
Monday 17 August 2015

Small and wonderful things . . .

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"The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny?...It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. what you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard

A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life. It's the small things in life which truly mean the most. Simple abundance . . . it's the best.

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I would never have thought that turning 60 would bring me so much joy, but it did.  My cup overflowed in  so very many ways.

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(source Tell Love and Chocolate)

All of my friends here in the Chester area getting together and helping me to celebrate the day before my birthday really made me smile.  It was really nice to be together and to be able to chat and laugh and share some good food.   (If you click on that source up there it will take you to a tutorial on how to make cute pompom party hats.)  It made me feel really loved to know that people wanted to go out of their way to help me celebrate this milestone.

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One of my friends cross-stitched me a sampler which brought tears to my eyes.  I could not believe that anyone would do such a thing for me for one thing, and the words on it touched my heart in a special way.  I could not believe that anyone would think such wonderful things about me, and yet at the same time I was so very grateful that someone did.  I know that many hours of work went into the creation of this and I appreciate it so very much.  I am so very blessed. ☺

Another friend from afar created a pair of Temple Socks for me, something which I can wear in the temple when I am there and as she said in her note, a little piece of her heart that I can take with me into the Temple when I go.  Again, my heart was touched beyond measure.

Then there were the cards I received, and other gifts . . .  FB Happy Birthday's, all of your beautiful wishes on here.   A loving husband who also went out of his way to make me feel special. I heard from four out of my five children.  So very pleased about that.  Just so much to be grateful for.  My cup truly ran-neth over.  I think turning 60 was the best Birthday ever!

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Being able to do this with my best friend.   It is hard to believe that over two month have passed already since we began serving our Mission.  My life has been blessed in countless ways since then, and continues to be blessed.   I think we were beginning to turn into couch potatoes.  Life has gotten very exciting and rewarding.   I love working with the young Missionaries and getting to know them better.   Developing a deeper understanding of exactly what it is that they do and a deeper appreciation for it.   I really loved doing the Street Display in Chester with them last Saturday, and we get to do it all again this Friday!  We've also been visiting a really awesome lady on Sunday evenings.  She is so dear to us.  I love talking and sharing with her.  She is becoming a friend, and I hope that she always will be.

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I have always enjoyed meeting other people, even though I am really shy at heart.   I am really learning to LOVE other people and see them through the eyes of the Saviour.   It is not that I did not love other people before, because I did.   It's a change in my heart which is really difficult to explain.  I don't have the words for it.  Selfless?   No,  that doesn't begin to do this feeling which I am developing for others justice.   I just can't explain it.  We humans are all just such special creatures.  We  ARE the amazing children of an amazing  God.   It's like I am truly now beginning to see the Divinity residing in each of God's children.  A divinity which intellectually I have always known is there, but which I can now see and embrace.  Does that make sense?   Although I have always tried very hard not to be a judgemental person,  I know that I have been from time to time.  I am not perfect.  The scales of judgement are falling from my eyes.  It is a change for the better.  I am so grateful for that.

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We are not bodies having a spiritual experience.  We are all spirits having a human experience.   There is worth in every soul . . .  and I am beginning to have a deeper realization of this truth.

You know I really do appreciate your letting me work these things out in my mind and heart each day of each week.   I really do appreciate that you come back day after day and bless my life with your presence and your comments.   I am so grateful for the sharing that we do, for your listening ears and your caring hearts.  Your friendship, and the blessings that has brought into my life.  You are all real to me.  You all matter to me.  I don't know what else to say but thank you . . .  each of you . . .  for being who you are and for touching my life in the ways that you do.

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If I had a flower for all of the ways you have each touched my heart, my bouquet would go on forever and ever.   You bless me.  I am grateful for that.  Our souls have touched.

Baking in The English Kitchen today  . . .  Simple Jam Jams.

I hope your day and week ahead is filled with a multitude of small and wonderful things.  don't forget!!

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And I surely do too!


  1. Good morning Marie,

    I loved today's post. I especailly love that someone made you a sampler and those special socks. Our postage has gone beyond expensive. It hurts to send the simplest of things. I have joined the buy and send over the internet person. Enjoy your week.


  2. With a few exceptions, I belong to that club also Suzan! I hope today has been a better day for you. ☺ xoxo

  3. What a sweet post..

    Marie that sampler is a treasure!!♥
    Darling darling darling!
    I knew you would embrace 60;)

    Now if that slow boat from China could get there I could take my worry hat off..or my middle name "what if" out of the equation.

  4. Thanks Monique! You and I have the same middle name! How exciting! I have faith that it will arrive soon and it will be all the sweeter for the wait! Xoxo

  5. I believe that Small and wonderful things happen to each of us every day if we take the time to look and to be thankful for them . So glad you had such a wonderful birthday ! Hope the week ahead is a wonderful one for you too!


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!