
Sunday 2 August 2015

Sunday Morning in Blacon . . . .

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Sunday morning in blacon and as you can see it's very overcast and the sky looks as if it is ready to open at any moment.    Quite different from a week ago.  The thermometer says it's 12*C, but it feels quite different to me.  It's actually quite chilly, at least that's what it feels like to me!

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A Bumble Bee on the lavender.  Once again, this year I haven't gotten any picked.  Sigh . . .  I keep saying I am going to do it, and then I don't and then it's too late . . .

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The stamens (Or whatever they are called) in the centre of the hydrangea all opened up.   Can you believe I never noticed this before?   I have had hydrangea for years and this is the first time I noticed they looked like stars, or even little flowers all in their own right!


I've done a new page on the Cooking Blog.  It's called Couldn't Live Without, and is all about the things/tools I use all the time in my kitchen and which I couldn't/wouldn't want to ever be without.  The creme de la creme so to speak.  It's not finished yet, but it's a start.

And I have also done a page on my printable recipes on what I consider to be essentials in my larder.  I know  . . .  I just like to stay busy.  Seriously though with these things in the kitchen I can always have a meal ready at the drop of a hat.

They are having a big reunion back home this weekend for all the kids/now grown up that used to hang around the Community Centre at Greenwood, the Canadian AF Base I spent my teen years at.   It's the second one they have had and they say it will be the last.  They are calling it Greenwoodstock 2015.  The last one was two years ago I think.  I missed that one and I am missing this one.   I am torn in my feelings about that.   One . . . a part of me kind of wishes that I could be there . . . two . . .  the photos that are being put on the FB page of everyone just make me feel kind of sad.  Everyone looks so old, which means I must look old too.   Three  . . .  my best friends, the ones I hung around with . . .  I am either divorced from or they are dead.

So I have concluded that it's probably a very good thing that I have not gone.  ☺

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Watching the last episode on Call the Midwife Season Three the other night the old Jenny closed with the following statement and I had to write it down . . .

"What is joy if it is not recorded . . . 
              What is love if it is not shared  . . . "

So true and that is what I try to do here on my page . . .  record my joy and share my love.  I hope you feel it when I do.

My Testimony to begin the month on . . .

I cannot remember a time when I was not aware that I had a Heavenly Father and that Jesus Christ was real, or a time when I did not love them.  I may not always have known that I was important enough to them that they actually care for little old me, but I DO know this now with assurity of heart.  This knowledge manifests itself in my life in countless miraculous little ways that some would call co-incidence, but which I know are something else completely.  My Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love me, unfailingly and without reserve . . .  dependant not on anything I do or don't do, but solely on their goodness and with Grace.   Grace . . . it's the power that helps to get you through the tunnel and safely to the other side.  I am grateful for that.

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Cooking in The English Kitchen today . . .  Amazing Branana Chocolate Chip Muffins.  No eggs.  Incredibly moist.  Filled with healthy oat bran (and chocolate chips) and with only 1 TBS of butter in the whole recipe, very low in fat.  Oh, yes . . .  delicious too.

Have a wonderful Sunday  . . .  don't forget . . .

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 And I do too!


  1. Good morning Marie. I pray that your Sunday is filled with joy. I am sorry that it feels cold already. Again we have had an unseasonably hot day. God bless.

  2. I especially like that quote from the Midwives. I'm looking forward to seeing them here. We always get it after you have it there. Like you I try to record what happens in my life. Hope you have a blessed Sunday !

  3. Isn't it amazing seeing pics of people we knew..and how we have changed?
    While we were busy not getting any were they;)

    Your hydrangeas are beautiful..I don't have that pretty pink kind of frilly one..
    I could go for one of your muffins right now..
    So Mylène's party was here yesterday..all day pretty..chance of thunderstorms..they arrive 4.30- 4.45..croquet set up for Littles..table for Littles..I did keep the dishes and things inside just in case..well of course because i was entertainting..the skies opened up at about 5.30..
    so the 12 of us started migrating indoors..
    Lovely evening ..system restore this morning..

    Going to click on your link;)

  4. Thank you Suzan! I hear our next week is going to get a lot warmer and humid! I don't mind the warmth but hate the humidity! Xoxo

    I love your posts Pam! I know I am not alone! Xoxo

    So sorry rain interrupted your celebrationsMonique! I am sure all was pretty wonderful irregardless!! Will look forward to some photos of the festivities! ( not to mention the goodies!) xoxo


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