
Monday 21 September 2015

Small and Wonderful Things . . .

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"The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny?...It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. what you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard 

A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life. It's the small things in life which truly mean the most. Simple abundance . . . it's the best.

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Bruce and Sara.  This is the photo of them on their Save the Date Cards.  It's hard to believe that my baby boy is getting married, but I could not have chosen a better wife for him than Sara if I had chosen her myself.  It's a wonderful thing to know your children are happy.  That is all any parent wants for their children.

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Knowing that as much as they may love each other now, it is a love that will grow into something even more beautiful.  Todd and I may not have been able to know each other in the flush of young love and we may have found each other late in life, but what we have is no less special or beautiful than that of a young couple.  If anything it is much better.  Different priorities, love and respect, being able to share a mutual love of the Gospel . . .  having the Saviour as the head of our household and serving the Lord together . . .   these things all make life and our love for each other both meaningful and beautful in a very special way.

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The Elders came and helped to do some service around the pond on Saturday afternoon, clearing out a lot of the rushes.   Of course they had to play with the frogs.   It is so nice having these young people in our home and feeling of that special spirit which they bring with them.  I was able to make them some lunch and then we drove them to our district meeting, which was a supper meeting so we got to break bread together and also plan.  It was great.   Then last night I was able to help one of the zone leaders with a sore toe he has.   We cleaned it and dressed it.  Once again so nice to have both the zone leaders in our home.  Todd went teaching in Molde with the elders as well, which he enjoys.   I haven't been going with him to teach this particular person as they have a very small home and any more than three extra people would be a bit too much.

That's okay  . . .  I got to keep Mitzie company and  . . .

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Enjoy the season opener of Downton Abby.   Season six.   Don't worry.  No spoilers here.  Sunday nights are going to be even MORE special for the next 9 weeks!

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The side effects to my new meds have kicked in and they are not very pleasant.  This is a great impetus for me to succeed diet wise, so that I don't have to take even larger doses of them.  Breakfast today . . . Oats and barley hot cereal with a nectarine diced over top.

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All of the love and support from each of you on this new chapter in my life.   You are all really awesome.    I just think I have the best readers in the world!  You are more than readers actually, you are family.   I love that.

A thought to carry with you through today  . . .

True friendship multiplies the good in life 
and divides its evils. 
Strive to have friends for life without friends 
is like life on a desert island… 
to find one real friend in a lifetime is good fortune; 
to keep him is a blessing. 

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Cooking in The English Kitchen today  . . .  Lemon and Thyme Chicken.   Delish!

I hope your day and week ahead is filled with a multitude of small and wonderful things. don't forget!!

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And I surely do too!


  1. Good morning Marie. Could you please add a little protein to your breakfast, pretty please? This is the woman who has donate various body fluids and stuff over the last week. I am not looking forward to Friday.

    I commend you on your efforts. The cereal and fruit is great nutitionally but possibly a little too much sugar to drop your levels. Do you like poached eggs or boiled egg with some whole grain toast? i truly struggle with breakfast. I am quite happy to eat egg white omelette but mum always goes on about the wasted yolks. Yep, allergies don't count for much here.

    The pond cleaning sounds like stinky fun.

    We had a beautiful day. It was dad's birthday and also it would have been mum's father's birthday too. So after a teary morning and blood tests and X-rays we set off to take dad out to lunch. He had a great time but Will hasn't seen him for some time and was quite shocked at how small dad has become. It was a precious moment to see my baby, as a grown man, holding his grandfather by the hand and helping him deal with his blindness and dementia.

    God bless your day and have lots of fun.

  2. Maybe tomorrow morning I will have a poached egg on whole meal toast. Sounds like a plan. I can imagine your day has been a mixed blessing. There must be a lot of sadness there, but also much joy. ((((hugs)))) Love and blessings to you. We are off to visit a friend who fell and broke some ribs a week or so ago. I am bringing a casserole to them. xoxo

  3. Ow, Your friend must have had much discomfort. Enjoy your day.

  4. Are you having side effects from Metformin? Or are you taking other neds too? I just asked DH and he said he had no side effects from his Metformin - everyone is different.

  5. What a beautiful couple So nice they have found each other. Young love is so precious. Oatmeal is good for you! With cooler weather coming our way I will be eating a lot of it. Strange how I've not had any at all all summer. Hope your Monday is off to a great start and that the week ahead is a wonderful one !

  6. They are a match made in heaven:) We have seen enough pics to prove it..:) Marie..he looks sooo much like you..

    Young love is so precious indeed..older love too..but ,new love is so history free..hard to explain..

    it's all about a dream..

    You can so do this Marie..

    and you will..

    any new medicine let's face it is the pits..
    if it helps is well appreciated..
    I just wrote on your other blog about tha Gina Skinny Taste chicken dish..I bet it would be so liked by you:)

    Do you know Anne Lindsay? We have a few of her books and I love her recipes and she is approved by the Candaian Diabetic Society..

    good recipes..:
    Not sure if they would pertain to you per se...but just in case..

    Bon Courage!!

  7. I forgot forgot forgot to say lucky you and DA!!!

  8. Yes Dee, the metphormin. The nurse said it was likely that I would have and I have had. Mostly gastrointestinal, but I also have ibs so it doesn't take much to throw my gut off! My son is on four tabs a day plus insulin and he has been going through hell! xoxo

    Yes, oats are very good for you Pam! I have always enjoyed them. You have a great week also! xoxo

    Monique, do you really think so? I am not sure he would like looking like me, lol! I do know Anne Lindsay and I have two of her early books! I thought of them right away! Thanks so much, oh and DA? If the season opener is any indication, we are in for the best season yet! xoxo

  9. Bonjour,

    Une très jolie publication accompagnée d'une fraîche et délicate aquarelle...

    Des photos merveilleuses.

    Gros bisous ☼

  10. Merci beaucoup Martine! Avoir une belle week.xoxo


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