
Saturday 19 September 2015

Some days are just like that . . .

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My story really begins I suppose on Thursday night.  Usually it is the night before which sets you up for the day to come eh?   Well, anyways, Todd and I had gone to bed.   We usually read in bed before turning out the lights and Thursday night was no different than usual.   I have a routine I follow, kind of like a three course meal . . . .  first I browse through a cookery book looking for inspiration, then a churchy kind of book, looking for more inspiration and then finally my kindle for novel type of reading by which time I am so tired I never get more than a few pages in!

So anyways, I was on the first course . . .  cookery book, and looking at a particularly delicious looking photo of a roast chicken.    I got the sniffles and thought I asked Todd, could he please pass me a tissue, instead this is what I said  . . .   "Todd, could you pass me a chicken please?"  He just looked at me and said . . .  "You are officially losing it." then laughed.   So did I.  DOH!

You can't make these things up!

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We went out and did some grocery shopping yesterday morning.   I am cooking for all of the missionaries tonight and so I had a few things to pick up for that.   We were invited out for supper last night to our Bishops house, so we didn't really want much for lunch.  I had some burgers in the refrigerator that needed using though that I had been sent from a really nice butchers so I thought I would grill them and Todd could have a hamburger.  (Not too fond of burgers myself, I prefer chicken. haha)   In any case I stuck them under the grill and there was a knock on the door.   (Todd was out in the garden pulling reeds from around the pond)   It was my landlord.

Now  . . .  my landlord is Irish.  He lives in Ireland most of the year and comes over here a few times a year to do odd jobs and such around his properties.   Todd had burnt the motor out on our lawnmower a week or so back and so he had borrowed the landlord's lawnmower and when he took it back the landlord had said he would keep an eye out for a cheap one for us.   Great stuff!

Well . . .  if you know Irish people, you know they all have the gift of the gab, and Dennis is no different than most.  He can talk!  I am one of those people who is very polite, always.   I kept wanting to say I need to go, but couldn't bring myself to.  Finally I thought I smelt something and said, Dennis, I really need to go I have some burgers under the grill and I think they need turning.   SO we said our goodbyes and I dashed into the kitchen only to find . . .

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I had a full blown fire going on in my grill!  Flames were shooting out and up and if I had been much longer the whole kitchen might have ignited.   I now know what I would do if my house caught on fire.   I jump up and down hysterically yelling  . . . . "Todd!  Fire!"  over and over again until he appears!   I turned off the grill, he pulled the tray out and the flames went down, but the whole downstairs was filled with smoke and oddly enough the smell of burning plastic.   I haven't tried the grill since, I've been letting it settle down over night.

Obviously . . . burgers were then off the menu.   He had a frozen curry.

Once again . . . you can't make this stuff up!

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At one o'clock I had an appointment with the Nurse at the Doctors Surgery for my once a year blood pressure check, prescription review etc.  So I toddled over there.   It was the same nurse I had seen the other day for my second blood tests and my test results had come back as well, so the news from them kind of hi-jacked the appointment, although I am happy to say that my blood pressure was completely normal.  Yay!  The other news was not so good I am afraid.

I am diabetic. Type 2.  It's my own fault.

This is a life changer.  I am on a whole new learning curve with this one and I am on medication to try to bring my blood sugars down.   I am still trying to digest it all, if you will pardon the pun . . .  but I know I can do this and bring everything back into sync.    I'm also anaemic, which means an appoinment with the Doctor next week, but that pales in comparison to being told you are diabetic.

Cakes are now off the menu ... I had bought a whole box of Mallow Puffs when I got the groceries, guess they are all now Todd's.  Sigh . . .

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The rest of the day was rather anti-climatic actually.  We went with the Zone Leaders to teach that same lovely woman we had taught earlier this week and had a lovely appointment with her, followed by dinner in Hawarden at our Bishops house.   It really was a nice evening though.   She had prepared a nice Indian meal, with three curries etc.   We learned that ALL of our young missionaries can play the piano without any music and they all played for us, which was just lovely.  I made a new friend with the Bishops young son as we played Little Piggies on his cute little toes.   I got to stroke a guinea pig.   Elder Singsam had me convinced that they ate guinea pig bacon in New Zealand (So not true!) and I was able to educate him about "Flipper Pie."   ( Made with seal flippers. Absolutely true!  It's a Newfie Delight!)  and it was just a nice night . . .

Followed by an hour of the Walton's whilst cuddling the dog and bed.

And today I get to do it all again, but hopefully without the fire.

Some days are just like that.

A thought to carry with you through today  . . .

Mere colour can speak to the soul
in a thousand different ways . . . 
~Oscar Wilde


In The English Kitchen today, from my archives . . .  Pains Aux Chocolate!

Have a fabulous Saturday.  I hope to get my pics off the camera today.   The old camera (which I used because it is smaller than my new one) won't off load on this computer for some odd reason.   Don't forget!

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And I do too!


  1. Hugs and love my darling girl. You had quite a day. It seems you have begun to join my diabetic, anaemic and arthritic club. I will keep the osteoporosis, spondylitis etc to myself. Enjoy your day and God bless.

  2. It's not a club I really wanted to belong to Suzan, but I am in good company at least! xoxo

  3. You are the 2nd of my internet friends to find they are diabetic this week. Hope all goes well. Changing what you eat can be a challenge for sure. Hope your Saturday is a super one !

  4. Thanks Pam, it must be the age group. I hope you have a lovely Saturday also! xoxo

  5. You had your doubts..our inner sense often knows when something is are a whiz in the kitchen..I know you can do can do anything!
    You are having a lot of activity..take care Marie!

  6. Thanks Monique. Today should be a lot calmer! xoxo


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