
Monday 7 September 2015

Small and Wonderful Things . . .

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"The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny?...It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. what you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard

A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life. It's the small things in life which truly mean the most. Simple abundance . . . it's the best.

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Late Summer Ice Creams shared with dad!  Does anything taste better than a summer ice cream cone?  I think not!   I have fond memories of standing on a street corner across from the beach in Gimli Manitoba at the ice cream window  of a small cafe waiting for a cone of rainbow ice cream which was being scooped.   Every colour under the sun.   It always looked huge to me.  It was hard to get it eaten before it melted down your arm. Happy memories!

Rainbow tights.   Love them!

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I had a dream one night last week.  I was cuddling him in my dream.   I could feel him in my arms and nuzzle his little head.  It felt real.  I was there.  I didn't want to wake up and find it wasn't really happening.

But I did.   Sigh  . . .

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Serving with these amazing youngsters.    From left to right, Sister Gregson, Elder Atkinson, Sister Walker.  Never a dull moment!

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Sister Barlow always makes me smile.  She is a lovely, lovely girl.  They all are!

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They are just the greatest.  (Sister Gregson, Elder Atkinson, Elder Singsam, Elder Thomas, Elder Dadds)  We love these young people very much.

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We love the older ones too.  (Elder Dadds, Elder Johansen, Elder Thomas.)

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Having a testimony and the courage to bear it in front of others.

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This wonderful husband of mine.   It's his birthday today.  He is 77 years old.   It's hard to believe.  I keep telling him 80 is the new 60!  We are going over to some friends for FHE later today.   I will bake a cake to take along.  I remember the first birthday of his we celebrated together (other than the one we met on).  I had invited a bunch of people from church over and just after they started to arrive the power went out in the house, which seemed rather odd.   Then about half an hour later I noticed water running down the walls in the hall.  The woman that lived upstairs from us had gone out and her washing machine had malfunctioned and flooded her apartment and it was dripping into ours.  It was about 2 days before we had power again.    A birthday we will never forget!

I am off to the Dentist this morning for an extraction.  I hope it all goes well.  My mouth is still hurting from last week's filling.   :-(

A thought to carry with you through today . . .

Sometimes I need only to stand
wherever I am to be blessed.
~Mary Oliver

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Cooking in The English Kitchen today  . . .  Cabbage Soup with Cheese.   Delicious!

I hope your day and week ahead is filled with a multitude of small and wonderful things. don't forget!!

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 And I surely do too!


  1. I hope that the extraction goes well and heals quickly.

    It is lovely to see the young people you are working with. It looks like a great time is being had by all.

    Happy birthday Todd! Have a wonderful day.

    I have had a busy day. Mum and I have been to the podiatrist and the washing has been done. The new machine has a huge capacity and the weeks clothing and towels took two loads.

    God bless.

  2. Thanks Suzan! Wow, that is a lot of Laundry! But then again, there are only two of us and we make a lot! God bless you! xoxo

  3. Good morning from a lovely sunny Box...hope it is same with you Happy Birthday dear Todd, hope Marie gives you some extra treats today xxxx. It's hard to believe that September is already on its way. Pam and I are getting ready for the off on Friday. When she comes over today she is going to do a lot of ironing for me....I hate ironing ....I'm lucky that Pam loves it LOL....have a great day.....both of you .....xxxxx

  4. Beautiful beautiful people..everyone!
    That Union Jack bow..and those tights..would like to wear both..could never get away with it..great pics and happy birthday to your Toddster!
    Thinking of you and your appt.

  5. I, too, am lucky Sybil as Todd does all our ironing. I have baked him a Maple and Walnut Cake and we are off to some friends for supper, so he will be very well fed and loved! I am excited for your holiday! Wondering where it is you are going now! xoxo

    THanks Monique! I love the bow and tights too, but like you, I could never ever get away with it! xoxo

  6. A Happy Birthday to TDD...Wishing You many more,OX
    Marie Thanks for just being You.oxox

  7. Thanks Cathy Jo! You are a dear sweet friend! Xoxo


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