
Sunday 27 September 2015

What a Doll!

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I've always had a love affair with dolls, from the time I was a little girl.   I never had many dolls when I was a child.  I had a baby doll that my grandmother had bought me when I was very small, that some kid in the neighborhood pulled the head off of.   My mom taped it back on, but it wasn't the same.   I had a fashion doll that my Aunt Freda gave to me that I had been oggling through her bedroom door key hole for weeks and weeks.   I had a Little Miss Eaton Doll that I tied a string around her neck and tried to pretend she was a Chatty Cathy.  (Better than Chatty Cathy in my estimation because she had a far larger vocabulary!)  I had a Barbie that I saved up my pennies for and bought for myself and I had a fashion doll that I got for Christmas one year which had movable joints and which came with a bed and vanity set.

It sounds like a lot now that I have written them all down . . . but I wanted ever so many more.   I used to dream of owning Tressy dolls, and Christy dolls . . .  Chatty Cathys and the like.  That is probably why every year of my own girls childhood, Santa Claus brought them a new doll for Christmas.  I was living my doll love vicariously through them.

Even now I would like a new doll each year and I love making dolls too, as you know.   I have a whole pin board on Pinterest with nothing but dolls.   Of course the dolls I love now are a lot more expensive than the dolls I loved back then!

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This is a Fairy God Mother doll by the doll artist, Alexandra.   Isn't she beautiful?   I think she is.  I don't know how these doll artists do these fabulous creations.

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Here is another one of her beautiful dolls.   Isn't is just beautiful?   What a dream.

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This is a Tonner doll, complete with glass slipper.  Isn't she gorgeous.  I have always pictured Cinderella as a blonde (thanks Walt Disney) but I would love this anyways.

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Look at this Ballerina Barbie!  Isn't she beautiful.  I always wanted a Ballerina Doll when I was a child.  Didn't you?

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My Barbie was the original one with the black bubble "do"  . . . only because that was the only version they had left in the store when I went to buy her.   My parents had driven all the way to "Polo Park" in Winnipeg for me to find one, which was a considerable drive for them.  (My dad also had business to attend to in Winnipeg as well, so it wasn't just for the doll.)   My sister was given a blonde pony tail Barbie for Christmas a year or so after that I coveted.  You couldn't do much with my Barbie's hair . . .  it was pretty simple.   I also would have loved to have Ken, Midge and Skipper.  Oh how I longed to have  a Ken (with the fuzzy hair) for my Barbie to go out on dates with.   I had to make do with my brother's GI Joe.

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I would love LOVE to have one of those new Silkstone Barbies.  They are ever so much more sophisticated than the original.  Oh, how I would enjoy making clothes for her and dressing her up.  I guess you can grow up but the child in you lingers on.  One day I am going to have enough money to buy one . . .  when my ship comes in.

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My love affair with dolls doesn't begin and end with Barbie however.  I do so love character dolls as well, especially ones of children.    I believe the artist for this one is Nadia Knonova.   The Eastern Europeans are very talented when it comes to doll making.   I love the detail of this with her slippers, that expression on her face, the freckles . . .  those eyes.

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I adore these little painted dolls.   Oh how I long to be able to bring my little characters to life as dolls.   I wish I knew how to do this  . . . I don't know who these belong to.  I could not find a source, but are they not beautiful?

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Don't you just love this one by  Diane Adam.   It's just priceless I think . . .  that expression.  So beautiful.

I could go on and on about dolls.  It's probably a good thing that I am not wealthy because we would probably need a whole house just to hold my dolls.   Sigh . . . I guess it is a love I have never really grown out of . . .

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I worked on this painting yesterday afternoon.  The lettering took me probably a lot longer than anything else.  I am selling the original if anyone is interested.  If it wasn't for these little pictures that I do and sell every now and then, I don't know how Todd and I would manage.  It might not be a lot but it does help.  And if I don't sell them, well . . .  one day I hope they will be worth something.  It's the only inheritance my kids are going to get from me! haha

A thought to carry with you through today  . . .

Happiness is the art of never holding
in your mind
the memory of any 
unpleasant thing that has passed.

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I am sharing my Pumpkin Muffins Two Ways in The English Kitchen today.   One is sugar free.  Both are filled with flavour, fibre and goodness.

May you have a truly blessed Sabbath day.   Don't forget  . . .

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and I do too!!


  1. May your Sabbath blessed beyond belief.

    I loved the stories about the dolls. Would you beleive mum just hung a doll on my new scissors, as I was writing?

  2. Thank you Suzan! What a co-incidence! I would love to hear about your dolls if you had any. Which was your favourite? xoxo

  3. I have a friend who collects dolls and has hers from childhood too. She's lived in the same home since forever. I didn't get to keep any of mine, but do have memories of my favorites. Hope your Sunday is a wonderful one. Company for dinner at my house today!

  4. My cousin had a whole wall of dolls when she was growing up. Her father worked for Michelin Tire and travelled all over the world. I was in awe of it Pam! I hope you enjoy your dinner with company tonight! xoxo

  5. My sister and I each had what I think was the next Barbie model after yours-the one with 3 different colored wigs. We played with those Barbies all of the time. Unlike my daughter who had a million Barbies and pieces of clothing, we had only a few and frequently wrapped handkerchiefs around them to make evening gowns. My sister eventually got a Midge doll, but we never had a Ken or anyone else. We used my brother's GI Joe for a boyfriend and those tiny plastic troll dolls that you got in a gumball machine, for babies. It was a big day when we got a set of wicker settee, chair and table for Barbie. We covered hardcover books with a sheet of kleenex for beds. We had so much fun! Probably more than my daughter did who had multiple dolls, clothes, furniture, etc. She never did get the giant house, though.
    Hey! Does anyone out there remember the board game Mystery Date? You played the game somehow and earned a spin, and opened the door to see who your date would be. I can't imagine that game going over big now in these "liberated times," but we loved it. This would have been in the mid to late sixties.

  6. Oops! Mystery date had no spinner, just the door, maybe the door knob turned to change the guy? I looked it up, it came out in 1965, when I was 7.

  7. Loved my Barbies..we have talked about this and we both Pin Barbies.
    I had the wig one..thanks for mentioning her Laura..great flashback!
    And the blonde swing coat..Midge..Ken..Skipper and Scooter.
    I was an only daughter ..with a nice aunt:)
    I actually wish I could have my Barbies back.
    You are a very talented gal Marie!

  8. Hi Marie! I loved reading about your love of dolls and seeing all the pictures. My sister had the bubble haired Barbie too. I had Midge. They were our first ones then Ken and Alan followed soon after. Through the years we had Scooter, Skipper, Skipper's male friend (can't think of his name at the moment), PJ, Casey. I always LOVED dolls! I hope you're doing well. We are home from our trip. Home sweet home!!! Love your latest art work! Love ya! xoxo

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Laura, that must have been so much fun havind wigs to change her hair colour! We did not have a lot of clothes either. I can remember making my own out of scraps from my mom's scrap basket, or tissues. I do remember that game! I Had forgotten all about it. I did not have one, but I remember seeing it on the telly and wanting one! xoxo

    What a nice Aunt you had Monique! Lucky you! I'd love to have even my bubble haired Barbie back! My brother and sister sold mine at a yard sale once when I was away. Grrr.... Oh along with my Barbie Case and all her clothers. I was really sad about that. xoxo

    I knew you were a doll lover Val, and also a wonderful maker of dolls. Your creations are just gorgeous. Welcome back from your holiday! Love you too! xoxo


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