
Saturday 15 August 2015

This and that . . .

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This is a photograph that my friend Julie took of me two years ago today!  Todd and I had travelled down to Gloucestershire to go to the Yeo Valley and Julie met us at the train station just to say hello.  That was such a kind thing for her to do really!  Anyways, she took this photograph to mark the occasion.  She reminded me about it on Facebook this morning and I was happy for the reminder!  It was such a fun day and it was so lovely to see her . . . the icing on top of the cake really!  It's hard to believe that it has been two years already!  Time DOES fly!

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What a day yesterday!  How Todd and I made it through the day without wanting to kill each other is a mystery to me.    We decided we were going to do our Missionary work in the afternoon/evening and so Todd decided he was going to hook the main computer back up again, after our having gotten it back from the Computer Doctor.  Well, it was a nightmare from the get go.   We ended up taking Windows 10 off of our computer and putting it back to Windows 8. NOT fun.  Then I had to download all of the programs again, because although PC World had saved all of my files, they weren't able to download the programs I needed to open any of them.  This sounds a lot easier than it is actually.

The first one we re-installed was Norton, because you need protection if you are going to download anything at all.  Well, it kept telling us that we didn't have the proper key, etc.  We did eventually get it to work, but not without a bit of hair pulling.  Adobe reader wouldn't let me download it at all, but magically this morning it is there.  ???

It took hours and hours and hours.  We did not get any missionary work done.  By the time we had finished Todd had a headache and we were both just mentally exhausted.  We will do better today.

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All of the Missionaries from our Zone are doing a Street Display in Chester today from 11 am til 4 pm.   Todd and I will be there as well.   We will have several displays set up.  One on Family history and the other on the plan of salvation.  This is a great opportunity to meet people and tell them a little bit about what we are about.   It looks like it is going to be a sunny day also!  I admit, it will take some courage on my part.  I can do it though.  And I won't be alone.  There will be twelve of us all together.  Two Senior Sister Missionaries (Myself and Sister Johansen), Two Senior Elders (Todd and Brother Johansen), four young Sister Missionaries, and four young elders.

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(Sister Gregson and Sister Walker )

Thinking about this activity reminds me of one day a while back when Todd and I were in Chester.   There were some Buddhist Monks set up outside the town hall.  There was a huge crowd gathered around them, and I mean HUGE.  It was amazing.  You could not understand anything the monks were chanting.  They could have been singing . . . "I had a hot dog for lunch yesterday and I think I'll have a burger today."  for all we knew.  And yet . . .  people were mesmerized by them.  Literally mesmerized.   A Christian group could have been there doing something similar and nobody would have paid attention in the least.   We humans are wierd creatures indeed.

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I hope she doesn't mind me telling you, but my friend Tatiana's father was taken to hospital on Thursday with what they thought might be a heart attack.  They have kept him in and I was wondering if you could say a few prayers on their behalf.  I firmly believe in the power of prayer and this is a really difficult time for them all so I just know prayers will help.  Thank you so very much!

Sometimes just knowing that people are praying for you can make all the difference in the world.

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This was the first year in my whole lifetime of birthdays that I did not receive a card from my mother.   She did call me however, which was very nice.  She always does.  She said that she had not been able to get to the Post Office to mail out my card, but that she had it there all ready to go.  I didn't get one from my Sister either, which is a first also.  My mother didn't seem quite herself when I was speaking to her.  Something just seemed not quite right.   I was really fighting the temptation to call her yesterday to see if all was okay.  I will be calling her tomorrow, so I wil probably wait until then.  But it was just a feeling I had that all was not well.  It could be and probably is just my imagination working overtime.  It does that a lot.   I am a sorry wart.  Always have been and probably always will be.  That is just me.

I expect I have bored you for long enough now so I will end this with an inspiring thought and wishes for a happy Saturday!

Don't lose hope.
When the sun goes down,
the stars come out.

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Baking in The English Kitchen today,  Pumpkin Carmel Croissants.  So delicious!

Have a fabulous Saturday.  Hope the sun shines down on you wherever you are!  Don't forget!

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And I do too!


  1. Good morning Marie,

    I am late today as we visited dad late etc. I have had to deal with chanting etc and workout a place for it because my brother died calling himself a hare krisna Christain. It still boggles the brain and is a source of pain. William used to work in a place where monks came to chant. He liked it because it was an empty stone buildling and he enjoyed the early morning work of setting bread and pre serivce prep with them there.

    Anyway I wish you well for the day. You never know a flash mob might happen! Then you could tick it off. Why not start one?

    God bless.

  2. Computers can be very vexing and take a lot of patience. They are wonderful when everything is working though. It always takes me awhile to get used to new updates. I will be praying for your friends father. Hope your day a good one !

  3. Hi Marie, hope today turns out to be a lot better than yesterday! I know that feeling when you sense something is wrong put you can't put your finger on it, it can be really unsettling. Hoping the sun shines on you in Chester today! Lots of love xxx

  4. Hi Suzan Glad you got to have sometime visiting your dad. We spoke to a Hare Krisna fella today. He wasn't really interested in anything we had to share. He was more or less trying to spin our wheels. That's okay. To each their own! I have a problem with chanting the same thing over and over again, I think it can create a type of mass hysteria kind of thing. We did enjoy the day however. God bless you too! xoxo

    There is nothing more vexing than a computer Pam! I have decided. I am glad I am not the only one who feels this way! xoxo

    Thanks Kate. It was sunny, but there was a cool wind blowing. It was a good day nevertheless. I enjoyed it very much! xoxo

  5. I love that photo of you:) Happy happy happy happy.

    We hate Norton.

    We use Microsoft DefenderWindows Defender..

    I have never had a virus or a problem..when we had Norton everything was a problem..yrs ago I brought my Windows XP to my fave repair man.. he said forget about all that..use Microsoft Essentials(That was with XP)..

    So since the new Windows..Defender..

    we also run Spybot and C Cleaner..that's it!

    Hope this helps.. get rid of our humble takes control..

    I am sorry you did not get the cards..
    I am so funny that way..

    I have an Asus Laptop w/ 10..and a HP Incline w/10

    Memory 4 gigabytes and 6..memory..that's Jacques talking;)

  6. We will not be renewing our
    Norton when the time comes Monique. My son says Bit Defender. Spy to and C Cleaner, I will have to look those up! Xoxo

  7. Windows defender is great and you can remove Norton now


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