
Thursday 5 November 2015

Five Things About Me . . .

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This is a photo of me taken at the beginning of the year in Grade 11.  I was sixteen.   That dress I was wearing was a jumper I had made and it was of a psychedelic corduroy fabric.  Very colourful.  I remember it had purple patch pockets on the front.  I always hated my hair.  I wanted straight hair.  Not curly hair.   I remember a boy telling me once that for hair that looked like wire, it sure was soft.  I guess that was supposed to be a compliment, but I'm not sure, lol.  That was a year of firsts for me.  First kiss.  First dates. First boyfriend.  First driving lessons.

And that was a first in a five things about me post.

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I have always held a fascination for small worlds and hidden places.   The first small world I remember being fascinated with was Susie's mousehole on Chez Helene.  Some of my favourite episodes were when we got to visit inside her mouse hole.

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Chez Helene was the CBC's (Canadian Broadcasting Channel) attempt to indoctrinate all of us English children in the French Language.   The whole program was bilingual.  I learned a lot watching it.  My favourite character was Susie the mouse however.  She was a puppet.  She spoke English only.  Helene spoke only French, and Louise (the girl), she spoke both.

My love of small things also led me to be fascinated with The Friendly Giant (and his arm chair big enough for two to curl up in) and Mr Rogers and his "Neighborhood of Make Believe."

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As a child I was a big "chicken."  Just like the cowardly lion.   I would run a mile to avoid confrontation.  I suppose I am still kind of like that in many ways.   I avoided situations where I would have to stick up for myself, etc.  I hated doing oral compositions for anything.   I can remember a girl passing me a note in home-room in Grade 11 telling me she was going to beat me up after school, and using my milk money to call my dad and asking him if he would come to pick me up because I was afraid to go home on the bus.  I was a big coward. I could never say no to anything either.

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I actively seek out hearts . . .  and I find them.  In nature, in food, etc.   If I find a natural heart, I leave it for someone else to find instead of picking it up.   That way I feel like I am sharing the love.  I have only ever found one heart that I have kept.  It was on a Sunday after church.   Some Sundays are particularly difficult for me.   I have always thought that my church is a difficult one to belong to if you don't have a family that goes with you, or if you don't have a family that understands or accepts your choices.  You sit there, week after week, surrounded by families.  A great many of the hymns are to do with love and family, the lessons etc.  I often feel saddened that I am not with my own family, or they are not with me as it were . . .  and I get a bit weepy.  Don't get me wrong.  I LOVE my church and I love being there on a Sunday, but it can just be hard sometimes.  I would not be anywhere else however.  Anyways, one Sunday I was feeling particularly tender and a bit unloved by my family,  and on my way out to the car afterwards I saw a scrap of paper on the ground and I picked it up.  It was a little paper heart and on it was written two words.  Be happy. 

"Adam fell that men might be; and men are, that they may have joy" (2 Ne. 2:25)

I know this is true.  I seek and find hearts and they are always a confirmation to me of my Heavenly Father's deep and abiding love for me, and a sign that He is always there for me.

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There is a sound that as soon as I hear it, renders me completely and totally homesick.  The sound of Geese flying overhead on their journey towards the South for the Winter.   I don't know why this sounds makes me feel so homesick, only that it does.  It creates in me a longing for all things familiar . . .  for my family . . .  for my mother's arms.  It can bring a tear to my eye, and makes my heart ache.   It's a strange thing.

And that is my five things about me for this week.

Keep me in your happy thoughts.   I am feeling really anxious today.  I hardly slept all night.   I just keep telling myself . . .  all will be well.

A thought to carry with you through today  . . .

We are all here on a journey.
We were not put here to stay.
Perhaps 'tis why we all must make
the most of every day.
Dreamers dream, and plotters plot,
we build our castles high . . . 
but facts are facts, and truth is truth,
we are all just passing by . . . 
~Me . . .  this morning as I sit here.

 There is a real mix in the English Kitchen today  . . .  a few of my favourite things.

 Have a wonderful Thursday.   Hope its swell!  Don't forget!

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And I do too!!


  1. God will walk with you today and will guard you. Lots of love.

  2. Hoping and praying for you today ! (((Hugs)))

  3. Hi Marie,

    I remember watching Chez Helene, but not any of the details, like the mouse or the girl.

    Good luck with the endoscopy today, you have my sympathy, I have enough trouble swallowing tablets.


  4. Geese are always a special treat to me also. Reminds me of home and my mom and dad and I feel if I hear geese, the year is going to be good!

  5. I don't know whwre my comment went:(

    Just to have had your test by now.Hope all went well for you..
    Thanks so much for reminding me of Chez Hélène..
    PS We had the same kind of hair..

  6. Thanks Suzan! xoxo

    Thanks also Pam! xoxo

    Thank you Maria! xoxo

    They evoke a lot of feelings in me Dee! Such a wonder they are! xoxo

    Thanks Monique! xoxo (Nor surprised about the hair!)

  7. Oh dear friend you are so in my prayers. I know that you will be OK. I do understand how hard it is to just not know what is going on. I know that feeling well.
    I enjoyed learning more about you too. You are such a dear one. Prayers, love and hugs for you!

  8. Thanks LeAnn! I hope you are enjoying your mission so far! Love and hugs! xoxo


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