
Wednesday 12 August 2015

If wishes were horses . . .

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Well, this is it folks . . .  my very last day ever as a fifty something year old.  Whatever am I going to do with it?  How will I spend it?

This bears thinking about because I won't ever be fifty something anything ever again!  If money, time and space were no object, this is some of the things I might do . . .  hang onto your hats and fasten your seatbelts because it might get a bit bumpy along the way! ☺

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Oh to ride in a hot air balloon, high up in the sky . . .  floating over a panoramic landscape with birds flying along side of us at eye level.   The earth would look like one huge patchwork quilt . . . each square a testimony to the handiwork of God.  The only sound being the occasional punctuation of the roar of the gas fire keeping us afloat . . . and my sighs as I enjoy the unfolding scenery below.

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As soon as we get near the Eiffel Tower I am going to hop off . . .  they have anticipated my arrival and set off a ton of pink balloons in celebration of my short stay there  . . .  just so that I will never forget it, and of course so that everyone near the Eiffel Tower will know that someone special is there . . .  one pink balloon for each day of my life thus far . . .  that is only 20,719 pink balloons.  I hope they don't have a difficult time finding that many and that they have lots of air in their lungs to blow them all up!  What do you think??

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I've always wanted to be a part of a flashmob and why not today?  Why not indeed!!  What a great feeling to be a part of something huge like that . . .  to be able to mesmerise passers-by and to end up a You Tube Sensation!  Wowsa!  Of course the music would be inspiring, as would the dance!  And everyone in the flash mob would be 59!

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Then I think I'll go and have a Pinup Style Photo taken of myself  . . .  they can make anyone, any size look voluptuously beautiful.  And why not?

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We're still in Paris, so it's croissants all around!  I'll have a nice big flakey almond one . . . stuffed with a gooey almond filling and scattered all over with toasted flaked almonds.  The glamour shot is done now so I may even have two! tee hee!

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After that I think I will just run through a field of sunflowers . . .  with no bees in it because that would just be scary . . .having just eaten two croissants, I kinda need the exercise.  Can I run in slow motion?  It's more romantic.

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Anyone up for a bit of sky diving?   I think I would feel a lot safer tied to someone who does it all the time and who looks a bit like Sam Elliot . . .  and who sounds like him too . . .  that way I will forget all about screaming and just listen to him talk . . . and talk  . . .  and talk . . .

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Oh look!!  We've landed in Italy!!  Time for Spaghetti!  You can't be in Italy and not have some tasty Italian Spaghetti!  With lotsa basil and grated Parmesan please!

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Washed down with a nice fat cannoli if you please.   Extra cream.

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Whew . . .  time for some exercise  . . .  Paint balling anyone???

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Or maybe you'd like to learn how to belly dance?   How ever will I choose???

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Maybe I'll just go build myself a bear while I make up my mind  . . .

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Oh look . . .  it's started to rain and Sam Elliot is still here.   Mmmm . . .  Sam in a wet t-shirt, and that voice singing sweet nothings into my ear . . .

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I better go kiss a dolphin or two . . . or three, before I get myself into trouble!

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 And then perhaps some dinner?  Will this do?   I'll have the filet steak with some mushrooms on the side, a salad with blue cheese dressing and a crispy baked potato!  ahem  . . . don't forget the chocolate cake.

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Let's listen to the Whales sing while we are eating our chocolate cake.  Coz, you know you are right there with me . . .  how could I ever go on such an adventure and not take my best friends along?  I mean  . . .  who is going to keep me from getting a tattoo or dying my hair purple?   I need someone with a sense of reason with me.

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Shall we see what's playing at the drive in??  Something good I hope, and  . . .  french fries and hotdogs at half time are a must.  Nothing tastes better than french fries and hot dogs at the drive in.  I kid you not!  *burp*  Excu-oo-oo-uuuuuuuuse me!

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I'm feeling a bit tired now after all the things I've gotten up to all day, but the fun doesn't have to end yet . . .  I have always wanted to sleep in a blanket fort, complete with fairy lights, ghost stories, popcorn and pillow fights.  I promise not to keep you up all night.  Cross my heart . . .

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And guess what????  When I wake up tomorrow morning  . . .  all sixty years of me . . .  I will have magically reached my goal weight.

ahhh . . .  if horses were wishes eh?

Instead this is what I am doing on my last day as a fifty something year old  . . .

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Yep, I'm going to the Dentist . . .  which reminds me, I better get off here!

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Cooking in The English Kitchen today  . . .  Campfire Potatoes.  Soooo good and no dishes to wash afterwards!

Have a wonderful Wednesday!  Don't forget!

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And I do too!


  1. Enjoy your day. Alas your present shall be late

    Now may I join you in your ultimate joy ride. I have patted a dolphin, kissed a seal and slept under an aquarium tunnel. I do not advise sleeping under a tunnel. The kids you are escorting will take forever to fall asleep and if you are asthmatic you shall truly suffer. But I would love to do most of the things you have written about.

    If wishes were horses my house would be stuffed with horses. Pip loves then so very much and still asks. I guess I chose an apt name as Philippa means lover of horses.

    God bless your day my sweet.

  2. No worries Suzan, I expected nothing so anything anytime will be a real treat! I cannot imagine sleeping in a tunnel with a bunch of kids. Kids like to stay up all night! So I can't think that I would enjoy sleeping anywhere with a bunch of kids, well not if I actually wanted to sleep that is! In any case it is fun to imagine! I love that Philippa means lover of horses! How very apt! God bless you also. xoxo

  3. Happy today, and a wonderful tomorrow too, Marie. Your sixties! How exciting! :) And I like your list but think you could also make an incredible "Cool Things I've Already Done/Achieved/Enjoyed" list too. :) ♥

  4. Every day is a day to celebrate for sure. Going to the dentist is definitely not a favorite thing for me. Hopefully you'll find a way to enjoy your day. Happy early birthday! Have a wonderful Wednesday !

  5. I am two plus years a head of you..our lists are different!
    First..I don't have a list;)
    My daughter and family went to a hot air ballon festival..this weekend..great pics of one went up though..$250.00 per person!
    She has been to Paris..eaten a croissant there..
    I did your Italy..part of it.
    Give me a life with never the need of a dentist.
    No crowds for belly skydiving..
    Don't ever lose your sense of adventure..
    That field of sunflowers..or lavender..YES!
    Enjoy 59.
    60 is no different.

  6. Monique, I have eaten an almond croissante in France and a macaron too! Also a Canelle. Scrumptious. Italy is on my bucket list. Bad news at the dentist. I have two cavities, in oddly the same tooth on each bottom back side of my mouth. One needs to be extracted as she says it is too near the root, the other can be filled. sigh . . .

    Pam, I have had a great day so far, despite the Dentist. I'll tell all tomorrow! xoxo


  7. Love the post,,,Thanks taking me along, Have A Happy Birthday,oxoxox

  8. Dearest Marie, It will be your birthday by the time you wake up and read this. Happy, Happy 60th Birthday to you!!! Wow! You lived through many a good thing and many a trial too! That takes courage and you endured it all! Hooray!!!!! Today you must think of all the happy memories you experienced that brought you joy and what brings joy now!

    I loved reading what your perfect birthday would look like! It made me smile and I laughed at the paint ball activity. You deserve to have such a wonderful time. Also, even though I know you would have Todd beside you in that perfect day (Padded with an abundance of money.), I couldn't help but think how fun it would be if you and I took that trip. We would have a great time but I would be the one that would stop you from getting tattooed. Haaa! What fun that would be!

    Have a wonderful 60th birthday Marie!

    Love and hugs and many blessings to you! xoxo

  9. I think I should do a cool things I've already done list as well Val! thanks for the great idea! oxox

    Oh Valerie, in truth I could probably not bring myself to do even half of those things, but I liketo think that I might! tee hee! You would be the perfect partner in crime! Yes, padded with lots of money! Oh how perfectly fabulous that would be! Thanks for all your wishes. xoxoxo

  10. Happy birthday! I loved your fantasy day. Age is just a number, you are young at heart x

  11. Thanks CG, you are right, age IS just a number! xo

  12. No going to the Dentist is not the thing to do for the last of your 50's. I loved your list and I am afraid that a Hot air balloon ride and sky diving would not be a choice for me no matter who is with me.
    You did come up with some fun ones and I am smiling big time after reading them all.
    Thanks for the smiles, the list of fun and just sending lots of love and hugs your way!

  13. I know LeAnn! AND I had two cavities. One can be filled the other means an extraction!! :-(


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