
Saturday 7 November 2015

How to Spend a Week

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On Mondays the young Missionaries have what is called a "P" day or Prep Day.  We are no different.  We spend the day doing laundry, cleaning the house, making a plan for the week and generally just deciding what it is we hope to accomplish throughout the week to come.   Of course because we live in our own home and not a flat we have other things to do like gardening, etc.  Monday evening is always Family Home Evening and we try to do something together as a couple.  Something which is Gospel oriented and uplifting.  We took some time to catch up on the Downton Abby episode from Sunday evening which we hadn't watched yet.  We like to play Gin Rummy.  It's fun.  Sometimes we invite people over, and sometimes we go to other people's homes who are also empty nesters, but mostly we just spend it on our own, which is okay because we really enjoy each other's company.

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Tuesday we had District Meeting in the morning.   District Meeting is when all of the Missionaries of the same "District" get together and make plans for the week or month, share experiences, teach each other something which we might benefit from learning, get to know each other better, etc.  I always enjoy our District meetings.  My life is greatly enriched by spending time with these fabulous youngsters and of course the Johansens also.    We just like each other.   We have two new missionaries in the district now.  Sister Holmes from Victoria, British Columbia and Elder Lololei from New Zealand so it was fun getting to know them a bit better.  We also played the "I have not" game.   Each person gets five candies,etc. and you go around and the first person makes a statement about something which they have not done, trying to make it something which the others might have done.  If it is something you have done you have to put one of your candies in the middle.  The goal is to make everyone else spend their "candies" before you run out yourself.   It's fun trying to think of things that the others might have done to stump them up!  (Not sure I explained that right, but nevermind!)

Late Tuesday afternoon the Missionary Sisters stopped by.  We knew they were coming by as they had a lesson to teach close by and they had said in the morning was it okay if they came to ours to eat their sandwiches before their lesson.  Of course it was okay!  I thought to myself however, they're not eating sandwiches in my house and made pizzas.   They were surprised and happy.  Always fun to spend extra time with the Sisters.

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Wednesday our little Princess had her yearly check up at the Vet and Booster in the morning.  She's a very healthy dog, except she could stand to lose some weight, not a lot, but some.   I knew she would have to lose some.   She doesn't get enough exercise.  If I could afford it I would hire a dog walker for her so that she got some really good walks in.  At 77 Todd just can't take her for the long walks she needs to go on and let's face it, with my arthritis neither can I.   It was nice to know she is a very healthy dog.  Good teeth, good ears, etc.   Makes me happy.

Wednesday evening was Missionary Correlation Meeting at the chapel with the Ward Mission Leader and all of the Ward Missionaries.   Todd went by himself.  I never sleep well if I have to go out at night and because of what was happening on Thursday, I wanted to stay home and quiet.

I watched several back to back episodes of Friday Night Lights.   I love that show.

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 Thursday morning, Elder and Sister Johansen came over.  Elder Johansen gave me a priesthood blessing of comfort to help to get me through the ordeal to follow in the afternoon.  I really wanted one and I always feel like Todd is too close to the situation and will say what he thinks I want to hear, instead of what the Lord wants me to hear.    I heard just what I needed to hear, and even surprisingly something which struck me that I hadn't thought to hear.  It was good.  It was also nice to spend some time with Sister and Elder Johansen.   They are such good people.  I will miss them when they go back home in March.   Boo hoo.   I am grateful to their family for sharing them with us for these eighteen months that they are here.

We all know what happened Thursday afternoon.   Blah!   I had to call my mommy after I got home.   I just wanted a hug from her and she is too far away, but hearing her voice was kinda like a hug.   Then of course it was Bonfire Night and we spent the evening keeping Mitzie safe and cuddled on the sofa.   She slept in our room with us also.   She was so nervous this year about the fireworks that she wouldn't go out to have her last ablutions before bed.  There was no way she was going out that door.  Thankfully she has a good bladder because she made it through the night.  ☺

Oh and Elder Singsam called to check up on me to see how I was doing.   He's such a nice young man.   From New Zealand.

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If I had a young single daughter I would want her to marry him.  He is so kind and thoughtful and a very caring individual with a very gentle spirit and nice demeanor with just a bit of cheeky chappie thrown in for good measure.

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 Yesterday was a recovery day for me.   I didn't do anything much of any importance really.  I finished my Thanksgiving Primer that I was composing.   I baked some mud pies just because I wanted to bake something naughty but nice.   I talked to my sister for a while and surprise surprise in the afternoon Elder Singsam and Elder Judd stopped by.  (I knew I baked those mud pies for a reason!) I treated them each to a mud pie and a glass of milk, which they were pretty happy about and we visited for a while and then they went on their way.   I made supper for Todd (sausages and mash, his favourite) and then had a relaxing evening.

Ohh, we watched a Gidgit movie in the evening.

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And yes, Todd  . . .  it was corny, but it was also fun.  I loves her clothes and her innocence.  Well, I just love Sandra Dee in anything.  Corny or not.

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I also finished off this while I was watching and cut out a couple more.   I love handwork.  I really do.

And that's how you spend a week.

A thought to carry with you for today  . . .

 `*.¸.*´ ¸.•´ (¸.❀⁀⋱‿✿
You cannot travel every road
Or carry everybody's load,
But on your own bit of the track,
You can take upon your back,
A part of someone's else's cross of misfortune,
Pain or loss  . . .
You can't light lamps of charity 
On every long dark road you see,
But on the path that now you tread,
A little Brightness you can shed.¸.❀⁀⋱‿✿

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There are Mud Pies in the Kitchen today  . . .  easy chocolate drop scones stogged full of sultanas, chocolate and nuts.

Have a great Saturday no matter what you get up to!  Don't forget!

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And I do too!


  1. Good morning Marie,

    You seems much brighter today. Today started with sadness but has improved. We took dad out today. God bless.


  2. Sounds like a busy week for you for sure. Hope you are feeling better and have a super Saturday !

  3. Busy girl!

    Glad your test is over..

    Love your angel..she looks like your art:)
    I knew your blanket stitch would be perfection.:)

  4. Thanks Suzan! I am glad you had a nice day with your father! xoxo

    Thanks Pam, I am feeling a lot more relaxed today! xoxo

    Me too Monique. I never want to do that again! Thanks about the angel! I love her too! xoxo

  5. Hi Marie! I missed what happened to you. What??? I know you had to drink some funky banana tasting stuff...that almost made you loose your cookies. Hope you are doing okay now. Was it just a test you had to take? Love ya Lady bug! xoxo

  6. I loved reading about your week. I especially enjoy reading about your mission moments. They are much like ours. Wow, we have so many meetings to attend each week. Tomorrow we get our assignment and if it is what we think it will be; we are going to be very busy. We are loving and learning so much.
    Thanks for sharing your thoughts and I know you are going to have some great blessings for your service.
    Sending prayers, love and hugs to you today!

  7. It was an upper GI Endoscopy Valerie! No fun at all! I opted to do it awake because I didn't want to leave Mitzie alone on Bonfire Night and I would have had to be watched for 24 hours, Todd would have to hang about the hospital for a long time, parking, etc. If I had to do it again, I'd have chosen sedation however. It was horrible. Love you too! xoxo

  8. I can't wait to hear what your assignment is going to be LeAnn! You are Roger will be awesome missionaries! xoxo

  9. There is a website called I think borrow my doggie which matches people who love walking dogs but can't have one of their own with people who have dogs but can't walk them as much as they need to. There is also the Cinnamon a Trust which is a charity that does the same. Maybe worth investigating!

  10. Thanks CG, I will look them up! xo

  11. So sorry it was an unpleasant experience Marie. :-( Wish I could have sat with Mitzie so you didn't have worry about the bonfire noise and coming right home. xoxo

  12. That's okay Val, it's done and dusted now and hopefully I won't have to go through it again! xoxo


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