forget . . .

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And I do too.


  1. Good Morning Marie,

    I woke to the dreadful news and have spend the entire day trying and failing to make sense of this horror. Who choses to deliberatley gun down innocents? Who chooses to go into a public place, armed, and attack the defenceless. For those who are bereaved I feel for them but I am worried about those who there are survived. They will live with this for the rest of their lives. The French people have suffered greatly and I suppose somewhere a mother, father, sibling or friend is mourning the attackers too. What an indescribable mess.

    Besides prayer and trying to figure out how to stop this in its track we much hold our heads high and show the evil within the world that God and goodness shall and will prevail.

    God bless,


  2. About the only thing we can do is pray when it comes to these senseless tragedies.

  3. We have been glued to the news..:( say the very words..'s great that you and Todd share the same beliefs and are feeling so enriched with your faith:)

  4. Suzan, Pam, Monique. We are all on the same page. It is hard to make any sense of this. It is just senseless and without heart. Beyond our comprehension, because that is not the way we, as civilized people think. We are so tolerant of others and expect others to be the same. Alas, they are not. :-(

    Monique, I know it is not a way of life for everyone, but it suits us both to a "T!"! We are blessed! xoxo

    Love and hugs everyone. xoxo

  5. What a wonderful full week you and Tod have had, you are both truly blessed to be able to help everyone you meet, one day I am sure out loving God will reward you both. The tragedy that happened exactly 24 hours ago in Paris is so very hard to understand. There seems so much evil in our lovely world these days how our maker must weep at what has become of his children...One day I am sure everything will change and true LOVE will reign..until then we can only try with all our mite to love EVERYONE. We meet xx

  6. Praying with you and all of our friends around the world. I'm awed by your good works, Marie, and enjoy hearing about your days. So grateful for the beautiful women I have met through blogging.

  7. Sybil, I think we are getting our reward here and now because we feel blessed every day to be able to serve! We do need to love everyone, even those who despitefully use us. That is what the Saviour taught! xoxo

    Carol, like you, I have only met lovely people via this medium, one of whom is you. God willing one day we will meet in person! xoxo


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!