
Thursday 26 November 2015

Five Things About Me . . .

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You drum your fingers or tap your feet when you’re bored. You use your hands when talking. You probably like sports, cooking or handcrafts. When someone is speaking you focus on their body language. 

This is me to a "T."  I am a tactile learner.   I learn far more by "doing" than I ever do by simply "watching."   Watching and reading alone never ever did it for me. In school, when studying, I had to write what I was trying to take in onto  paper again and again, that was the only way I could remember it.  This also means I get bored really easily.

And that is the first in a five things about me post for this week!

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I have an amazing sense of direction.   I can find my way almost anywhere and I only ever have to go someplace once and I can remember not only how to get there again,  but how to retrace my steps and get out of there when I am ready to leave.  I am not sure what that means about me, but I think it basically means that I am extraordinarily aware of what is all around me at all times, soaking it in.   I am always watching, even when I am a passenger.   I take note of what I am seeing.  I am always an active participant in the journey, which means I am also a bit of a back seat driver, much to Todd's annoyance!

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 I have always been a deep thinker . . .  pondering the whys and the what-for's of everything.  And if I can't figure it out right away, then I be looking it up.  I am the google queen of answers.  When I was a child it was always the encyclopedia that I was burning my fingers through. I am not content to just be told things.  I want to ponder them.  To sink my my mind and metaphorical teeth into things, to find out what makes things/people/the world around me . . .  tick.    I like to take things apart to see how they work.  When I am watching a film or a television show, I want to know everything about the actors and the parts they are playing.  Which leads me to thing four . . .

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 I am extraordinarily good at Trivial Pursuit.   I love that game, probably because I have a brain stogged full of useless bits of information and trivia.   I love trivia.  I collect it like I collect quotes and poetry.   I think Todd finds it a bit annoying at times, this need I have for collecting useless bits of information, but that is a skill that comes in very handy on quiz nights and in the game of Trivial Pursuit. ☺

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I love jig saw puzzles and solving puzzles, crossword puzzles, etc.  I could spend hours doing them, but really only do virtual ones now because I have no space to keep a puzzle up all the time until I have finished it. I especially love jig saw ones though.  I always have.   I also love puzzle games or guessing games.   I'm also a GREAT speller!

I am not sure what all these things say about me as a person.  A pschycologist would probably have a hey day figuring it all out! And that's five things about me for this week!

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We had a great time in Manchester yesterday at the Mission Tour/Thanksgiving meeting.  In attendance was Elder Paul V Johnson of the First Quorum of the Seventy and his wife.   I think I took 8 pages of notes during the first session alone.  We had a really wierd experience on the way there.  For some odd reason the Sat Nav took us off in what seemed like the wrong direction, which made me really tense.   I couldn't understand why and I was afraid we were going to get lost, but we ended up going where we were supposed to go.  I had awakened with a sense of foreboding in the morning, almost feeling like I didn't want to go, but we went anyways, and there we were seemingly going around in circles.   It turned out that there had been a bad accident on the motor way between a tractor trailer and several cars during the time when we would have been exactly in that area.  So God's providence meant that we were kept safe and not involved.  I love it when things like that happen.  Not accidents, but knowing that I have been kept safe by the providence of my Heavenly Father.  It was great seeing a lot of the Elders and Sisters that had served in Chester and moved on to other areas again.   It was great seeing our Mission President and his wife again, seeing the other Senior Couples, and it was great getting to hear Elder Johnson and his wife speak and to share in a question/sharing time with everyone who was in attendance.  Oh, and it was great to be able to break bread with them all as well!  We did not stay for the whole time because Todd felt it was too long to leave Mitzie on her own and he was right.  So we skipped the afternoon bit.  As it was we were away for 6 1/2 hours, which was plenty long enough for Mitzie!  But I was grateful for the time I did spend there.

And with that I will leave you with a thought to ponder all the day through . . . this is something our Mission President, President Ulrich said to us at the beginning of the meeting yesterday.

If all that you hear, 
is the only thing that you hear . . . 
then you have not listened.

That bears thinking about  . . .

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Baking in The English Kitchen today  . . . Little Crusty Cheese and Mustard Dampers.   Delicious!

Have a fabulous Thursday.  HAPPY THANKSGIVING to all my American Friends and Family.

Don't forget!

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And I do too!


  1. Those dampers look delicious.

    I loed reading about you and your yesterday. I went to my favourite Christian bookshop this afternoon. I thought I would be able to buy a movie I missed but it hasn't been released yet. I bought a jigsaw puzzle for Pip and I to do on Christmas day. Our Christmas has changed so much and I need to bring back some positives.

    I loved the quote . It bears much thought.

    I used to love playing Trivial Persuit and Bulderdash. I don't play them now. It is fun to play games communally and it is something I miss.

    Lots of love for you day and God bless.

  2. Thanks Suzan. I had a favourite Christian Book Shop back home which I loved going to. Our Christmas is very different now as we are on our own. This year we will have Tatiana with us which will be very nice. xoxo

  3. Glad you had a safe trip. Happy Thanksgiving!

  4. I have no sense of direction.I get lost in a phone booth.
    I don't know south from east so never sugggest I get somewhere turning 2 blocks northwest.
    truly pitiful.
    I am ok at Scrabble..and that's about it..we played this week..I started..NAMASTE..first player..used all my letters..:)

  5. Thanks Pam! Happy Thanksgiving to you as well! xoxo

    What a great word Monique! You did super to get that and use all your letters also! What a terrific start! oxox

  6. I also glad that you made it safely to the meeting and that the sat nav kept you both is good that the speakers gave you much to think over....I agree with Todd though about leaving early that was a long time to leave the wee his legs were crossed when you opened the door !! The longest I try to leave Masy is 4 hours, but then I am so lucky to have Lyn who if she is about will always take Masy to her place for a while.....take care I look forward to your Friday finds in a few hours xxxx


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